A Journey through Aesthetic Realms
Traditional Folk Music from Southern Âu Lạc      
Today’s A Journey through Aesthetic Realms will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mongolian, Persian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.

Âu Lạc (Vietnam) is a nation with a longstanding traditional culture. Aulacese musical heritage is bountiful; since ancient times, many soul-stirring musical instruments have been created with diverse sounds like those of the copper drum, gong, lithophone, bamboo xylophone, cymbals, and panpipe.

In 2003, Elegant Music, a style of Huế royal court music, was recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as an intangible cultural heritage of the world.

Âu Lạc’s music represents the unique features of each region, for example, Quan Họ folksongs in the north, Huế tunes in the central, and modern folk opera in the south. In addition, there are many other forms of music, including hò, lý, ceremonial songs, Aulacese classical theatre, chèo traditional opera, hồ quảng opera, and so on. Indeed, the essence of music is imbued in the hearts of people in this beautiful country, and has been cultivated until this day.

In today’s program, we’re pleased to introduce some of the folk songs and musical genres representative of southern Âu Lạc.

At an international gathering with our Association members in San Jose, California, USA, in February 16, 1991, Supreme Master Ching Hai sang “Southern Hò Singing,” written by composer Phạm Duy in 1956, about the gentle and bountiful land of southern Âu Lạc. We invite you to enjoy an excerpt of this song.

Nhà Bè River divides into two branches. Go to Gia Định or Đồng Nai as you wish.

The road to the mountain village isn’t far Pass Red Soil District, you will then arrive in Biên Hòa.

Vè is a genre of folk literature with many diverse forms such as four-word, five-word, or six-eight poetry. Vè describes daily activities of the simple country folks and often has been orally passed down through many generations.

“Son-in-Law Selection” is a comedy written and performed by our Association members, based on the Southern Aulacese vè genre. It promotes the vegan lifestyle and the significance of spiritual practice in a human life. Please enjoy.

Lately, our daughter Ngọc eats vegan and is devoted to spiritual practice! I’m so worried!

Why are you worried? It’s good that she’s seeking spiritual practice!

Then why did you marry me? Why didn’t you advise me to go seek spiritual practice?


I just want the best for her.

Why don’t we give her a chance to choose her life partner, and let her decide what’s best for her?

How do you do that?

Son-in-Law Selection Requirements

The wealthy couple is choosing a husband for Miss Ngọc, their beloved daughter. Miss Ngọc will announce the requirements. Whoever answers to her satisfaction will be chosen. The son-in-law will be offered 10 hectares of land.

Respectful greetings! I’m Nguyễn Tân, a student. I wish to participate.

Respectful greetings to you! My name is Hồ Nam. I would like to take part in this son-in-law selection.


O Cẩm! Call Miss Ngọc out, dear!

Greetings to you both!

Greetings, Gentle Miss. May we hear your requirements?

Yes. I would like to state the requirements. Please answer fluently. Here they are. Listen to the riddles by a young woman Who is the gentleman of virtue and talent? Whoever pleases my parents will become their son-in-law.

They’re choosing a son-in-law. You’re married. What are you doing here?

I just want to see.

Go home and tend to your vegetables. They’re all wilted from lack of water.

I’m choosing a man who aspires high Who is courtly and handsome, Refined in his manner, Intelligent and clever, And neither skinny nor fat. Financial status is disregarded.

Both gentlemen here meet these standards.

Thank you, sir and ma’am.

And he must Speak properly And not talk down to his wife. Furthermore... Loitering must be given up Bad habits must be discontinued He must not blabber He must not tell tales He must stop find faults in And nitpicking on his wife and children.

O God! Hearing your words I’m so disheartened.

Choosing a husband As if teaching a 3-year- old kid.

Don’t you worry! After marriage, you’ll give up everything naturally. If you don’t believe me, ask my wife here!

I accept the conditions.

Thank you for reminding me of bad habits to discontinue. But... To have a good son-in-law The daughter-in-law must be dutiful Above all is filial piety Fulfill the three obediences of a woman Love your parents-in-law As your birth parents.

Wholeheartedly take care Of your loved ones and relatives Keep your family happy, comfortable and harmonious.

Your words of advice I’ll remember by heart However.... My husband Must be someone who...

What kind of person, dear?

He is someone that... Gets up early to sweep the floor, Makes tea, then carries the water, Keeps the house tidy, Front and back, Prepares breakfast, lunch, And dinner for his wife Then goes to the market To buy all necessities.

O God! Who would ask her husband to prepare meals, honey?

Didn’t you say I could choose my ideal husband?

Don’t be concerned! It’s good that a couple shares work and obligations.

Very good!

Miss Ngọc, because... Being often occupied With household chores Days in and out Whom shall I ask for help To earn a living for the family?

What help would you need? Please hesitate not To explain in detail.

Just some small tasks You might have known already It’s daily farm work You must till the land Then cultivate the rice Harvest to harvest Paddy fields are full of golden grains And storehouses are full of rice.

O husband! How can our daughter do farm work?

Well... What about you, Mr. Nam?

In my house, there are people taking care of farm work already.

That’s better!

Miss Ngọc, I accept your conditions but… Household chores, front and back I will happily take care of But community work such as Building roads and walkways, Constructing dams to protect harvests, And repairing bamboo bridges For villagers to cross the river...

What’s with the bamboo bridge?

Well... those tasks.... I will save for my wife To help me build Spacious roads and walkways Roomy village schools The bamboo bridge, my wife will repair Young and old are benefited by her.

How can Ngọc build bridges and levees? Forget it! I don’t want to marry her off anymore.

No need then! Besides, there’s a saying “Cultivate oneself, manage family.” Let her cultivate herself. Later, if she changes her mind to get married, she’ll manage her family better!

Anyhow, my family has no affinity with you two. Don’t be disheartened!

Oh, not at all! Knowing that Miss Ngọc is a vegan and spiritual practitioner, we’re happy for you.

You’ve probably heard: “As one becomes enlightened, Nine generations are liberated.”

Besides... On our Earth presently Due to global warming, There are innumerable Miseries and tragedies.

Everyone should know To become vegan And change the Earth Into a beautiful planet.

Keeping a vegan lifestyle is very meritorious, respected sir and ma’am!

What they said is very logical. From now on, cook vegan food for me.

You’ll eat vegan by yourself?

You and I, we’ll enjoy vegan food together!

Please wait! Miss Ngọc thanks both of you for helping her.

We still have aged parents to take care, so we can’t go seek the Truth teaching.

Please tell Miss Ngọc that when she finds it, come back to share with us!

My parents’ letter! It’s been a long time!

“Beloved child! A rich man in the next village wishes to marry you. Come home right away!” O mistress, wait for me! Let me follow you to practice spiritually.

With hard-working hands and a love for life, people build a prosperous rural village where harmony and affection extend with the singing of farmers at work.

“Our homeland enjoys peace and prosperity Lush green fields are a result of love. We now invite you to enjoy the folk song “Growing Rice,” presented by our Association members.

Brother Tư! What are you planting this time?

I’m planting sweet potatoes. How about you?

Just regular potatoes.

Hi brother Năm, what are you planting this season?

I’m planting manioc.

Wonderful! Then we’re of the same “potato” family! The sun shines as paddy fields thrive lush Rice is harvested together with corn, potatoes, and bounteous green beans, cucumbers and fiber melons.

Our hard work is generously rewarded At yonder, egrets are flying.

O young woman who gazes at flying egrets As rice scent wafts in from the field Though we must work in mid-day sun, We’re rewarded with a bountiful harvest. Never are we tardy in our farm work.

Brother Tám, your corns are thriving! We’re here to congratulate you!

But lately, you rarely go out.

I just meditate.

You meditate so diligently! No wonder your corns grow so well.

I think we should go out less.

Yes, we should be diligent in our farm work and meditation like him! Going to the rice field when the rooster is crowing Rain or shine, from autumn to winter When the rice plants blossom

Our hard work is well rewarded. When rice plants are golden, villagers rejoice together.

Our homeland enjoys peace and prosperity Lush green fields, a result of love. Bounteous harvest comes in March.

Under moonlit nights, we pound the rice. How we love our village filled with affection and kindness!

How we love our village filled with affection and kindness!

A mother’s warm love through her sweet lullaby dispels winter chill. Mother sends into her lullaby many dream and hope for a bright tomorrow for her child.

Tomorrow, the golden sun Shines upon your beautiful dream. Sleep well, good child! Listen to my winter lullaby. The song “Winter Lullaby,” composed by Đặng Hữu Phúc from poem by Phan Đan, will be presented by our Association members.

Sleep well, my baby! Winter is coming to the veranda. Sleep well, my baby! Winter arrives on the birds’ wings.

May you sleep peacefully Gentle like a rose Softly swaying like garden leaves. Tomorrow, the golden sun Shines upon your beautiful dream. Sleep well, good child! Listen to my winter lullaby.

Sleep well, my baby! Winter is coming to the veranda. Sleep well, my baby! Winter arrives on the birds’ wings.

May you sleep peacefully Gentle like a rose Softly swaying like garden leaves. Tomorrow, the golden sun Shines upon your beautiful dream. Sleep well, good child! Listen to my winter lullaby.

Sleep well, my baby! The moon shines upon the cradle Sleep well, my baby! The moon sweetens your lips with fragrance.

May you sleep peacefully Gentle like a rose Softly swaying like garden leaves. Tomorrow, the golden sun Shines upon your beautiful dream. Sleep well, good child! Listen to my winter lullaby. Listen to my winter lullaby. Listen to my winter lullaby.

Thank you for watching today’s program about traditional folk music from southern Âu Lạc. Please tune in to Supreme Master Television for more Aulacese folk music in future broadcasts. Coming up is Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living, after Noteworthy News. So long for now.

Thank you for watching today’s program about traditional folk music from southern Âu Lạc. Please tune in to Supreme Master Television for more Aulacese folk music in future broadcasts. Coming up is Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living, after Noteworthy News. So long for now.

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