A Journey through Aesthetic Realms
Life Reflections: Mother Colette of the Sacred Heart Hermitage      
Today’s A Journey through Aesthetic Realms will be presented in Dutch, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Persian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

Greetings peaceful viewers. Today, we are visiting a peaceful hermitage in Hoepertingen, Belgium that belongs to a lady known as Mother Colette and her husband Mr. Pierre Brepoels. The Sacred Heart Hermitage welcomes people from all faiths and walks of life to come and meditate, communing with great Masters and saints of the past. We visited this sanctuary to ask Mother Colette and Mr. Brepoels to share about what leading a spiritual life means to them.

Sacred Heart Hermitage, and “hermitage” actually means safe, where you can be quiet and you really can go inside to see who you really are. Find God in yourself. It is just the heart that is so clean and pure, and that is the case for everyone, to re-evaluate again that you also are that Sacred Heart (yes) and that everyone is that Sacred Heart. Because the love is hidden there.

I am Pierre Brepoels and live together here with Mother at the hermitage, the Sacred Heart Hermitage, where we find ourselves in deep calmness.

Mother Colette is also known by her Sanskrit name, “Kiran,” given to her by the famous Guru Sri Muniraji, during her pilgrimage in the Himalayas.

I received the name “Kiran” from my teacher in India, Sri Muniraji, the master who continues the teaching of Sri Babaji from Haidakhan. And “Kiran” means the power and intensity of the sun, the first sunbeam which wakes everything in the morning, holds everything.

The name is fitting, because from her childhood years Mother Kiran was aware of the Divine Light.

I had very loving parents. I was not raised religiously. I did have a very free upbringing in the sense that they let me know what the church is all about. Until twelve years old, I still had to go to Mass. I have learned a lot there. I actually didn’t see or hear the rules of the church, but what was underneath. And then I thought it was worthwhile to go there.

Very early independent as well, asking questions which are not really asked at that age.

Mother Colette had a normal, happy childhood, but there was one thing unusual about her since infancy.

Our mom told me that I hardly ate anything until I was four years old. When I was born, if I was not picked up, I never asked for food, I did not cry and yet I was perfectly healthy. And yes, because everybody eats, my parents were actually a bit worried. But our doctor said, “That girl is not dying of hunger. Put a piece of bread on the chair, if she is really hungry, she will eat it. Usually that crust turned completely dry. I have always been very healthy and well and happy and very helpful.

Later, as an adult, Mother Colette experimented with various diets, including vegetarianism. Eventually, she learned to live without solid food intake. Since 1999, she has been living mostly on prana, the universal life energy.

Well ten, eleven years ago, (yes) it was just the right moment. I read something about Jasmuheen and just thought, “That is something for me, I choose that.” Then I gave myself time to reduce the food I still was eating. And then on October 23, 1999 it was done.

For me it has been a big step in trusting on the Divine source, in that big absolute love that will give you everything. That has been the big step. And yes, I still drink. I drink a bit of fruit juice, also a cup of coffee if necessary, but for the rest I do not drink water.

The half-year that I gave myself to reduce, that made my body become lighter.

Now, most of the people think that we should get our energy out of food, is that true?

I think that when you are in that thinking pattern, then it is true. If you have reduced that by releasing the dogmas, then it is not true anymore.

Then you are completely tuned in on that Divine source and when there is a need of something, it will spontaneously come. There are no thinking patterns anymore that make you doubt, “Do I have a shortage or should I drink to get some energy?” Those thinking patterns do not exist anymore.

The relationship with the children has always been very open. And living on Light… They say, “Yes, Mum, you are just our mum and you just live like you want to, you chose it.”

Our Yelte who is now, he is almost six. And he has followed it a little bit, “Hey, Grandma doesn´t eat.” And when he was small, he saw that of course: “Grandma eating? No, Grandma does not have to eat,” etc.

“You don’t eat, why don’t you eat? I always need to eat, if I don’t eat then Mommy or Daddy are upset.” And then I thought, “Oh, how am I going to explain this to this little child?” and I told him, “I will explain to you when Granny knows the words for it.” And then he simply said, “Grandmother, you don’t have to search for it. You have simply chosen this.” And those eyes were shining. That was simply the answer. And I was happy, now I had an answer that I could use, to respond: I simply had chosen this.

Mother Colette believes that in the future, this freer way of living will be seen in many people in the future. Meanwhile, the fact remains that Mother is still an excellent cook!

I love cooking for people. So for Pierre I cook every day. When the children are there, it is always a feast. So I really do love to cook for someone. It does not need to be much, but has to be with the intention, the intention with which you prepare your food. If you're angry and you're making dinner, you’d better throw it in the trash. Because people feel it. And if you just love, then you can make the biggest meal, make a real feast. It can be as simple as that. It's just love – that does a lot

After becoming a liquidarian, Mother Colette still led an ordinary social life, but with one main important change.

That I started to live my life more consciously. And being more conscious has as advantage that you can share it with people.

Your spouse says that you look better and younger every time. Why is this so?

Because we do not burden ourselves with garbage, heavy food, heavy drinking, the cells do not die quickly…

But this is how I experience it. And if you do not take all of that in and you live in that happiness, then everything renews constantly. Then the process of dying turns around completely. You are reborn.

Mother Colette’s gentle husband Mr. Pierre Brepoels shared about his experience and his faith.

I also followed it all the way from the beginning. And at a certain moment when she said to me, “Pierre, October 23, I will stop eating,” it was for me quite normal. Yes, and I thought it was a beautiful process to follow, too. I also wasn´t scared for one moment. And for myself, I went through more consciousness processes in a short time since Colette lives on Light, I have the feeling that there is another vibration, something is present, what makes me look deeper into myself, makes me more aware. I am an electrician from education and then we think a lot about stuff. And I still do. And Mother always asks me to do it less. That is not easy. But I practice in it.

And how do you do it actually, less thinking? How do you practice this?

Mostly when I go into meditation in the morning or in the evening, I go into that silence, in that profundity of myself and then I ask myself these questions in silence and then I wait. And mostly I get a very good feeling with it, an increasingly good feeling and understand also more the love that Mother talks about.

It was after meeting her husband that Mother Colette’s spiritual mission had come to full development. Deep in meditation during their visit to the Egyptian pyramids, she met Sri Yukteswar, the Indian Guru who taught Paramhansa Yogananda. She identified who he was only later, as was the case for her visions of other saintly beings.

The first one was Yukteswar and then it was Babaji of Haidakhan, Theresa van Lisieux, Bernadette Soubirous, Louise Lateau…

What she receives from connecting with them, she shares with others. Indeed, Mother Colette has made it a mission to remind others of their own Divine love within.

If we first learn to let go of certain rules, like, “It is like this, not that!” If we could, for a moment, stand in the middle or try to, then we will discover that some things will drop off and then we experience such a joy and that is already that love. But it is stowed away for everyone.

Actually, everyone lives already a little bit on Light food. The food we eat already contains a little bit of Light. Only we are not so much aware of it.

To be more aware of the Divine Light, whether through a change in lifestyle, meditation, or other means, is what Mother Colette and Mr. Brepoels encourage to those who come to the Sacred Heart Hermitage. So, what is the most important task for us on Earth?

To recognize this unconditional love again. That we are actually only unconditional love, and that contains everything. But that is the most important. To recognize again that we carry this immense love, that we are that. And that it is fine for us to be that.

In conclusion, Mother Colette kindly shared a simple message to the global viewers.

I would say: “Lovely people, do not worry. Try not to see God´s world and the world of the humans as two different worlds, but as one Divine world. And then everything will be fine.”

We thank Mother Colette and Mr. Pierre Brepoels for sharing your beautiful experiences and thoughts with us on lighter and spiritual ways of living. May we all rediscover our own Sacred Heart of love, as we do when visiting your peaceful hermitage.

Thank you for joining us on A Journey through Aesthetic Realms. Now, please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Our Noble Lineage, after Noteworthy News. May the Divine vibrations elevate your spirit.

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