A Journey through Aesthetic Realms
Miracles on the Path – “The Butterfly” & “A Bowl of Porridge”      
A blind man is restored to sight. The deceased is raised to life. Mortals see Heaven before their eyes . The holy scriptures are full of wonders

witnessed in the presence of great enlightened Masters. Do unexplainable events we call miracles still happen? Through Supreme Master Ching Hai’s loving guidance in the Quan Yin practice of meditation, members of our Association worldwide have encountered their own extraordinary incidents in their daily lives. Such privileged moments are a true Master’s grace manifested. Supreme Master Ching Hai has often accredited her students’ miracles to their own reawakened greatness, natural outcomes of daily contact with the Divine.

Every time you pray, miracles will happen all the time because you are in the direction of benevolence and miracles. We are also the miracles. If we know how to tap into this miraculous power within ourselves, then we are in full power, empowered with all miracles and all the mighty power that we can imagine.

We now invite you to this presentation about our Association members’ modern day miracles on the path. Our first story comes from our Association member in Australia.

“The Butterfly”

I was traveling down a busy road in the middle of the day, traveling at 80 km per hour, when a butterfly hit my windscreen. I heard myself scream, “No!” and the pain that I felt as I watched the fluid come from the butterfly body… It was a main road, there was nowhere to pull over, and there were many trucks driving by, but she was stuck under the wiper-blade. So I pulled over anyway and I got out and I went to the front of the car and I retrieved her body from under the wiper-blade, and we got back in the car and I placed her down safely near me.

And I just started to drive again and… Her body was flat, she was lifeless. And I just began to talk to her. I played Master’s music for her, and I told her that I loved her so much. I told her to let her soul soar high and to go with God’s grace, and anything that I could think of really. I found a park that was near nature and greenery. I got out of the car and I went around the other side and I picked the little butterfly up.

And although I thought she was gone, I still continued to speak to the little body. I told her that I was going to take her body now and place it in nature and may she rest in peace. As I said this, I felt a flutter of life on my hand, and I was amazed! I was so amazed and I looked down and on my hand, this little butterfly was standing up. She stood up and she hopped three times along my arm, towards me.

They were very distinct hops. And I raised my arm and I looked at her and I said, “Oh, God bless you, beautiful butterfly, I can’t believe after all you’ve been through, you have only a broken leg!” And in that moment, she pulled her other leg around to the front and made it visible for me to see that she was there in all perfection. I knew we were communicating and it wasn’t just me talking to her anymore; that she had heard me.

She walked closer after she brought her leg around, closer up my arm, more towards me and she rested there and she stayed there for up to 20 seconds. In those moments, everything was just still and calm, and what I felt then was the true blessing of the fact that the little butterfly was free and chose to stay. Then, we felt that moment come to pass and she took flight, and flew in all her perfection up into the sky.

It was as if nothing had ever happened to her when it was all over. It was hard to believe. And it was magical. Master’s presence and example in my life, over these past five years, has changed me dramatically. I know of a love now much, much more expanded than I could ever have possibly ever known, and it includes all beings. Being able to hear Master speak about her animals and the way she interacts with them, with her dogs and her birds, and then experiencing watching her interact with the wilds, I believe has helped me abundantly in being able to understand the animals more.

Master has taught me that I can communicate with them, that I can love them as much as my family; that they are my family. If Master hadn’t shown me these things, I don’t know if I would have recognized that I was able actually to do them. Her great, great love has filled my life, my family’s life, and it even has spilled into the family members that are closest to me and they are also having wonderful interaction with animals that they don’t believe they would have ever experienced either. So Master’s love is truly spreading everywhere.

Our next story is shared by our Association member in South Korea, who had suffered many serious medical conditions since childhood, including an autoimmune disorder called lupus. After the following experience, however, she was cured.

“A Bowl of Porridge”

One time I went to the Florida retreat. Heat is most dangerous to lupus patients. But in Florida we stayed in the tents, and the weather was very hot. So if I am heated, my body becomes an oven. And the heat of the oven ruptures the inner organs’ functions. Then I could be gone immediately. The most dangerous moment was approaching me.

That day was also tremendously hot. I was so overcome because of the heat that I lost consciousness inside the tent. They said I had voiced in a weak tone, “Help me, help me.” I can’t remember this now though. And a sister passing by my tent just happened to hear me. She said later that it was during the meditation time, but she didn’t know why she happened to pass by my tent. So she opened the door and found me unconscious and my temperature so high. She took me out and carried me to the main hall.

My face had turned so gray and pale and the body was so cold and the heat remained only a little in the face like this, but the rest was already dead. She saw it, so she was so scared, she said like that. And I also thought for the first time in my life that I was going to die. So I said to my husband, “Husband! Please let me go. It’s so hard, I’d like to end my life. I can’t stand the pain anymore.” After listening to me, he asked, “Did Master call you?” I answered, “No.” He said, “Ah, then it’s okay.”

While he was speaking, all of a sudden I thought, “Ah, I must see Master. No matter what happens, I must see Master!” My husband said later, when I finished saying that sentence, that he felt I was really leaving. Then I vaguely regained consciousness and felt very cold, so I told my husband that I wanted to have a bowl of porridge. He said, “I’ll fetch it from the kitchen.” And he went out to look everywhere, and I passed out again. And he came back and shook me. But he said he couldn’t find it. There was nothing left in the kitchen.

“What to do?” So I said it’s all right and thanked him. Then I blacked out again and came back to consciousness and thought, “I must see Master. I must see her no matter what.” So I asked, “Would you please take me to Master?” Then, he said “You can’t even walk. How can you go to see Master?” Then, I started to crawl. At that moment, another fellow practitioner came rushing over.

She said Master called the Korean disciples to gather at Master’s kitchen – only Korean disciples! So I was helped on both sides. I didn’t walk but was dragged because I had no strength to stand. So we took one step by another, and after a few steps I was able to move my feet. I walked like this and entered the Master’s kitchen. As soon as she was seated, Master suddenly said to someone, “What are you doing? Please go bring it, quick!”

Master was talking for a while, and I felt my body was recovering the moment she sat down. I was feeling the energy changing from head to toe, when Master’s assistant brought in a big bowl of porridge. The porridge was steaming in the bowl and Master told her to bring it quickly. Later I learned that it wasn’t time for Master to eat. Anyway, Master ladled the porridge and told her to get bowls, and she personally scooped the porridge and passed it around for us to eat.

It’s hard to describe my feelings, but… I could feel a parent’s love for child. I took the bowl but I couldn’t eat because I was tearing up, with my hands trembling and my heart trembling as well. So as I was just holding it, trembling, Master then smiled and grabbed a spoon. And she said it was really delicious and started joking, like she said to the assistant, “Why didn’t you cook such delicious porridge for me before?” The initiates were just so happy to see Master and they clapped and laughed, while I burst into tears.

I couldn’t stop it. Tears fell and Master handed me a tissue and I wiped the tears, and Master motioned me to eat porridge while eating and gesturing with her hands. She scooped one spoon… And I completely didn’t know it at that time, but I was laughing. I was between life and death, but later when the retreat DVD was released, someone told me about it and I watched the DVD. I didn’t look sick at all. My face color was completely changed and I was laughing so happily as if a baby was laughing.

Ever since then, I have not been ill. After eating the porridge, I haven’t had a coma. The physical pain, this part has ended, I felt. It was all gone away. Through initiation, no matter what situation I’m in and whatever happens to me, I accept it as the best choice for me and take the process as the best luck for me. Master gave me this small experience, and I have cherished it with me up till now. Now I’m determined to be Master’s arms and legs. And that would be how I share Master’s blessings with others. I’m happy and I love Master.

Our respectful gratitude, Supreme Master Ching Hai, for your boundless compassion and care. We also thank our Association members who have shared their true stories that show the immeasurable joy and fortune of having the love and protection of a living Master.

Wonderful viewers, thank you for joining us today on A Journey through Aesthetic Realms.

Now, please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for Our Noble Lineage, next after Noteworthy News. May God be with you and yours, always.

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