A Journey through Aesthetic Realms
A Special Tribute: 17th Anniversary of The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day      
I will forever love you Through all the worlds, Through all the lovers, Through all the beauties, That you so adore. Through all the beauties, That you so adore.

I will forever love you Through all the mothers Through all the lovers Through all the beauties, That you so adore. Through all the beauties, That you so adore.

You will forever search for The Love in yonder, The Love in yourself, The Love in My Lore, That you so adore. Do you understand? I know you’re very enlightened, but…

The True Love you'll find Only by My side. When your journey ends, I'll send you My Sign, I'll send you My Love, I'll send you My Light. I’ll send you True Love I’ll send you True Light

Gracious viewers, welcome to A Journey through Aesthetic Realms on Supreme Master Television.

Today is the 17th anniversary of the Supreme Master Ching Hai Day, honoring Supreme Master Ching Hai’s outstanding contributions to uplifting our planet, as a great spiritual leader, renowned humanitarian, and a dedicated citizen of the world.

Aloha, everybody.

(Aloha!) Supreme Master Ching Hai means so much to so many people and so many countries on this globe.

She brings love around the world where there is hate. She brings hope where there is despair. And she brings understanding where there is misunderstanding. She is the light of a great person, an angel of mercy for all of us. We don't have enough people like the Supreme Master. If we had somebody like her in every country in the world, we have eternal peace, eternal love and we’d all have the good life.

Now, therefore I, Frank F. Fasi, Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu, do hereby proclaim October 25, 1993 as “The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day”

On the resplendent night of October 25, 1993, the inauguration of the Supreme Master Ching Hai Day was celebrated at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel of Honolulu, Hawaii, USA with a jubilant audience and distinguished guests of honors. At this historical event, Supreme Master Ching Hai was also awarded the International Peace Commendation Award, Honorary Citizenship, and Certificate of Merit for her extraordinary humanitarian efforts and leadership for peace through spirituality. Over 150 congratulatory messages arrived that day from across the globe.

I have been loved and treated well all over the world. And today, to be awarded four honors all at once, I'm really overwhelmed. And I can only pray that God will honor you everywhere you go in the world, in this world as well as in Heaven. Amen.

And the power of God Almighty will make all our wishes come true.

Since 1993, Supreme Master Ching Hai has also been recognized with numerous other international awards for her selfless contributions to humanity, including the 2006 Gusi Peace Prize presented by Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo; World Spiritual Leadership Award; World Citizen Humanitarian Award; the Los Angeles Music Week Certificate of Commendation; First-place Silver for the 27th Annual Telly Awards, a premier prize for the best television, video, and film productions; the 2008 Presidential Active Lifestyle Award from US President George W. Bush; and the 2010 US President’s Volunteer Service Award from His Excellency Barack Obama. Supreme Master Ching Hai has been honored as well by world leaders and dignitaries on other occasions.

On this special day, we respectfully commemorate Supreme Master Ching Hai’s compassionate endeavors which bespeak of her boundless love for humankind and animal kin.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has always been at the forefront of the evolution of our planet with her extraordinary vision and profound wisdom. Through her lecture tours and imparting of the Quan Yin Method of meditation, always offered free of charge, many thousands of truth seekers have found their path to eternal peace. Her unconditional sharing of her inner knowledge and spiritual merit touches hearts and elevates souls no end on this blessed planet.

There's only one religion, that is the religion of God, of love, of understanding. There's only one church, one temple - that is the temple of enlightenment. Come to that temple, and then we will know all the religions of the world. The essence of life is love. The essence of God, of Buddha, of Allah, is love. There is nothing else but love. When we make the choice of love, that’s the highest choice, the noblest choice.

I am Gun-Uils, translator and author. Since I’ve known Supreme Master Ching Hai’s book in 2002, I started to read it. Recently, members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association in Mongolia gave me inspiration to translate one of the books of Supreme Master Ching Hai. While I was translating Supreme Master Ching Hai’s spiritual book, I was uniting with the infinite wisdom of Supreme Master Ching Hai and understood Supreme Master’s concept or conscience, philosophy, behavior or her inward greatness.

A Supreme Master does not always come over to our human world. We should be proud for the time being that we were incarnated in the Living Master’s period and we could exist together. I would love to make all know that Supreme Master Ching Hai is righteously almighty. Extraordinary supreme beings have the very essence of God’s nature and have the utmost noble quality at any time. Thus, we should follow their ideas, deep philosophy, spiritual conscience and messages.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you, Supreme Master Ching Hai. If she watches her television program right now I would love to thank the Supreme Master Ching Hai and let you know that one who greatly adores you and admires you, lives in the great land of Mongolia. Heavenly greetings today to you. And please accept my best wishes to you.

As a fully enlightened Master, Supreme Master Ching Hai utilizes her spontaneous talents to generate an independent source of income to finance her spiritual and humanitarian works. Her artistic creations such as poetry, music, paintings, photography, film, handicrafts, as well as landscaping, jewelry and clothing designs also serve to remind people of their heavenly origin and noble qualities.

Art, such as good painting, poetry and music, are to comfort and soothe our minds, heal our heart in this turbulent world. To some extent, they also remind us of our ethereal home and rekindle some nostalgic feelings within us. So, we may seek an elevating way to reach our true origin.

When we are more connected with our true Self, then more beauty and virtues will reveal themselves, because we are that. We are beauty and virtue and Truth. And they will reveal themselves to us because they came from within ourselves, and we will live in them or express them through art or noble actions.

Halo, my name is Dr. Steve Blake and I studied nutritional biochemistry. I want to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai on Supreme Master Ching Hai Day, and I’m so grateful to her for all that she’s done. The artwork that you’ve done is so beautiful and we got a book of your artwork and it is inspiring to us. The colors, the forms, and the beautiful living spaces that you’ve created have really inspired all of us.

I would like to congratulate Supreme Master Ching Hai on behalf of the Austrian Art Association and of course, particularly on my behalf, for your anniversary. Our artists watch your programs, many of us enjoy them a lot and we all want you to have even more success, that there are more statesmen who will promote it, and politicians, and so on. But the important thing is that each and every one who sees them is delighted at heart and feels the love. Thank you very much.

For over two decades, Supreme Master Ching Hai has taught by example, sharing the Divine message of love with everyone, from victims of natural disasters to refugees of war; from disadvantaged children to patients of life-threatening illnesses; from the homeless to the elderly in need of care.

Her material contributions of tens of millions of US dollars to date have extended far, to all continents, swiftly and quietly. Her love transcends any boundaries of race, country or religion. In times of disaster, she urges our Association members to travel to the most affected areas as soon as possible to offer help and emotional comfort.

I’m Glen Pearson, a Member of Parliament from London, Ontario here in Canada. I heard about Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Day and all that she has done around the world, and especially in areas like Darfur and other places with emergency funding and other things that she supplied. As a humble political servant who has children from Darfur, if it wasn’t for you and what you do, kids like mine would not be alive. We’ve never met, but we have this same kind of heart and I just thank you so much and I want to specially recognize you on this very, very special time for all that you have done.

The aspiration of Supreme Master Ching Hai is to promote world peace. We can see her love extending to all corners of the world. On Supreme Master Ching Hai Day, we send our regards to Supreme Master Ching Hai. May her wishes be fulfilled soon as she continues to exhibit great health and beauty.

Good afternoon, my name is Omar Alvarado. I am firefighter engine driver of the Bogotá fire department. I am also a paramedic. We want to send a cordial greeting, on behalf of our institution, to Master Ching Hai, for the work that she does worldwide, at a national level also, the humanitarian relief efforts, and the ones related with the environment.

Happy Supreme Master Ching Hai Day. I just wish you a blessed time on this day that honors you and I just pray that your message of peace and harmony will be something that will ripple throughout this Earth. Thank you for all that you’ve done and what you will continue to do. As a spiritual Master, Supreme Master Ching Hai is connected with all living beings and feels what they feel.

In recent years, Supreme Master Ching Hai published three #1 international bestselling books, “The Dogs in My Life,” “The Birds in My Life,” and “The Noble Wilds,” which depict her affectionate interaction and telepathic communication with her adopted dogs and birds, as well as the graceful animals in the wild. More recently, in honor and care for rescue canines all around the world, she donated over US$100,000 to search and rescue dog centers worldwide for purchasing protective gear. In addition, much more in funds have been contributed to various animal shelters and sanctuaries.

The animals all have the same feelings like we do, like they have love, they have sorrow, they have forgiveness, they have fear, loyalty, filial love and parental love, etc. I myself witness them.

Halo, Master Ching Hai. It’s Trish Burke from Pets Haven animal shelter. Pets Haven is a pro-life animal shelter, which rescues animals from death row pounds. It’s people like you, Master Ching Hai, that give people like me, so far away in Australia, courage to continue. Looking at you and seeing the difference you have made is absolutely amazing. You’re inspirational, you’re humble. The gift that you give people without even knowing it is simply amazing. I’d like to congratulate you on Master Ching Hai Day. I hope that all the people out there all throughout the world will celebrate this day with you. You’re a special lady and thank you so much for all that you do.

My name is Sergio Manzano Macías, I am legal advisor for the Red Footprint Foundation, of the animal rights group Animal Agenda. I am legal coordinator of Echoes Operation for the eradication of animal-drawn vehicles in Bogotá. Greetings to Master Ching Hai, celebrating her anniversary, expressing all my love for her cause, and that we must not give in. Congratulations.

My name is Jonathan Balcombe. I’m a biologist living in the United States. I want to extend my appreciation for Supreme Master Ching Hai for all the work she does to bring a much more positive, enlightened message about animals and the human relationship to animals. Supreme Master Ching Hai through her vegan restaurants and her message about how beautiful animals are is bringing about positive change for animals, the planet and for humanity.

Congratulations and happy Supreme Master Ching Hai Day from all here at Edgar’s Mission. And we want to thank for your incredible support that’s allowed us to do so much for animals. Thank you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai points out that the most important way to end the suffering of billions of our innocent animal friends every year is to for people to switch to a plant-based diet. She personally designed the “Alternative Living” flyer which has changed the lives of myriad people.

Our great Self is love, our true Self is compassion. If we do not protect the animals, that means we are damaging, ruining, depleting, harming our true Self, which is love, which is noble, which is compassion. That’s what it is. Protect others means protect us. Protect animals means we’re growing in greatness. We recognize again our great Self.

Encouraged by Supreme Master Ching Hai’s benevolent ideal, an international family of vegan restaurants, Loving Hut, has emerged in recent years with a rapidly growing number of over 160 locations worldwide. Loving Hut offers delectable, nutritious, cruelty-free fare for everyone to enjoy at affordable prices and accessible locations, in accordance with Supreme Master Ching Hai’s considerate wish for all.

I am Shirley Wilkes-Johnson. I am one of the producers and hosts of Vegan World Radio on KPFT Radio in Houston, Texas. I was so thrilled when Supreme Master agreed to let me interview her last year on my radio show, and I asked her to open a Loving Hut in Houston, and she said she would, and she did, and I love Loving Hut. The food is so delicious; it’s like experiencing a little piece of Heaven. And Supreme Master is like a rainbow of hope and a promise to this world that is so in need of the things that she represents: unconditional love for all sentient beings.

And she is the most powerful force for veganism on the planet. She understands that if the world doesn’t go vegan, we may not have a future to look forward to. So the more I learn about her, the more I love her. She’s such a beautiful woman, very generous humanitarian and spiritual teacher. And thank you, Supreme Master, for teaching us that we are all masters when we find our true Divine inner selves. I love the work you do and I'm just thrilled that you came into the world to help us bring about a Golden Age.

Happy 17th Supreme Master Ching Hai Day.

Thank you Supreme Master Ching Hai for your work of compassion for the animals and the people of the Earth. Thank you so much for the wonderful restaurant, Loving Huts that we’re finding more and more all over the place, to nourish us, and to show people that fast food doesn’t have to be bad food.

Hi, this is Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a physician specializing in nutritional medicine, wishing you all the best of health.

And wishing you a wonderful Supreme Master Ching Hai Day!

Namaste. This is Vaidua Pryanka from the Bay Area in California. I am originally from India and I have some of the most beautiful memories of growing up in this beautiful country with plenty of reverence for animals, plenty of respect for vegetables and fruits that nourish us.

And I am filled with gratitude for Supreme Master Ching Hai and all of the wonderful work that she has been doing for all of these years and the different elements that she has created to make people understand the importance of our ecology and our responsibility towards it; and definitely for introducing veganism in a way which is palatable, creating Divine sisterhood and brotherhood amongst people all over the world. Happy Supreme Master Ching Hai Day to all of you. I hope the beauty that is in your souls, it shows up on your plate.

Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television for the second segment of our special program commemorating the 17th Anniversary of The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day. We will be right back.

I would like to congratulate Supreme Master Ching Hai on the wonderful Supreme Master Ching Hai Day. May you be blessed with long life, happiness and health, so that you may continue with this beautiful message and mission of yours, to raise the awareness about some of humanities biggest challenges, and to raise the awareness of humanity.

C ongratulations on Supreme Master Ching Hai Day. I think it’s really great that Supreme Master Ching Hai is putting her energy and resources into raising awareness about animal cruelty and veganism and climate change, because she could be doing a lot of other things but she’s not. She’s looking at the critical issues that are happening in the world today and putting all her efforts towards that and that’s a fabulous thing. So, thank you very much.

Welcome back to our program celebrating the 17th anniversary of The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day. Through many invited appearances at climate change conferences and media interviews, Supreme Master Ching Hai repeatedly emphasized the scientifically established fact that livestock raising is the number one cause of global warming, and that time is running out to reverse the planetary crisis and protect our civilization. She also points out that the simple solution to avoid calamities of many kinds is to switch to an organic vegan lifestyle.

We can see everywhere reflections of a planet in trouble, with monsoons and flooding in one location and people losing their harvests and drinking water to drought in another. One way that our world can be preserved and stabilized is through everyone’s change to a compassionate lifestyle, choosing organic vegan diet, which not only eliminates methane and other toxic, heat-trapping greenhouse gases emissions from the livestock industry, but the organic part allows the soil to absorb a huge amount of atmospheric CO2.

Now we need 100% of the world population to be veg to save our world. We have to change before it is too late to change. So, in order to go toward a positive destination for ourselves and the planet, all we have to do is change the direction. Be vegan, make peace with one another and our co-inhabitants, create peace, emanate compassion, then the future will be peaceful.

I’m Congressman Lee Seok-Hyun. I came to know much about Supreme Master Ching Hai at a climate conference in Seoul last year. I think that such individuals are helping to sustain the Earth, and I look forward to the planet becoming a place where our descendants can live comfortably. Supreme Master is leading the veg trend in order to save our planet and I’ve totally agreed with it. I also made up my mind to reduce my meat consumption and I am practicing this now.

Supreme Master Ching Hai, you have become a hero for me. A role model who embodies the courage and commitment we all need in order to prevent runaway global heating. Your knowledge and understanding of the climate crisis are inspiring, and your efforts to help the world learn what we can do to mitigate the crisis show your profound compassion for the children of all species on this beautiful Earth. I send you my very best wishes and thanks for your continued guidance and leadership.

Halo friends, halo everyone, my name is Ernesto Sánchez Toro. I am social communicator and journalist from Colombia. On this very important anniversary of ceaseless struggle for the protection of the environment, of biodiversity, I want to send a brotherly greeting from Bogotá, Colombia, to Master Ching Hai. In tremendous gratitude and appreciation, we greet this great Master. Master, from Colombia, a special thanks and a brotherly embrace.

Greetings, Bob Linden here, host of the radio program Go Vegan with Bob Linden at GoVeganRadio.com. Today, I’m celebrating Supreme Master Ching Hai Day and I am so happy to do that. If we’re all to go vegan, we could end war and violence, we could end poverty, we could end hunger. It would address disease and, well, really, all of the problems that we face on Earth, energy crisis and especially the suffering of billions of animals, billions of murder victims, and if we would all just to go vegan, it would be such a better world for them too.

And so, on Supreme Master Ching Hai Day, I want to invite everybody to join us in doing the right thing and going vegan. I’m so impressed with the work of Supreme Master Ching Hai. Just wonderful, caring, so dedicated to making this world a better place. I really salute you.

I salute you for all the climate change conferences all around the world, and especially too for doing the rescue work by starting the chain of Loving Huts, all around the world, vegan restaurants. And all of these are rescue work also. They’re rescuing people from heart disease and cancer and stroke, rescuing the planet from global warming and climate change.

So, this is a real day to celebrate. Happy Supreme Master Ching Hai Day.

This is Dixie Mahy, president of the San Francisco Vegetarian Society, acknowledging the great work that Supreme Master has being doing for the Earth, for people, and for the animals.

I truly admire Supreme Master Ching Hai because she has managed to influence so many people all over the world. She is out there in the whole world, and my admiration for her and her good works. Happy Supreme Master Ching Hai Day!

To help raise the consciousness of our planet, Supreme Master Ching Hai inspired the all-constructive channel, Supreme Master Television, broadcasting around the clock to all corners of the globe in over 60 languages. Through Supreme Master Ching Hai’s meticulous guidance, Supreme Master Television’s programs have addressed a wide range of topics conducive to the well-being and evolution of human society.

I salute Supreme Master Ching Hai as the world’s greatest leader in addressing the greatest humanitarian disaster of all disasters, the coming global climate change calamity. She is constantly working to warn the world that global warming threatens the very survival of humanity and life on Earth. The Supreme Master TV channel is the top source of up-to-minute news and information on global warming and climate change.

Supreme Master Ching Hai is also the top leader in advising the world how we can enjoy a better life and best mitigate the coming global climate change calamity. Global warming and climate change cannot possibly ever stop unless we stop eating meat.

Hi everyone, I am Natalia Parra Osorio. We want to send a very special greeting for all the work that she does for the environment, for the animals and for the humans. How nice it is to know that a person is working in this way with all her team, with all her people, to make a better world, more just and more livable!

Greetings, life-respecting and Earth-respecting viewers of Supreme Master Television. I am the Chief Drillmaster at Min Tai High School in Formosa (Taiwan). I am an Amis, one of the aboriginal ethnicities in Formosa. I am very touched to see how Supreme Master makes friends with animals and how they build an affectionate bond between them. Seeing this, I feel that I should share such a TV channel with my students. Apart from purifying people’s mind and soul, this channel teaches our next generation how to truly love and protect the Earth.

For a long time, humans have indulged in extensive hunting and animal killing, which causes the deaths of many animals. In return, humans have been suffering from an escalation in natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes resulting in a great deal of damage. We haven’t learned how to co-exist with the Earth, and that’s why we suffer from these negative consequences. We should reflect upon it ourselves. I am deeply moved by Supreme Master Television’s programs, because they are so in tune with nature, without any trace of negativity. I can’t stop watching them. I want to give a special thanks to Supreme Master. She loves peace. Her love encompasses both the Earth and the animals. She is our great mental support and our best friend. Finally, I’d like to wish Supreme Master Ching Hai a Happy Supreme Master Ching Hai Day!

Congratulations to Supreme Master Ching Hai for Supreme Master Ching Hai Day. I’ve been so impressed with the various projects that have been funded by Supreme Master Ching Hai. And it’s wonderful to have somebody doing practical things; having this TV station and promoting things on such a scale, and putting people in touch with sustainable projects and animal charities. I find that so inspiring and I wish to offer my congratulations and hope she has a wonderful Supreme Master Ching Hai Day.

To Master Ching Hai, I just wanted to say thank you, and I wanted to say well done for doing such an amazing job of getting this message out there, for putting so much heart, soul and passion into these things. These are so important. And to have somebody who is really committed and putting so much effort into bringing that message to so many people, well, I take my hat off to you. It’s brilliant.

Through her heartfelt prayers and tireless efforts on the most relevant issues of our time, Supreme Master Ching Hai is bringing about an upliftment, a change that is ushering us all into a Golden Age of harmony.

If we are morally high, spiritually elevated, then of course only good things will come our way. Just have to be compassionate and vegan, to avoid suffering for other beings. And, we have to stop the war. And the more and more people join in, then we can avoid many disasters, man-made or natural. I think day and night, “What more can I do to help the planet, to help the people to awaken to the more spiritual and moral standard?” And every time I can find some solution,

I tell you right away. I hope one day that our planet will develop more spiritual positive power so that we can develop into a more beautiful place. More contentment, more happiness for all beings, like many of the planets in the universe.

I will forever love you Through all the worlds, Through all the lovers, Through all the beauties, That you so adore. Through all the beauties, That you so adore.

The True Love you'll find Only by My side. When your journey ends, I'll send you My Sign, I'll send you True Love, I'll send you True Light. I’ll send you True Love I’ll send you True Light

You will forever search for The Love in yonder, The Love in yourself, The Love in My Lore, That you so adore. The Love in My Lore, That you so adore That you adore.

With utmost respect, we are deeply grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for your infinite wisdom, faith, and love. How fortunate we are today when challenges are vast but hope is even greater, thanks to your extraordinary vision and guidance for a peaceful planet. We too look forward to the day that a joyful enlightened era for all is here to stay.

Dignified viewers, thank you for your presence on A Journey through Aesthetic Realms. Coming up next on Supreme Master Television is Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living. May our Earth be blessed with Divine and unconditional love.

It is wonderful to celebrate Supreme Master Ching Hai Day. The Supreme Master is a great teacher, and we are learning a lot, and millions of people are beginning to listen and understand her message. She is the leader and a Guru all the world will inspire from.

Hi! This is Trina Parks. Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet! Our greatest appreciation Supreme Master Ching Hai for your genuine dedication and work to save the planet and all the life she supports. Surely if everyone joins in, together we can do it!

Happy Supreme Master Ching Hai Day!

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