A Journey through Aesthetic Realms
With Lots of Love and Thankfulness: Mother’s Day 2010      
I love you, Mom.

A little kiss. I love you, Kayna.

What you'd like to wish your mom for Mother's Day?

I want to wish her Happy Mother's Day, and I love her very much. I would like to offer her a jewel.

Hi Mama!

Happy Mother’s Day!

I wish you the best of health; wish all mothers the best of health, while leading happy lives. Happy Mother’s Day.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers in the world!

Welcome, loving viewers. Today is Mother’s Day! Mother’s Day lands on various dates according to each culture, sometimes corresponding with a traditional day honoring a goddess like Cybele, the mother of all the Greek gods, or a holy being like Mary, the mother of Jesus. Today, the most widely celebrated Mother’s Day was established by an American named Anna Marie Jarvis. What started with a memorial for her mother became a national holiday for all mothers by 1914 and eventually a popular international observance.

She’s my best friend. There’s no one like her.

On this Mother’s Day, let us remember the reasons that we adore and cherish our mothers, our grandmothers, and all those who have been like mothers to us in our lives. We have all come to this world through a mother. She is a life giver who welcomed us with a most immense, beautiful love unlike any other. Every day as we grow up, she cares for everyone’s needs. Her quiet devotion could never be appreciated enough.

Every time when I come home late at night, I always see three dishes of food and a bowl of rice ready there, waiting for my return. Whether it gets cold or is still hot doesn’t matter, for my heart always feels the warmth. That’s why I want to thank my mother.

A mother’s presence is a special gift in a household that is often busy yet well-ordered and healthy, thanks to her!

She feeds all the members of the family. She knows the needs of each one in detail. She is charged with the education of the children. She is the one who exudes joy in the house. And as we say here in our area, she is the “minister of the interior.”

Besides being a tender caregiver, our mother is also our first teacher and best friend. She helps us do what is right and what is good. A group of high school students from the Islamic Foundation School in Canada share about what mom has meant in their lives. When I am with my mother I learn something new every day. And if there’s something I wanted to tell my Mother it’s that Mama, I love you so much and that, I don’t know, there’s something about you that speaks a thousand words and I have no words to thank you as much as you’ve done for me.

When I used to be memorizing the Qur’an every day, she used to wake me up every day in the morning at 4 am. And she used to help me like day in and day out, strive me for, me doing the best, projects, homework. She used to always say, “Siraj, you can always do it.” She was my motivation in life. I just wanted to say to my mom that if I’ve done anything wrong to her for her to please forgive me. I love you a lot and I don’t think I have enough words to describe how much you mean to me and how you are the best mom in the world.

There is a man who came to the Prophet, saying that, “Oh Prophet of Allah, who should I love the most?” And the Prophet replied, “Your mother.” And the man asked again, “ Who should I should love so much?” The Prophet said again, “Your mother.” And then, again the man asked , “Who is the person who I should love the most?” And the Prophet again replied, “Your mother.”

Mother, whatever you have done for us we can’t tell in words how much. We love the way you care And we wish to be like you and we feel very happy to have a nice mother like you.

Mothers shape who we become. In ways big and small, it is her faith that motivates us as we become greater than perhaps we could have imagined.

In Ireland, Mother's Day was a different date. It was the day I took the yellow jersey it was Mother's Day in Ireland. So I called my mother, and said I took yellow for Mother's Day. I mean everything I've done, cycling, I couldn't have done without my mother's grounding when I was young, the support she gave me, and good genetics as well, from my mom's side. She's been really important for everything I've done since. So, yes, to everyone, Happy Mother's Day!

There was a poetry competition a few years ago and I really didn’t think that I would be able to do it. And so my mom she encouraged me, she told me that you can do it. And really, when I thought of her words, I thought that maybe I can. So reflecting on her words, I did my utmost best, and she helped me, she helped me so much, and I won that competition . It’s an immense achievement for me if I become half the person my mother is. And I am who I am because of my mom, today.

Indeed, a mother’s role carries strength and wisdom that light our path. Once loved by a mother, we are loved over a whole lifetime and can pass on the same to others.

The things I remember most about my mother, she was a very kind, warm, loving mother, and particularly the kitchen was a great area we loved to go when Mom was always baking and doing preserves. And just a very hospitable lady. And I would like to wish all the mothers around the world a very happy Mother’s Day.

Since ages ago, a mother’s selfless love has always resonated with the nourishing love of the universe. In fact, in many cultures, mother is a name for planetary features: mother lands, mother rivers, mother nature, Mother Earth. These give birth to and nurture perfectly all living beings. Formosan (Taiwanese) Earth scientist Dr. Chung-Ho Wang, who studies global warming, shares his thoughts.

The Earth actually is very good to human beings. It’s like a mother, sacrificing and paying consistently without complaint and regret. Mother’s Day is coming. It tells us that, to our mothers, we need to know how much they’ve given to us. And to our Mother Earth, we have to cherish more. We introspect our improper behavior, and then change ourselves from diet, action, living and basic necessities of life. If it brings changes, the mother land will get the comfort that we the children are finally starting to change, and there is still hope for our future.

I’d like to say Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers in the world.

My mother is the champion of the whole world.

Happy Mother’s Day to every single mother in the world!

This is David “Avocado” Wolfe here today with you on Supreme Master Television and I am sending to all your mothers out there warm wishes and deep levels of gratitude and appreciation for the incredible work that you’re doing and raising our children with spirituality, integrity and raising children with hope. Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing what you’re doing.

Mom, I love you. You’re so wonderful, having to bear all our faulty deeds.

My mother is my best friend.

All right, you are going to give her a big kiss.

Yes, I love my mother very much.

And you, what do you want to say to your mom?

I love you very much, Mom.

Thank you. Thank you. I also love you very much.

Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. When we return, our Association members from around the world share some of their stories in deep gratitude to Supreme Master Ching Hai, a beloved spiritual mother.

A mark of an enlightened Master is his or her unconditional love. As a special caretaker of the soul and treasured spiritual messenger, Supreme Master Ching Hai is a living enlightened Master. She teaches the path to liberation from the cycle of birth and death through an ancient method of meditation. She also loves and assists the world with all her heart.

The elating kindness of Supreme Master Ching Hai has been experienced, whether in a visible or invisible way, by many people, her students as well as others. On today’s program, our Association members from around the world share some of their experiences and express their gratitude to Supreme Master Ching Hai, who is for them a most precious and special Mom.

The same dedicated love of all beings characterizes the very campaign which Supreme Master Ching Hai has launched. Through Supreme Master Television, videoconferences, letters, publications, flyers, and more, Supreme Master Ching Hai does all she can to call for a compassionate lifestyle in order to safeguard the future of all Earth citizens as well as their planetary home. Our Native American Association member conveys his thankfulness for these endeavors.

I’m Native American. My grandparents came from Mount Browning, Montana. They were Peigan of the Blackfoot Confederacy. And I’d like to thank you, Supreme Master Ching Hai, for the honor on this occasion to give thanks to you for loving me, and for loving all my brothers and sisters all around the globe. I also have a very special thanks from the creepers and crawlers, the flyers, the swimmers, the four-legged, the tree people, the stone people whom you have loved very much as a mother cares for her child. Through your example and your caring for the environment and the animal kingdom, we come to be better human beings.

I came to be a better human being. Because of your compassion and your love to all the animal beings, we wish to be the good care keepers of the Earth, and to all of the beings that are on the Earth as well. So I thank you with all of my love on this Mother’s Day for being in my life, and wish this day to be the most beautiful day of your journey.

There are millions of ways a mother would love her child. As a mother figure to her disciples, Supreme Master Ching Hai is the mom who encourages all in the family to do good deeds, the mom who with her infinite creativity designs clothes for beauty and comfort, composes poems and sings songs that soothe the soul, tells stories that delight and bring new understanding, and so much more.

Yet the true extent of all that an enlightened Master does for others, disciples and non-disciples alike, shall never be known, for she does much in ways that are silent and invisible. Those who have had a glimpse of awareness can never forget the incredible depth of a Master’s sacrifice and love. The following is such a case from Formosa (Taiwan).

Hsihu Center always maintained a hygienic and eco-friendly environment. At nightfall, the place would turn into a paradise for insects and reptiles. Therefore, Master often reminded us to carry a flashlight to avoid hurting them. On a hot summer night, after group meditation, I tried to fetch some water to quench my thirst. In my haste, I forgot Master’s instruction to carry a flashlight and just fumbled my way in the dark towards the pillar where the light switch was.

Just as my hand felt the pillar, my foot seemed to have stepped on something. Was it a water hose? But there seemed to be a scream. Oh my God! I stepped on a snake in samadhi [a state of high meditative concentration] at the bottom of the pillar. It was unhappy and bit me. Though it felt just like a mosquito bite, the venom spread quickly and my left leg went completely numb. The doctors worried that the venom might spread and my left leg might need to be amputated. How could I, a member of my school’s tennis team and an energetic player on the sports field, accept such an arrangement?

With only one leg, how could I go with Master to enjoy the landscape in San Di Mun? I kept praying to Master to help me and I finally escaped the fate of amputation. When I limped back to Hsihu Center with a crutch to join the Sunday group meditation, I found that Master was also using a crutch, and her left foot was bandaged exactly the same as my left foot. I still have with me today this photo of Master with the bandaged foot to remind myself that if it hadn’t been for Master, I would not be able to move about freely and my whole life would be wrecked.

Early in the morning of one Sunday group meditation day, Master especially granted a session to fellow initiates who arrived early on Saturday. When I eventually came before Master, Master compassionately kept asking me if I need any help, and gave me a lot of blessed food. I was speechless, but could only smile and shed tears with great emotion. Thanks to Master’s grace in shouldering my karma, I have been able to travel smoothly on the spiritual path, but the scar on my ankle has imprinted Master’s immense compassion and kindness like that of a loving Mother, deeply and forever in my heart.

Always wishing that humans’ precious journeys in life to be safe and the noblest possible, Supreme Master Ching Hai also cautions repeatedly against the harms of deadly substances, including meat, alcohol, addictive drugs, and tobacco. Illustrating Supreme Master Ching Hai’s protective love is a fond old memory of our Association member from Costa Rica.

Twenty years ago, after an international retreat, Master invited us to enjoy a delicious wine that she prepared. One of the companions asked her how she did it, because it was delicious! And I loved it. And she, with all the love and joy, told us that she had spent all afternoon in the kitchen preparing it. And she told us the ingredients she used. It was all natural products – fruit juices... Currently, the wine has become famous. It is called Heavenly Vegewine.

And this wine expresses her great love; for us to be delighted with a wine without alcohol, exquisite, delicious. She wanted us to know a wine that does not need alcohol. And it's a way to protect us, to take care of us, for all of us to understand that we don't need to look for products that contain harmful ingredients to our health. She is always caring for and teaching us, for our well-being. She is a great mom. She expresses the love of a real mom, who always wants the best. Master, thank you for your great love. Thanks for being the most beautiful and good mother of the universe.

Indeed, Supreme Master Ching Hai is known for her extraordinary meticulous care for humans and animals everywhere, making her an exceptionally busy mom. Our Association member from Hungary reveals his first-hand account.

In 2007, I was so lucky to be with Master in person. I was her driver. My mom was ill and at that time we had a dog named Bogi and he was also very sick. When we were together, Master inquired many times about their state of health. Master always listened to me with great attention, and gave me advice. And she also gave me a large amount of money to provide the best medicines and vegetarian vitamins to my mom and dog Bogi. Master expressly told me to visit my mom in the hospital and sent her a handpainted shawl. She was taking care of me with special attention.

She told me to eat the best foods, to take the best vitamins, to meditate a lot, to rest well, to sleep adequately, to be in the best shape. A homeless man came to us, and Master gave him such a large amount of money that he couldn’t believe. And the man said that he received this money from God because he needed exactly this amount of money, and he was smiling. When we traveled, the car’s back was full of all kinds of delicious treats. Master was taking care of everyone generously. And another time we visited a place, where a dog lived. He didn’t really have a caregiver though he was given food.

At that time we couldn’t help, so Master asked me to buy him vegetarian dog food and go back and take it there. Master always speaks to people very attentively anywhere she goes, and she talks with great love about everything. Her way of caring and generosity touches those people who are lucky enough to meet her. I was very impressed to see that no matter how busy she was, she always answered people’s questions and took care of them with great love and patience. I remember those times together with gratitude in my heart, and would like to take the opportunity to wish Master great health and much happiness for Mother’s Day! Thank you very much.

Next, our Aulacese (Vietnamese) Association member recalls the unforgettable deeds of a deeply compassionate and courageous comforter, Supreme Master Ching Hai.

In the refugee camp, life was very miserable: rice was not enough for all refugees to eat, clothes were not enough for all refugees to wear, water was not enough for all refugees to drink, even deaths happened every day. For example, those who were in despair committed suicide, those who were weary of life got drunk and fought and hurt each other. This things happened almost every day and no one came forward to help everyone.

In such a hopeless situation, the warden of the refugee camp said, “Tomorrow Supreme Master Ching Hai is going to visit us.” At that moment, the atmosphere in the camp naturally changed at once. Although Master did not arrive yet, but everyone in the camp felt her love and were extremely happy. It seemed that there was no sight of hostility and conflict any more.

When Master just entered, everyone cried their heart out and shouted loudly, “Long live Master Ching Hai! Please save us!” At that time, when Master saw everyone, my God! Her eyes welled up with tears.

Master lovingly comforted us like a mother who very much loved her children, and did not see them for thousands of years.

Master blessed and advised them, “All my compatriots you should take care of your health. Anyhow, I am always with you and I will send a messenger here to care for you. I advise you not to go on hunger strike, not to commit suicide and I will find all the possible ways to help you.”

A messenger who was sent by Master brought her love to us, then at that time, the fellow initiates started to serve people two meals a day. At that time, the refugees felt glad that finally someone was looking after them. So, the refugees no longer worried about problems in life.

Listening to Master’s lecture tapes while eating their meals made them forget their troubles and sorrow, and they no longer thought of suicide or fighting with each other anymore.

Because of the love that Master gave them, the refugees could live until they were allowed to settle in a third country. They are always grateful to Master for her love.

I will try to learn the love from Master and to follow Master’s example to serve people. I am so thankful to Supreme Master Ching Hai!

Our final story comes from our Association member from the United States. It is yet another grateful insight into the miracle of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s motherly love.

Back in 1981, I was in a very depressed mental and spiritual place, to the point where I saw no decision except to end my life. Someone had come by just when I was in the process and saved me and called the police, and took me to the hospital. While I was there I was kind of in and out, and I saw this incredible, incredible light, so bright. This incredible white light came to me in my kind of sleep-awake state. And all the darkness in every part of my being receded and disappeared.

It was like this healing warmth that enveloped me, and this incredible love. This woman came out of the light and it was mostly her eyes, came to me, and she spoke into my spirit, into my mind, and said , “You do not have the decision to take your life. When your time comes, it is God’s decision.” Her love and her warmth just healed me throughout my spirit, and it gave me hope. That was in 1981, and in 1999, I was introduced to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

At that time I knew the eyes, because those eyes came to me back then. I knew that she was the one that healed me at that time, and allowed me to meet her in real life. She has changed and transformed my life. She has enlightened me in ways that I never thought possible. And in the 10 years that I have been her disciple, I have learned and I have volunteered with the Red Cross, with the Community Emergency Response Team. And this is all to help people.

I cannot express to you how important and how lovely it is to know Master, and to know that she asks so little in return for the gifts that she gives us, and the love that she gives us. And I just want to wish you a Happy Birthday and Happy Mother’s Day, Master. You are so beautiful and so wonderful! And thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being there at my darkest moment in my life. Thank you.

For all Supreme Master Ching Hai has done for humankind, our animal co-inhabitants, and our planet, our Association members are forever filled with gratitude.

with her in my life it feels like “a piece of Heaven on Earth.” I’m completely sure that I have learnt a lot for my own motherhood through her deep motherly care and love. Especially, I feel how the love that I receive from her, emanates not only to my child but also to all people with whom I am in contact. Master, I thank you endlessly that you are such an incredibly good mother for me!

I belong to the lucky people who have been living with the presence of Master since their birth. Already when I was in my mother’s womb, she was practicing meditation.

My mother told me that whenever she meditated in the night, I cuddled especially close to her. And since my eighth year I meditate myself.

I know that I am very happy and satisfied in my life and that I am looking with much confidence into the future. I feel very secure with her in my life. Master, for that I thank you very much! Supreme Master Ching Hai, we love you very much.

During a May 1997 international retreat, Supreme Master Ching Hai graciously attended a celebration organized by our Association members for Mother’s Day as well as her birthday, May 12, since it occurred around the holiday. On the joyful occasion, Supreme Master Ching Hai conveyed her heartfelt greetings to all the mothers.

I wish every one of you who have a birthday today a very, very successful, happy, and wish-fulfilling year ahead. Also, I wish all the mothers the best year to come. I wish all the children, I wish all your children will remember your kindness and your boundless, unconditional love, and will treat you the way that they should do to a mother.

On this international Mother’s Day, we are ever grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai for your wondrous presence on Earth, bringing such love and light to so many hearts and guidance and hope for our world. We sincerely wish you the best of health, youthful beauty and happiness, and the continuation of your sacred mission for a peaceful planet. To all mothers with us today, we join the globe in appreciation for all you do as representatives of the Divine in our lives. May Heaven bestow upon you all the blessings that you richly deserve.

It was a pleasure having your company on this Mother’s Day program. May faith and joy be the hallmark of your days.

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