Enlightening Entertainment
Afghan Kids Sing and Play - A Children’s Show (In Dari)      
Today’s Enlightening Entertainment will be presented in Dari, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

Hallo, hallo Aapa ju! Hallo, hallo Aata ju!
Aata ju is my cherished father
Aapa ju is my cherished mother
Hallo, hallo Aapa ju! Hallo, hallo Aata ju!

Welcome, beautiful viewers to Enlightening Entertainment! Right now we’re enjoying a children’s song from Afghanistan. Let’s listen some more, shall we?

I love my grandfather I love my grandmother
When my grandfather goes to the bazaar he takes me with him.
Hallo, hallo grandfather! Hallo, hallo grandmother!
I love my cherished sister I love my cherished brother
Every day, my brother takes me to school with him.
Hallo, hallo Aapa ju! Hallo, hallo Aata ju!

Afghan children love to sing and have fun. The song we just listened to came from a collection created by a lady from the United States named Ms. Louise Pascale with the help of talented musicians – and of course, the Afghan kids who sing the songs!

The song book and CD are called “Qu Qu Qu Barg – e- Chinaar” (Mulberry Tree Leaf). Boys and girls in Afghanistan sing, like we’ve just heard, about their moms and dads, grandparents and siblings. They sing about their favorite things like rivers, mountains, stars, and flowers. Oh, and they love to sing about their cute animal friends!

Now, before we listen to another song, let’s enjoy a performance by our friends in Afghanistan. These young performers are from the organization, the Mobile Mini Circus for Children. They train very hard to sing, act, make people laugh, and they even know how to juggle. Our friends in Afghanistan have put on a show. Let’s watch it together!

One, two, three… One, two, three… One, two, three… One, two, three…

Wow! What amazing talent! Do you know how to juggle like they do? It doesn’t look easy, but maybe if we learned and practiced, we would be able to juggle too. No matter what we want to learn, as they say, practice makes perfect! Do you remember to brush your teeth, every morning and night? Maybe even after every meal? Our next performance is a comedy that gives a valuable reminder about this important topic.

Dil Agha! Oh Dil Agha!

What you want?!

Come let’s go! Wow! What a big sweet! You’re my brother… please!

Leave me alone!

Ow! You hurt me!

No problem. It’s okay.

You’re my brother, please!

Greedy boy! Leave me alone!

You’re my brother, please! Just a little, please!

Okay! One bite! No more! I said only a little! It’s my chocolate!

Ow! My tooth hurts…

Give me my chocolate! It’s mine! Give me!

Dil Agha! Good appetite! It was delicious! Give me a little more!

Go away! You ate all my chocolate!

Dil Agha, I’m going to brush my teeth before school! I don’t want to be late or have toothache.

I’ve been eating sweets for years and never had toothache. I won’t now!

I’m off.

Ow! My poor tooth hurts! Ow! Oww! My poor teeth. It’s all your fault! No no no! I love you!

Dil Agha! Dil Agha! Are you home?

What you want?

You’re not ready for school yet! Let’s go! It’s late!

My tooth hurts! I’m going nowhere!

It’s this big chocolate that gave you a toothache. Yeah!

Give the chocolate.

No! I won’t give it!

See, he won’t give it! Which tooth hurts?

What are you doing?!

His mouth smells terrible! Our teacher always says brush your teeth. He never listens! Me too!

Another thing our teacher said: One day… a toothbrush giant will come and get him! And brush all his teeth! A toothbrush has no legs to get me!

You won’t listen! We’re off!

I will sleep to make my tooth better… Oh! Ow! My tooth hurts! It was the chocolate! Who are you?!

We’re the Toothbrush Giant!

We’ve come to brush your teeth!

Stop! Please!

Now his turn!

Let me sleep! Let me sleep!

We’re the Toothbrush Giant! We’ve come to brush your teeth!

Well, it looks like the older brother learned his lesson. We must brush our teeth so we won’t have a toothache! Next time, hopefully he’ll remember. And hopefully, he’ll also remember to be kind and share with others, too.

We will be back soon with more songs and performances from our fantastic friends in Afghanistan. So keep your dial tuned here to Supreme Master Television.

Baba Baba!


Did you braid the chains?


Did you throw them behind the castle?


Shall I go the Dhol way, or the Surnai way?

Go the Surnai way

Su, Su, Sur, Sur

Su, Su, Sur, Sur

Welcome back to Enlightening Entertainment. Next in our show, we’re going to see a girl magician make another magician vanish before our eyes! Let’s see if we can figure out how she did it. But we have to pay close attention! It’s another creative performance by our friends at the Mobile Mini Circus for Children in Afghanistan. Let’s watch it together.

Okay friends! In this part of our program, we have a magician show. Give a round of applause! Wow, you the magician!

What? Magician?

Yeah! The magician! Give a round of applause! Antarr… mantarr… the magician!

Friends! Give a round of applause! You saw that I disappeared the great magician. But I’ll find the great magician back. You tell me, would I be able to do this or not?


No? Why not? I can find the great magician back.

No, you can’t.

Because I’m a student of the great magician. Is your work finished? These bodyguards are too sluggish, nothing is expected of them. Hurry up!

Now it is your turn to tell me in which part the great magician is hidden?

In this… in this…

In this one?


Now let's see whether the great Magician is inside or not? Oh! The great magician was not here. Then which one it is?

In that one!

In this one? Or that?

In that…

The great magician was not here as well. I think he might be in this one. Let’s have a look.

The great magician wasn’t here either… I wonder where the great magician has gone? You were not able to find out where the great magician is. Now it is my turn to discover the great magician. Antarrr… Mantarr… the magician! Where are you Let's all give a clap. You saw that the great magician was found back.

See, you all were saying that I would not be able to discover the great magician but you saw that I was able To find the great magician. One more round of applause!

Wow! Did you see that magic trick? That was pretty clever of our magician friend. Are we ready for another song? “Ali Baba” is a song composed by the famed Afghan musician Ustad Ghulam Hussein. The lyrics actually come from children’s literature from long long ago. In the song, we’re going to hear the different sounds that our animal friends make. Do you know what the lamb says?

Yes, you’re correct. He says, “Bah, bah, bah.” What does the cat say?

The cat says, “Meow, meow.” Do you know what the rabbit says? Hmm… I’m not sure. Maybe we’ll find out in this song!

Ali Baba goes to the garden In this garden, he has a lamb “Bah, bah, bah” – says the lamb
Tell me now, what else does he have?
Ali Baba goes to the garden In this garden, he has a cat “Meow meow meow” – says the cat
Tell me now, what else does he have?
Ali Baba goes to the garden In this garden, he has a doggy “Ghow, ghow, ghow” – says the dog
Tell me now, what else does he have?
Ali Baba goes to the garden In this garden, he has a duck “Qekh, Qekh, Qekh” – says the duck
Tell me now, what else does he have?
Ali Baba goes to the garden In this garden, he has a rabbit “Mm, mm, mm” – says the rabbit
Because he doesn’t have a voice.
Ali Baba goes to the garden In this garden, he has a lamb “Bah, bah, bah” – says the lamb
Tell me now, what else does he have?
Ali Baba goes to the garden In this garden, he has a cat “Meow, meow, meow” – says the cat
Tell me now, what else does he have?

It’s almost time to say good-bye! We shall conclude our show today with one last song.

“Bread Story” is a traditional children’s chant.

I ran and ran Until I reached the mountaintop.
I saw two ladies. One gave me water. One gave me bread.
I ate the bread myself. I gave the water to the earth.
The earth gave me wheat. I gave the wheat to the mill.
The mill gave me flour. I gave the flour to the dough maker.
The dough maker gave me dough. I gave the dough to the baker.
The baker gave me bread. I gave the bread to the Mullah (religious teacher).
The Mullah gave me the Book (The Qu’ran). I read his Book. God gave me faith.

What a fun time we had today!

Thank you, everyone, for your nice company today on Enlightening Entertainment. Up next is Words of Wisdom, after Noteworthy News. May we always remember to put a smile on our face and in our heart. See you next time!

As the holy month begins, Muslim families joyfully come together to pray, read the Qur’an, and do good deeds in remembrance of Allah.

We as Muslims, we always welcome the coming of Ramadan.

Because the best month for God, to Whom be ascribed all perfection and majesty, is the month of holy Ramadan.

Join us for our program with special comments from Supreme Master Ching Hai on the origin of Ramadan traditions.

In such a big gathering, they have to hide. So only eat at night. At night is safer, and all day they can meditate or listen to discourses in quietness.

Watch “Ramadan – A Time for Spiritual and Moral Renewal,” Wednesday, August 11, on Supreme Master Television’s Enlightening Entertainment.

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