A Journey through Aesthetic Realms
Supreme Master Ching Hai:Lighting Hope for a Harmonious World      
In September 2006, Supreme Master Television was launched and quickly became the first ever all-constructive global TV channel. From 14 free-to-air satellite platforms and multiple other viewing channels, audiences around the globe have discovered a diverse array of programs.

Supreme Master Television grew from a vision of a harmonious planet in which all beings may thrive in one another’s caring company. Such a dream would surely still remain just a dream were it not for the constant inspiration and pioneering guidance of Supreme Master Ching Hai.

We have also positive side of life. We have laughter, we have hope, we have happiness, we have love between family members. We have heroic acts of noble beings, we have animals who are so brave, so heroic, so noble, etc., etc. We have all beings who are so good and fantastic in this world. We should report them all. That's why we have Supreme Master Television every day, informing people.

Moved by her compassionate vision, viewers of all ages and from every corner of the globe have conveyed their thoughts to Supreme Master Ching Hai via heartlines airing on Noteworthy News.

Dearest Supreme Master Ching Hai, Most of the time, when I watch you talk on television, I can't help but shed tears because I do feel you are talking to me directly. Your compassion, the sense of belonging you give to humans, even to animals, is superb and marvelous.

I know that you are a blessing to me and also to the world. I know that you can never fail me. May Heaven's grace be upon you and everything you love.

Kelechi from Nigeria

I love you for your inner beauty. You are special and I am glad you are my friend! With love always, Catherine

Dear Supreme Master Ching Hai, I am 9 and I like programs on Supreme Master Television. Many kisses, Luke from Pescara, Italy

Touched by their heartfelt messages to her, Supreme Master Ching Hai often makes time to write personal replies airing on Noteworthy News, conveying her affection always with a special signature, “Love love. ♥♥ CH ”

In celebration of Supreme Master Television’s 4th Anniversary, we present a tribute to Supreme Master Ching Hai, a world-renowned spiritual leader, humanitarian, bestselling author, poet, and artist who is lighting hope for an elevated future through myriad ways, one of which is Supreme Master Television.

Their message to the planet right now is so important, that they interview people from all walks of life who contribute in harmonious ways. And this initiative is from Master Ching Hai,

Supreme Master, and it's changing the world. It's teaching us to eat better, to think about becoming vegans, meditation and peace, and all the things that will bring us a quality of life and happiness. And we feel so humble to be here today, to tell the Supreme Master that we think her work is so important on our planet today. It's making such a difference.

As an enlightened spiritual teacher, Supreme Master Ching Hai has imparted the Quan Yin Method free of charge for more than two decades to help Truth seekers from all walks of life rediscover their real Self. Supreme Master Ching Hai’s universal teachings are presented on Supreme Master Television’s Between Master and Disciples and Words of Wisdom.

Speaking in English, German, Chinese, French, and Aulacese (Vietnamese), Supreme Master Ching Hai shares precious insights with the multitude about the Light and Sound method of meditation, the soul, human life, and the cosmos beyond.

Every day we suffer so much because there's a part inside of us crying, crying, crying, "Let me free! Let me be! Let me be the great one! Let me be the one I really am!" – that is the Buddha inside us. That is the God within us. That is the Supreme Master. When we already know our real Selves, no problem is too big to solve, no death can ever frighten us, no danger can scare us. We always feel good, feel secure, feel God-like, feel holy, and feel ever happy, ever ready to help anyone in need, physically and spiritually.

In today’s world of violence, hatred and greed, Supreme Master Ching Hai has come to us as a Divine Blessing to all the living beings on Earth. I am in awe of you and your teachings.

Thank you, Supreme Master Ching Hai, for bringing love and light into our lives. Vidya from Auckland, New Zealand

Dear Supreme Master Ching Hai, I am from Iran. My wife and I watch your lovely and peaceful programs every day. We are interested in your lectures, especially translated into different languages. God bless you, and give you long life as a gift. We are looking forward to visiting you in our country. With best regards, Shayan from Esfahan, Iran

As per Supreme Master Ching Hai’s advice, Supreme Master Television regularly features spiritual gems from the world’s religions and wisdom from great Masters of the past. Supreme Master Ching Hai also has recommended scrolls which convey excerpts from all scriptures on specific topics, including virtuous jobs, sharing wealth, faith, the importance of meditation, respect for others, and a number of others.

Really surprised, grateful to the universe for sending a being so high, so enlightened to this planet. I’m referring to Supreme Master Ching Hai. I know that she, from her perspective, is inspiring those beings who work in this channel to something that is the welfare of all.

In light of the need for balance and simplicity in our daily lives, Supreme Master Ching Hai has advised a segment on Noteworthy News in which adorable veg animals give a tip of the day, some directly from Supreme Master Ching Hai herself, for smart ways of better living.

Halo, I’m Croaky the Frog, and my diet is animal-free. I’m here today with a summer time tip from Supreme Master Ching Hai. “Keep fruits fresh, long, and cool. Wash and pop grapes, apples, pears, and bananas into the deep freezer. After a couple of hours you can enjoy delicious ‘sorbet’ or you can keep them there for longer use! Grapes can be eaten right away. (Yum!)

Others you can let soften or microwave 10 to 15 seconds to peel or bite. Cool, cool, cool! Enjoy!!! When taking them out, they’ll look all white. Please write the names on each fruit for easy recognition. (Ha, ha! Just joking!)” Our appreciation, much cherished Supreme Master Ching Hai, for this wonderfully refreshing tip. We love it! And thank you, caring viewers, for Being Veg and Going Green 2 Save the Planet!

In times of disasters or other humanitarian need, Supreme Master Ching Hai would convey her sorrow and prayers for those affected and ask our Association members, if at all possible, to go and help the most vulnerable, such as the elderly and orphans. She has used her independent earnings to support charitable causes of all kinds; many of her donations are made anonymously. Our Association’s relief workers reporting for Supreme Master Television often encounter the surprised gratitude of beneficiaries who are touched by Supreme Master Ching Hai’s unconditional loving aid.

Dear [Supreme Master] Ching Hai, we are quite proud to write you this letter for what you are doing for us in Haiti, especially in Adventiste Hospital - Diquini. Deep in our heart, we think the words are not enough to thank you. Now, from what you are doing in Haiti and all over the world, we realize what a great person you are. We wish that this note could stay as a proof that you did good to us in Haiti. We’ll not forget that a day in our lives. We love you, [Supreme Master] Ching Hai.

Let us imagine a world of friendship and understanding among nations. Thanks to Supreme Master Ching Hai’s encouragement, Supreme Master Television has been privileged to introduce the unique magnificence of cultural traditions across the globe.

It seems that Enlightening Entertainment’s uplifting programming greatly influences to our teenagers, youngsters, so that kids and youths enjoy it very much. Also my family members all like to watch and feel comfortable when we watch the program together.

Many engaging aspects of culture and society featured on Supreme Master Television’s A Journey through Aesthetic Realms and Enlightening Entertainment were first suggested by Supreme Master Ching Hai. These include the ancient golden treasures of Afghanistan, the spiritual heritage of Mexico, good governance in the Netherlands, and the specialty cuisine of Âu Lạc (Vietnam).

She has also instructed that the channel pay tribute to some of the world’s most eminent performing artists, past and present. Programs are hosted by our Association members donning exquisite traditional costumes and speaking in one of 60 beautiful native languages with over 40 language subtitles. Viewers thus become familiar with the charming sights and sounds belonging to places new to them. It is Supreme Master Ching Hai’s heartfelt wish that each people may shine in dignity and praise, as part of humanity’s diverse global family.

Halo, this is Najat El-Taji El-Khairy, and on this beautiful occasion of the 4th Anniversary for Supreme Master TV, I would like to congratulate Master Ching Hai on this beautiful occasion and on the achievements that she has done for the good of the world. All the good things she does for the whole world is really unparalleled. She is an inspiration to everybody who wants to make a difference. Thank you very much, Master Ching Hai, for having given me the chance to give an idea about from where I come, my culture, my people.

Art is a universal medium which brings people closer together. Supreme Master Ching Hai herself also conveys the wonders of Heaven and the world through her aesthetic masterpieces. She has toured her own fashion line of SM clothes, and designs jewelry, creates paintings and lamps, composes music and poetry, and more. On Saturdays’ A Journey through Aesthetic Realms: Music and Poetry, viewers enjoy beautifully calming compositions by distinguished artists in the Aulacese (Vietnamese) language, and sometimes in English.

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s exquisite poems are sometimes melodiously recited or sung by the poet herself. They have been shared with the public due to sincere requests to which Supreme Master Ching Hai granted permission. Viewers have expressed their appreciation for the solace and upliftment experienced by watching Music and Poetry.

Oh, next one: “Love Me.” You know who is “Me”? The Supreme Master in all of us. The song is inspired by the Bhagavad Gita. In the Bhagavad Gita, God said to Arjuna, “Love Me; surrender everything unto Me.”

So that's the “Me.” Love Me! Like you've never loved anyone Love Me! Love Me! And I will set you free!

Supreme Master Ching Hai has used her gift of photography and writing to publish three #1 international bestsellers, “The Dogs in My Life,” “The Birds in My Life,” and “The Noble Wilds.” These enchanting volumes, which have also inspired exhibitions and dialog around the globe, reveal Supreme Master Ching Hai’s inner telepathic communication with many species of animals. Readers in return have opened their hearts to the profound love and nobility of our animal friends, as well as the possibility of communicating with them in mutual respect.

Master, I send you a big thank you for what you do. I was enchanted after reading your book and seeing all the beautiful birds. Also, while perusing further, I congratulate you for the beautiful work on the planet worldwide. What you are doing is really extraordinary. I was really touched and delighted by your great beauty from all points of view. So thank you in the name of everyone for this.

Supreme Master Television’s programming on Animal World: Our Co-inhabitants, as recommended by Supreme Master Ching Hai, is notable for its feature of animal telepathic communicators and the heroic deeds of our animal friends.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has also instructed the reading of scrolls on animal intelligence and animal helpers so we can expand our appreciation for other species.

What a privilege for me today to have the opportunity to thank from my heart, from the deepest of my heart, Supreme Master Ching Hai. What she's offering the world is of immense value. If we look, humanity has been for thousands of years always at war.

Supreme Master Ching Hai offered us the opportunity to start thinking differently. The only way to change something in your life, in our country's life, in the universe’s life, is to start thinking differently. Because whatever we think, and we keep in our heart as a thought, as a treasure, will be manifested. I'm so proud that she did that.

Forever and ever We'll be together Beyond all frontiers Beyond sorrows and fears Forever and ever Forever and ever Follow Me!

Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Our special program, “Supreme Master Ching Hai: Lighting Hope for a Harmonious World,” will continue when we return.

I would like to thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for this television she has given the whole world to view; to tell us what is good for us and to prevent us from what is harmful. While watching this television, you just see only good news. So, I would like to give her a big applause and encourage her, that all powers in the universe that are positive may encourage her in all she would like to do to accomplish more and more, to be healthy and stay with us, and keep on helping us every day. So I would again thank her. And one thing I would add is Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet! Thank you.

My name is Commissioner Frank Avila and I am a commissioner at the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. And I'd like to explain my love for Supreme Master Ching Hai. The reason why I love her, is because she promotes love and she has a good heart. She goes throughout the whole world, and if there is someone, a country that is having problems in food shortage, water shortage, she goes and contributes 100% of the money that she has and she gives it 100% through love.

And she also, besides giving money and help, she has a solution, and that’s the key. And Supreme Master Ching Hai’s solution is by going vegan. And I'm a vegan and I understand that by going vegan, we would save a lot of water that is scarce that we need in these undeveloped countries. They're saying, “Well, we have shortage of water.” Well the reason why you have a shortage of water is because you’re using the other for other resources, you're using that probably to raise cattle to eat meat.

But by going vegan, you use less water, you don’t harm the climate, and also you stay healthier. And by staying healthier, you don’t need to take pharmaceutical drugs, you are not getting sick, you are going to live a longer life, and also you are going to love your fellow man, and I think that’s a key. Vegan and love your fellow man will save our planet.

Welcome back to our program today, “Supreme Master Ching Hai: Lighting Hope for a Harmonious World.”

Throughout the years, Supreme Master Ching Hai has explained that humans’ accumulated acts of violence have till now bred negative energy and bad karmic retribution according to the law of the universe. Far from being an abstract theory, the evidence is ever present and tangible in the increasing impacts of climate change.

Global warming-related disasters, increasing in frequency and intensity, have been devastating lives, aggravating food and water shortages, and pushing once-secure families in the defenseless ranks of millions of climate refugees. “What are we waiting for?” asks Supreme Master Ching Hai.

My heart is troubled every day, thinking of all these innocent people and all the defenseless animals who have to suffer in this great upheaval we call climate change. But we still have time, we still have time. We could not reverse the effect of climate change in the past.

But we could stop future disasters by returning to the compassionate vegan diet and encouraging others to do the same. I beg all the governments of the world, please, do this before it’s too late, for the sake of your citizens and your own children as well. This is the only one chance.

I'm director of the documentary "Climate Chaos in South," a film on the impact of climate change on the population in the south. I would like to thank to Supreme Master Ching Hai for all her efforts to make people aware of climate change and to make people to change their lifestyle so they will not anymore harm innocent people in the south, like it is now.

And even the rich communities are not saved from these. We can protect our forests, so the forests could eat the excess of carbon dioxide. But more than that, more than that, we have to organize people. And this is where I congratulate Master Ching Hai, because she inspires people, she organizes people, and tells them not to eat meat. Can you really teach the world not to eat meat? I hope, and fast, because if we eat vegetables, so the science says, we would be able to save ourselves.

At least tens of billions of innocent animals are raised or fished and massacred each year for food. In 2009, US researchers confirmed that this grievous cruelty indeed is where we find the primary source of human-caused global warming: the production and consumption of animal products.

Meanwhile, a German study found that an organic vegan diet could reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 94%! Yet, even before such scientific findings, Supreme Master Ching Hai had inner knowledge that the fastest way to stop 80% of global warming is to use animal-free products. This has since been regularly aired on Supreme Master Television as an announcement.

I think it is the merit of Supreme Master that she has recognized the importance of climate change, of the catastrophe of climate change, the importance which is bigger than whatever other catastrophe that we have known before.

Amidst the world’s search for solutions to many complex problems, Supreme Master Ching Hai has shed light on the crucial connections between the suffering of humankind and the suffering we inflict upon our animal co-inhabitants.

If we truly wish to see real harmony born between humans and animals and nature and Heaven, we must be the harmony, we must live in harmony, and act also in harmony. We must protect the environment and the animals because we have to protect ourselves.

It was soon after the start of the bird flu’s unrelenting threat and years before the most recent swine flu pandemic, both diseases which are linked to animal raising. Supreme Master Ching Hai had created the Alternative Living flyer promoting the vegetarian diet and since has asked our Association members to distribute it worldwide to prevent the tragic loss of lives. With the same deep concern for humanity, Supreme Master Ching Hai also designed the SOS flyer presenting the essential facts about the planet’s current emergency and the organic vegan solution.

Supreme Master Television has been providing a platform to convey the urgent problems facing the planet. Experts report the latest climate change evidence on Planet Earth: Our Loving Home. The Noteworthy News program, upon Supreme Master Ching Hai’s instruction, also started airing a “Save Our Planet” section offering a wide range of climate and environmental science updates.

To focus on constructive and practical solutions, Supreme Master Ching Hai recommended useful and original programs on water-free vegetable farming and other eco-friendly crop-growing techniques, as well as successful cases of former livestock and addictive drug farms switching to organic vegan farming practices. Upon Supreme Master Ching Hai’s request, all the urgent information is available for everyone to download from Supreme Master Television’s website and use freely for the benefit of others.

[Supreme Master Ching Hai] was the first to initiate the idea that all the people around the world can save our planet together by switching to a vegan lifestyle. Supreme Master Ching Hai’s appeal across the globe to promote and switch to a vegan lifestyle is simply humanitarian work and its purpose is to save our planet. All the people of Mongolia and personally I myself greatly appreciate her worldwide noble deeds and promotion of veganism which was based in human consciousness.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has been invited many times to speak as the honored guest during climate change conferences and to interview with the media. These later have been featured on Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom.

And we’d like to let you know that you’re a climate hero in Canada, as well as here in the States, so thank you for that.

From Washington DC, USA to Bangkok, Thailand to Lima, Peru and Lome, Togo, these climate change conferences offered dignitaries, government officials, members of the media, scientists, and the public the opportunities to ask the most pressing questions on our planetary future as well as organic vegan diet solution.

Almost everyone knows that our planet is in trouble, and we just have to remind each other to do something about it because our days are numbered. And I’m really glad that some of the governmental bodies, and many other organizations are doing their best to inform the public of the dire state of our planet, and also inform them of the solution. Like “Be Veg, Go Green.” Vegetarianism or veganism is the best solution. And that is really “love in action”. Not only love for the animals but truly love for our planet and our children, the future generation.

This what the Supreme Master Ching Hai gives in her mission statement, is that: Love. I always think of what she says, that we should love the creatures including man and animals. And I believe that by being a vegan, you increase your love for everyone on this planet.

Supreme Master Ching Hai, thank you for bringing about this conference, for what you’re doing to try and save the animals of the world, to save the planet, to save the human race. Thank you. You are blessed, and truly, truly we are in your debt. I really admire all the achievements that you have done, Master Ching Hai, by the conferences you gave, by all the lectures spreading to the world: Being vegan is very, very important in order to achieve peace on Earth.

We have the solutions for the planet. As Supreme Master Ching Hai’s memorable expressions are broadcast on television: “If the lion is to lie next to the lamb peacefully, humans must do it first.”

“We all pray to Heaven for help. Why don’t we just be the Heaven, a refuge for other beings…” “We don’t have to die to save the world: Just be vegan.”

“Don’t give up everything 2 b WORLDSAVER JUSTBVEGAN”

“Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!”

For many years, with boundless love, Supreme Master Ching Hai has been tirelessly appealing and guiding everyone about how to curb the crisis of global warming. The most effective and quickest way is “Be Veg. Go Green 2 Save the Planet!” Let’s all Be Veg. Go Green 2 Save the Planet! I wish Supreme Master Television keeps growing and developing to share more love with this world. Thank you!

I know that the real purpose is to have a beautiful green planet and healthy people. So I would like to say, thank you. And continue doing the good work. The planet really needs it. Don’t go, leaving an elderly mother and innocent siblings! There’s no real hatred among us human beings. Battlefields have but guns, swords and hostility, While here a warm home welcomes your company.

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s dedication to saving the planet can also be felt through her special poems, “Please Don’t Go” and “Please Wake Up!” These verses are words full of a sage’s sympathy and sorrow, an earnest plea from Supreme Master Ching Hai to the world to walk away from war and destruction, and return to love.

Don’t go further on the path Of vengeful ghosts and shrieking demons.

During the week that the world focused on the world’s plight as their leaders gathered to hold intense and difficult hours of talks in Copenhagen, Denmark in December 2009, Supreme Master Ching Hai gave her most deeply felt support through the most articulate language of poetry. Each time she reads these words from her innermost heart, the poet could not stop the stream of tears.

O darling, please halt your steps! Hold these hands of your loving wife: Please feel for your family, country and the world Why have the heart to sow misery and death? Cease your grasp, won’t you please? Don’t brandish the sword and utter vows that are so bloody. Look again at your “eternal enemies” – Are they not also humans, my love?

Taking lives, we’ll have to pay with our own. How can we rejoice in causing demise and separation? Only boundless, lasting compassion Shall make us great among all creation...

In my dreams the world is supposed to be beautiful and clean, and no fighting, and peace all around. If everyone decides to be vegan or raw, well there’d be no more slaughtering, there’d be no more fights and things like that, no more pollution. And my dream world would be real. I’ll just continue encouraging people to make a beautiful and healthy planet because we’re the ones who live on it.

My name is Tera Warner and I am the president of The Raw Divas. And to Supreme Master Ching Hai, what you’re doing – that you’re doing this is amazing and my children hear you all the way over here in Montreal, Canada through your work; it’s speaking to them in a powerful way.

A healthy and Earth-saving animal-free diet is not only the most effective response to halt climate change, but also an exciting and joyful trend on the rise across the globe! Springing from her vision of a happy, thriving vegan world was Loving Hut, an international family of vegan restaurants whose concept of delicious, nutritious, affordable cuisine was encouraged by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

I watched the announcements on Supreme Master Television and learned about the harmful effects of meat on the human body. So, I decided to become vegan. One time when I watched Supreme Master Television, I saw Supreme Master Ching Hai. I think she is a great person, with lots of wisdom, and she has done a lot for the planet. So I feel that I should also do something. Therefore, I decided to be a head chef and specialize in making vegan cuisine. I want to create vegan cuisine that will be welcomed by the public. I call on everybody to Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

On Supreme Master Television, veganism is always an exciting theme to explore. In particular, the long-running and popular Sunday show, A Gift of Love: Simple and Nutritious Cooking with Supreme Master Ching Hai, has inspired millions of people worldwide to adopt a plant-based diet. Audiences have loved to relax and learn from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s many helpful cooking tips and delightful easy recipes.

Many of the food I cook for you is my own invention and home cooking. So, if you cannot find it in other books, then don’t be surprised. I’m not cooking according to the book, I’m cooking according to my own arrangement, and my own finding. You can also do the same; it’s more fun this way.

After this widely loved program, Supreme Master Ching Hai then advised the channel to present a new series on breatharian individuals who have been able to transition to a food-free lifestyle. They inspiringly prove that we are more than our physical needs and that Divine spirit or the universal love is truly a source of sustenance.

In fact, as Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed, humans were originally food-free, a truth which for many has put into perspective of how far we have strayed with a meat-based diet and that we can always return to a lighter, more natural way of living.

Thank you very much, Supreme Master Ching Hai. I like the breatharian series very much, and benefited a lot from the program. Thank you. Audrey from Canada

In addition, Supreme Master Ching Hai more recently provided yet another new program idea of highlighting animal celebrities and wildlife that are veg – either by nature or choice! Moreover, animal sanctuaries and zoos that feed only plant-based fare to its residents are also to be featured, furthering the compassion global veg movement in an original and interesting way.

For decades, Supreme Master Ching Hai has cautioned about the harmful effects of the substances of meat, addictive drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. She has candidly referred to them as the four top killers. With the protectiveness and fearlessness of a true friend, Supreme Master Ching Hai has utilized various means to raise awareness on their harms and the benefits of banning and quitting their widespread use.

In the civilized society that should be, we protest war. One day, we will also protest against the murder of our animal co-inhabitants. And by extension, we will denounce anything in the future that kills, because killing is a crime that must be stopped.

…Now you can see, we have to prioritize our choices. Either the abundant, beautiful, peaceful planet, or sorrow, suffering, or worst: loss of all lives. And ALL these crimes of killing – from MEAT, ALCOHOL, DRUGS, TOBACCO – MUST AND WILL stop.

In their place, what will we have? Happy, longevity for animals and humans alike. Limitless health and wellness. Intelligence and creativity. A shared love and joy as never before remembered. In short, we will have a newly, wondrously elevated humanity in all aspects…

Most recently, Supreme Master Television has had the honor of broadcasting the world premiere of “The King & Co.,” an epic series that was written and directed – as she humorously noted, “via remote control” – by Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Your Majesty, the royal flyer mentions “non-violence,” and also “Be Veg, Go Green!”

What in the world is eat “glass bottle”? (“Ăn chay” – eat veg – sounds like “ăn chai” – eat a glass bottle.) How can you possibly chew a glass bottle? You want to die or something?

Eating veg means eating plants, legumes, fruits, and not eating animal flesh.

Yes, that includes not killing humans, not waging war with other countries.

OK, OK! How about “go green”? What’s that all about? Can we choose another color?

“The King & Co.” is a rich adventurous tale about a king with a drug addiction and his colorful court of mandarins, and a handsome prince in love with a virtuous village girl with remarkable inner beauty. The movie ingeniously weaves together elements of times ancient and modern, action and romance, drama and comedy; it is a study of our own human follies, as well as a lighthearted and friendly introduction to spiritual practice. Most importantly, through “The King & Co.,” Supreme Master Ching Hai created a powerful delivery of the facts about the four killers: meat, addictive drugs, tobacco, and alcohol.

Thủy, are you okay? What’s the matter? Tell me.

The graceful dancer’s dream of becoming a ballerina is dashed forever. But Thủy remains grateful to be alive. From this experience, she knows in her heart that she ought to extend the same gift of life to all beings, human and animal alike.

Many viewers’ heartlines have been received by Supreme Master Television in acclaim for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s meticulously created masterpiece and gift to the world – “The King & Co.”

Hi, my name is Russell. I’m from Brisbane, and I’m here watching the premiere of “The King & Co.” I must admit I found the program quite confronting, and it really educated me about some of the problems that we’re facing with alcohol at the moment. So, well done!

Hi, I am Emre Emirli. I'm from Istanbul, Turkey. If you want to highlight a serious matter I believe the best way to make the point is with comedy. The characters in “The King & Co.” and the way they were portrayed by actors in the show were hilarious and it gives a strong message, which is: Don’t do drugs. Every time you remember those funny faces and gestures of these actors, you will get the very same message, and the message will always be on your mind.

This film we will try to make it come through the forum to all schools in the country because the information that the film has, besides the narrative and wonderful language, is very educational; it has in-depth information not only about the problems that we have in the environment, but also what actions we can take to save us. I infinitely thank the Master who gives us the opportunity to develop this consciousness.

I am very pleased with these efforts to reduce drug abuse, and I honor the contributions that she has made, and I am delighted to add my voice of support and encouragement and appreciation.

On the occasion of the 4th Anniversary of Supreme Master Television, I sincerely express my heartfelt gratitude. May Supreme Master Ching Hai and all viewers of Supreme Master Television have good health, lots of happiness, and best wishes to all.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your service. You’re inspiring, immensely for me, and I also know for millions of others around the world.

And from me to her a deep gratitude. Love to you, beautiful Being. I want you to know… I love you so much. Thank you very much for your existence. Thank you.

And this is the 4th Anniversary but let’s get to 400! So we’re going to do that because we’re going to Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

We must all rise to what is needed by the planet now, and to what we know we can be. The time has come for us to change, evolve, grow and stand tall as the rightful crown of creation, the benevolent rulers and protectors, and Heaven’s children on Earth.

Together, let us make the unprecedented leap to the Golden Era, to the time of compassion, harmony, kindness and true peace that awaits us. I know that we can do it. Yes, we can, right? Yes, we can. Yes, we can! I am positive that we can do it. God bless our world. Love you.

Our eternal love and gratefulness, Supreme Master Ching Hai, for your wholehearted devotion in illuminating the way to a peaceful world. Thank you for showing through Supreme Master Television the true meaning of courage and the vision to work toward a glorious paradise on Earth. Let us all join in the circle of friendship among all beings and remember God or Supreme Master Who dwells within each one of us.

Thank you, noble viewers, for your presence on today’s program in a tribute to Supreme Master Ching Hai, as we commence our celebration of Supreme Master Television’s 4th Anniversary.

Up next is Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living. May Heaven bless our beautiful planet and all her co-inhabitants.

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 Specialty Food & Traditional Cuisine from Âu Lạc (Vietnam) – Vegan Rice Pancake 

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