A Journey through Aesthetic Realms
Traditional Folk Music from Central Âu Lạc      
Today’s A Journey through Aesthetic Realms will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is a nation with a long-standing traditional culture. Aulacese musical heritage is bountiful; since ancient times, many soul-stirring musical instruments have been created with diverse sounds like those of the copper drum, gong, lithophone, bamboo xylophone, cymbals, and panpipe.

In 2003, Elegant Music, a style of Huế royal court music, was recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as an intangible cultural heritage of the world. Âu Lạc’s music represents the unique features of each region, for example, Quan Họ folksongs in the north, Huế tunes in the central, and modern folk opera in the south.

In addition, there are many other forms of music, including hò, lý, ceremonial songs, Aulacese classical theatre, chèo traditional opera, hồ quảng opera, and so on. Indeed, the essence of music is imbued in the hearts of people in this beautiful country, and has been cultivated until this day.

In Aulacese (Vietnamese) traditional folk music, lý is a singing genre that is mostly based on folk poetry in the form of six-eight couplets. The rhythm varies between fast and slow in a recital style, so lý singing genre has hundreds of different tunes. Through simple lyrics, lý songs often describe images and feelings as experienced in life.

Enhanced by tender melodies, lý is very accessible and therefore quite popular. We now invite you to listen to a song of the lý genre entitled “For the One Who Stayed Behind,” composed and performed by Supreme Master Ching Hai. “For the One Who Stayed Behind” is adapted from a poem written by Supreme Master Ching Hai in Munich, Germany during her younger years, at a time when she was about to forsake her happy marriage in search of Truth.

The bond between husband and wife is the deepest in terms of human emotions; there is thus no separation without agony. This was particularly true for the spouse whom she wholeheartedly loved and respected. For the happiness of all beings and due to her immense love, the Buddha’s heart had chosen the noble path of sacrifice, but the human heart had its own poignance and anguish. The first time she sang this song and revisited past feelings, she was profoundly moved.

A Buddha does not become wood or stone; on the contrary, she still retains the emotions that everyone experiences, to recognize and understand in-depth all human anxieties and suffering. With Supreme Master Ching Hai’s precious permission, we will present an excerpt of the song entitled “For the One Who Stayed Behind,” sung by the author herself during the first recording, when she was filled with emotion. This will be followed by the song in its entirety, her second recording of this song. Let us listen together.

Please lift your heart out of the blue web So my mind will also be lightened be lightened when we are apart when we are apart.

Praised be the Buddha whose light guides my way, And protects you in your lonely days in your lonely days.

When you come home, There will be only grass and flower Greeting your footsteps! The garden sheds her evening dews, The house bows weighed in loneliness, Murmuring farewell!

Even if my heart was made of stone And my feeling of brass, They would be softened and melt softened and melt Thinking of the pain I've left you! the pain I've left you!

Why were we born in this world of woe For you to pine, for me to taste sorrow!? for me to taste sorrow!?

Since which era have we pledged our faithful vows, Thus bind ourselves bind ourselves in matrimony now? in matrimony now?

Please lift your heart out of the blue web So my mind will also be lightened be lightened when we are apart when we are apart.

Praised be the Buddha whose light guides my way, And protects you And protects you in your lonely days in your lonely days.

One day, I'll be enlightened and bring illumination to the world, We will be together We will be together for eternity... for eternity...

You’ve just enjoyed the lý song “For the One Who Stayed Behind,” written and performed by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

We thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for the special permission to share this priceless and moving song on A Journey through Aesthetic Realms. The sacrifice and limitless love of a Master since your days of youth cannot be comprehended fully by the people in this world.

Despite that, year after year, you have continued to grace all beings silently, patiently and unconditionally. We are grateful to you for always being a shining example to encourage all that is noble, beautiful and elevating, like the verses of poetry, the sound of music and the emotions that are expressed from the human heart exquisitely created by the Divine.

Your Majesty, everyone is preparing to celebrate your birthday.

Birthday... I’m so occupied that I forgot about it completely.

Your Majesty, Central people submitted a request to organize an entertainment program for your birthday this year.

All right. It’s accepted.

We’re grateful to Your Majesty.

So, have you prepared the birthday’s entertainment program yet?

The program was presented to His Majesty already, but now the singer refuses to sing. That’s the trouble!

How come?

The weather lately changes erratically, the singer caught a cold and lost her voice.

What? There’s a substitute? What? Fat singer? Fine then! As long as she can sing!

What? The two dancers, their houses are submerged by the flood? They can’t go?

What? You have substitutes already? One has protruding upper teeth? One has protruding lower teeth? However their teeth protrude is fine! Just go quickly!

Your Majesty, your people are honored to present an entertainment program for your birthday, starting with a song in Huế singing style, entitled “The Bodhisattva’s Lotus.”

The magnanimous and compassionate heart of the enlightened results in a vow to return to this world for the salvation of human beings, to help them extricate from ubiquitous disasters and transcend the shore of ignorance to journey on the great Path of Light. To fulfill this blessed vow, the Master or Bodhisattva (Saint) must manifest on Earth and live among the people, enduring much bitterness, criticism and even slander. But a heart of mercy is boundless; the immeasurable kindness is a torch in dark nights, lighting the way for humanity.

The Bodhisattva’s life is filled with hardship The Bodhisattva’s life is filled with hardship Sentient beings are hard to save, their minds difficult to gauge! their minds difficult to gauge! Incarnate into the ephemeral Earth Incarnate into the ephemeral Earth Borrowing a temporary body to help the world. Borrowing a temporary body to help the world.

We now invite you to enjoy a song suite in Huế singing style, entitled “The Bodhisattva’s Lotus.” This song was adapted from the poems “The Bodhisattva’s Lotus” and “Renunciation,” written by Supreme Master Ching Hai under the pen name Wu Tzu, with vocals by Phong Thủy and accompanying dance by our Association members.

“In a pond, nothing is more beautiful than a lotus nothing is more beautiful than a lotus Green leaves, white petals, Green leaves, white petals, with yellow pistils Yellow pistils, white petals, Yellow pistils, white petals, and green leaves Grown in the mud but reek not of it.” Grown in the mud but reek not of it.”

The Bodhisattva’s life is filled with hardship The Bodhisattva’s life is filled with hardship Sentient beings are hard to save, their minds difficult to gauge! their minds difficult to gauge! Incarnate into the ephemeral Earth Incarnate into the ephemeral Earth Borrowing a temporary body to help the world. Borrowing a temporary body to help the world. While this suffering realm still overflows with tears While this suffering realm still overflows with tears The Saint’s heart cannot be free The Saint’s heart cannot be free and enjoy Nirvana!

For the SELF I sacrifice this self For the SELF I sacrifice this self For the SELF is one with all For the SELF is one with all who in the cosmos dwelt! Round and round in the realm of ignorance Round and round in the realm of ignorance Countless lifetimes, birth and death is of no importance! birth and death is of no importance!

The day I severed all ties to return to the Divine In sympathy the Earth vowed to protect In sympathy the Earth vowed to protect and the Heavens cried! My soul rejoiced in the Bodhi wisdom My soul rejoiced in the Bodhi wisdom Inviting Buddhas to witness from ten directions. Inviting Buddhas to witness from ten directions.

From now on, all desires are severed From now on, all desires are severed From now on, all desires are severed From now on, all desires are severed As young hair falls, Avichi disappeared! As young hair falls, Avichi disappeared!

The program will continue with a folk song from Bình Định, titled “Longing for the Beloved.” Please enjoy, Your Majesty.

While one left for the distant land, at home, his faithful beloved is longing for the day of reunion when family members are together again.

How happy I am! Our promise is now fulfilled. I welcome you back for our reunion Our days of longing is compensated. The song “Longing for the Beloved,” a folk tune from Bình Định, will be presented through vocal performance of and the accompanying dance by our Association members.

In the sky is blue cloud With white cloud in the middle And yellow cloud surrounding it. I’ve awaited you for many days What a tender bond we have! I’ve longed for you Yet there is no sight of you. At the distant land, know you not Your promise is remembered I am waiting for you. May I send a few words: Forget not kindness and affection. At the distant land, know you not Your promise is remembered I am waiting for you.

In the sky is blue cloud With white cloud in the middle And yellow cloud surrounding it. Oh, what a devoted love! Though we are far apart now Sky and sea cannot divide our hearts. I’ve always waited for you Upholding my vow of faithfulness. I’m wholeheartedly devoted to you I’m wholeheartedly devoted to you A faithful wife all my life I wait for you with a constant heart Upholding my vow of faithfulness. I’m wholeheartedly devoted to you I’m wholeheartedly devoted to you

In the sky is blue cloud With white cloud in the middle And yellow cloud surrounding it. Oh, what a beautiful love! How happy I am! Our promise is now fulfilled. I welcome you back for our reunion Our days of longing are compensated. I’m happy to see you I’m happy to see you For the rest of our lives Cherishing deep kindness and affection. Our days of longing are compensated. I’m happy to see you I’m happy to see you Cry no more, my child. O beloved child! Your father has returned now. Your father has returned now. Your father has returned now.

Where are the singers?

It storms! The road is blocked! Singers have been stuck in traffic since yesterday.

Why is there a storm all of a sudden?

Such is the weather lately... A storm drops by whenever it likes!

What to do now?

Next, we respectfully invite Your Majesty to enjoy a very interesting program, that is the folk song “The Rock-and-Roll Weather.”

What kind of weather would rock and roll? You didn’t read it wrong, did you?

As I understand, this song is about the weather that varies confusingly due to climate change.

I see. All right, you may begin.

Natural disasters are also a kind of reminder for humanity to learn to love all beings and adopt the noble vegan lifestyle so that all may enjoy peace and harmony. Following is a Quảng Nam folk song “The Rock-and-Roll Weather,” written in Ba Lý singing style, with lyrics and performance by our Association members. Please enjoy.

Listen to my singing

Nowadays there are many worries Listen to my singing There are many worries Storms threaten Disasters abound.

Nowadays, there is global warming Listen to my singing There is global warming Sun causes drought Rain brings flood.

In many a place, tempest rises Listen to my singing Tempest rises In places, the ground shakes and cracks Tsunami surges high

Listen to my singing

O High Heaven, help save humanity Listen to my singing Help save humanity Show people the way to a peaceful life.

Heaven’s advice: be kind and loving Listen to my singing Be kind and loving Love all beings Adopt a vegan diet for life.

Soon Earth will be fresh and green Listen to my singing The Earth is fresh and green Humans and animals live in harmony Peace reigns everywhere Humans and animals live in harmony Peace reigns everywhere

Be Veg, Go Green What kind of joke are you playing?

Your Majesty, please lessen your wrath to hear my explanation.


It’s all because of climate change. The weather is erratic, so the artists were unable to make it. As a last resort, I had to....

I understand now. The climate change due to global warming, I’ve thought about it a lot, yet haven’t found a perfect solution.

Your Majesty!

Go ahead!

Supreme Master Ching Hai has said that if everyone adopts the vegan diet, then global warming will stop right away!

I’ve understood the matter thoroughly. On this joyous occasion, I’ll announce this good news to everyone.

I hereby decree that from this day on, everyone is to adopt the vegan lifestyle, so that the weather will be in harmony, and people and all animals will co-exist in peace and happiness.

Long live His Majesty!

Thank you for watching today’s program introducing some traditional folk music genres from central Âu Lạc. Please tune in to Supreme Master Television for more Aulacese folk music in future broadcasts. Coming up next is Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living, after Noteworthy News. So long for now.

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