A Journey through Aesthetic Realms
In Honor of the 16th Anniversary of The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day      
With tender purity of heart, since childhood, Supreme Master Ching Hai had a dream that every corner of the globe would be filled with peace, love, and light. Over the years, the state of the Earth has become increasingly fragile with conflicts and climate change.

When night falls and all is quiet, she is awake from cries of the sorrows in the world. While doing her utmost to ameliorate the suffering of others, she always has hope not only for our planet’s survival, but also for a wondrous new era to come. Through decades of dedicated efforts, her noble endeavors of creating Heaven on Earth are bearing fruit.

Welcome, esteemed viewers. Today is the 16th anniversary of The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day, when a world-renowned humanitarian, artist, and spiritual leader was respectfully honored for her remarkable, selfless contributions to humankind. Supreme Master Ching Hai is known to many as a most cherished spiritual teacher. By offering spiritual lectures and initiation into the Quan Yin Method of meditation to sincere Truth seekers, all free of charge, she has helped countless people rediscover and utilize their own higher wisdom and love.

In addition, as a divinely inspired artist, Supreme Master Ching Hai sends a message of peace and joy, rekindled through her many aesthetic creations and fashion designs, as well as musical and poetic compositions. While reminding us to seek our own spiritual greatness, Supreme Master Ching Hai has taught with her own example the importance of caring for others, especially in times of need.

On February 22, 1994, to express their gratitude for her humanitarian assistance to the United States and the world, the states of Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin proclaimed this day as The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day. In a grand ceremony held in Chicago, Illinois, USA, in the presence of 2,000 dignitaries and guests, each state representative presented an official certificate of commendation signed by the governor. They also presented to Supreme Master Ching Hai the distinguished World Spiritual Leadership Award.

Today is a great day. Supreme Master Ching Hai is being honored for the good she has done for the whole world, in particular the United States. In 1993 the Supreme Master helped the United States greatly. We in the United States cannot forget this, nor shall we.

It reads: “Whereas the Supreme Master Ching Hai has devoted her entire life to relieving the suffering of disaster victims around the world; Whereas the Supreme Master has provided assistance to the victims of the Los Angeles fires, Mount Pinatubo eruptions, and most recently, the Great Midwest Floods;

This special commendation is presented to you with great appreciation and respect from all of the people from the state of Minnesota.

On this day of February, in the year of our Lord, 1994. Terry E. Brandstad, Governor.”

For the ceremony, messages of congratulations arrived from government leaders around the world, including the United States President at the time, Bill Clinton, and two former presidents of the United States, George Bush and Ronald Reagan.

“Heartiest congratulations to Supreme Master Ching Hai on her receiving the World Spiritual Leadership Award. She is a living example of world peace and love for all, especially her help for the refugees and the many suffering people in the United States of America. We wish your award ceremony a great success,” and is signed by Bill Clinton, President of the United States.

“Please convey my personal regards to the Master for her warmest heart for mankind.” And this is signed by George Bush, past president of the United States.

“My best wishes go to The Master for her selfless deeds.” Sincerely, Ronald Reagan Upon receiving these recognitions, Supreme Master Ching Hai was invited to share a speech for the audience.

I thank you sincerely for your time and effort to bring about the gathering this evening and all this great honor. To help others, it is our birthright, our privilege …to help our brothers and sisters and to elevate our planet, which is our only home at this moment, so that we all can live in a very reasonable and decent condition; that is the duty of all of us.

On this special occasion, we respectfully commemorate Supreme Master Ching Hai’s extraordinary on-going accomplishments to assist all beings.

February 22, 2010 is Supreme Master Ching Hai Day. This is the 16th year that the day is celebrated. What interests and amazes me the most about Supreme Master Ching Hai is the way she demonstrates and enables people to understand the fact that today, humanity should live unified for the purpose that concerns everyone, as we live in one world and think beyond the boundary of one district and one country. It is very encouraging to listen to Supreme Master Ching Hai’s teachings, which always call for people’s love and compassion to help each other in difficult times with any means you have at hand.

And someone who thinks and cares about the people in such a depth as to what food or clothes would be good to have a healthy and good life for them, is great beyond description in the sense of selfless dedication to the good of others and the sense of love and compassion. On the occasion of this special day, I would like to wish Supreme Master Ching Hai that your deep love and compassion awaken many in their path towards enlightenment and love. Thank you.

For the past 20 plus years, Supreme Master Ching Hai has contributed tens of millions of US dollars towards relieving disaster victims and supporting charitable causes, both large and small openly or anonymously. Caring deeply for the underserved, at times she asks our Association members, if their circumstances allow, to help and comfort the victims, especially to the families of the perished, the orphans and the elderly.

Whether to the flooded regions of India, Angola, Palestine or Afghanistan; islands like Fiji and Papua New Guinea; villages in Myanmar (Burma), Sri Lanka, and Cambodia; the bitter cold parts of Peru or the United States; after storms in England and fires in Greece; or the recent earthquake in Haiti, wherever communities are afflicted by disasters, Supreme Master Ching Hai would extend immediate aid, along with her prayers for the people’s safety. For her swift and unconditional assistance, governments, organizations, and relief recipients alike have conveyed their gratefulness to Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Supreme Master, on behalf of the Civil Defense of the Dominican Republic, and especially our Santo Domingo province whom we proudly represent, thank you on behalf of our brethren, and on behalf of the Republic of Haiti. Thank you very much.

Thank you very much, Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Thank you Master!

Many of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s humanitarian contributions are made anonymously, with some never being reported, as it has never been her intention to seek public acknowledgment. Nevertheless, Supreme Master Ching Hai has been recognized for her philanthropic works, through letters, awards, and official meeting invitations from government leaders and royal families.

Included among these honors are the World Citizen Humanitarian Award; the Excalibur Award from the American Cancer Society; an Award of Merit from the US San Francisco Mayor in 1993; the key to Boca Raton, Florida, USA; an Honorary Citizenship from the Governor of Arizona state, USA; and the presentation of the Gusi Peace Prize by Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

This is in addition to other recognitions for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s artistic contributions such as the Mahavir Award; the Los Angeles Music Week Certificate of Commendation from Los Angeles Mayor James K. Hahn; and the First-place Silver for the 27th Annual Telly Awards. Supreme Master Ching Hai’s love encompasses all precious life on Earth; she has always been at the forefront in protecting our animal co-inhabitants.

Receiving her financial care have been worldwide animal shelters for the abandoned or rescued companion or farmed animals, as well as brave individuals devoted to saving the lives of the voiceless. In a few recent examples, to show her support of self-sacrificing search and rescue dogs and their human partners, she donated a total of over US$100,000 to 100 plus such teams across 21 countries. She also contributed US$200,000 toward the rescue of the endangered seal population in southern Africa.

Supreme Master, from the bottom of my heart I think you’re just doing the most amazing, amazing things. And, you’re reaching out to millions of people. And this is what’s going to take to make real change in this planet. You are certainly an amazing human being. And I wish there were more people like you.

Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.

In furthering people’s understanding of the loving nature of our animal co-inhabitants, Supreme Master Ching Hai has authored three #1 international best-selling books, “The Dogs in My Life,” “The Birds in My Life,” and “The Noble Wilds.” Through the moving stories about the author’s rescued and adopted pet companions as well as the grace of the wildlife, many people have become more appreciative toward them as well as the nature we share.

In fact this book contains a message of love, an unlimited love between human beings and animals; and there is also a message opposing animal suffering.

This book is very touching. It’s full of love and thanks to Master Ching Hai, these birds are going to find their freedom again, they will find love, they will find their fellow creatures

It is important that there are books that point to the fact that we live in an environment we have to save.

Our program, “In Honor of the 16th Anniversary of The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day,” continues when we return. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Hi, I am Melissa Galianos, president of the Montreal World Vegan Day Fashion Show. And I want to say a big Happy Anniversary to Supreme Master Ching Hai Day. Thank you so much for all the works you do. I know you’ve done works for animals, you’ve done work in Haiti, and it’s amazing, it’s appreciated. And again I completely owe you a huge thank you and I would encourage everybody to follow your footsteps and adopt a vegan diet. It’s good for the planet, it’s good for the animals, and it’s good for our health. Happy Anniversary!

As a state senator from North Carolina, I’m very honored today to be able to wish the Supreme Master Ching Hai and all viewers of Supreme Master Television a very happy Supreme Master Ching Hai Day. The best thing is for our citizens to look at really eating healthier, and the healthiest way to eat is the vegetables that come from Mother Earth. And we need to keep Mother Earth clean, this is the only Earth we will have, and if we don’t do things to clean it up and keep it clean, then our children will be living a terrible life. Vegetarianism is real healthy, and I encourage all to start become a vegetarian.

Welcome back to our program, “In Honor of the 16th Anniversary of The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day.” Today, humanity, and indeed, all the Earth and her living inhabitants face the same threat to survival: climate change. As experts have pointed out time and again, it is chiefly due to animal agriculture. Having long foreseen the increasingly imperiled state of our ecosphere, Supreme Master Ching Hai has advocated environmental conservation, such as by planting trees, living frugally and virtuously, and adopting the eco-friendly plant-based diet.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has also sent financial gifts in support of those committed to preserving the natural ecosystem, including the World Wildlife Fund, the UK’s Woodland Trust to restore a wilderness valley, as well as various tree-planting endeavors from Macedonia to Âu Lạc (Vietnam).

May I thank the Supreme Master Ching Hai for her fantastic support.

In addition, through creating the Shining World Award series, Supreme Master Ching Hai honors as role models the organizations, leaders, and citizens who are, in their own capacities, working to better our world – through heroic and altruistic deeds, beneficial inventions, and projects to save the defenseless and the environment.

Included are award laureates who speak out about the urgent need to curb meat production and meat consumption. Moreover, to caution humankind about the threats of livestock-borne pandemics and global warming, and the multi-benefits of an animal-free diet, Supreme Master Ching Hai designed the timely Alternative Living and SOS flyers, and urged our Association members to share with interested others. The public campaign has been highly successful and far-reaching, with millions of people becoming aware of and choosing more sustainable lifestyles.

I want to congratulate Supreme Master Ching Hai for everything she does for the animals, for the environment, for the humans, the health of the world. Seeking the clarity and depth of her solutions for our time’s most difficult challenges, world radio, newspapers, magazines, and other media have frequently requested interviews with Supreme Master Ching Hai to know her views.

She has been invited as the special guest to many videoconferences on climate change on the six continents, including in the United States, Germany, Mexico, Peru, Japan, Hong Kong, Mongolia, Thailand, Formosa (Taiwan), New Zealand, South Korea, Togo, Australia, and Indonesia.

Many of the people who are knowledgeable know that vegetarian diet, meaning animal-free product lifestyle, is the best way, the fastest to stop our disaster of global warming and the destruction of our planet. Every action provokes a reaction.

So if we let live the animals, Heaven will let us live.

We have to treat animal with kindness, the way we treat our own children and ourselves. Then we have the hope to save the planet. And I’m sure we can save the planet that way. I can guarantee that.

Not only will we keep this planet, but this planet will become more beautiful, more abundant, more glorious, more happy for everyone to enjoy.

Dignitaries, government officials, climate scientists, health experts, civil groups, celebrities, and public citizens joined the dialogue. Supreme Master Ching Hai shared her thoughts focusing on the solution of the organic vegan diet, which convinced many participants to step in this direction.

The work that Supreme Master is doing is, I can say, excellent work, which nobody has done until now, according to my knowledge.

Supreme Master Ching Hai, congratulations for all the works you are doing. You are making a change around the world and that’s what we need today in our society.

As the ongoing series of conferences and interviews continued, a new global trend in plant-based living has been gaining momentum. In recent years and months, more and more governments and institutions around have been promoting a more healthful, humane, eco-conscious lifestyle, and calling on co-citizens to shift toward a veg diet. A “Less Meat, Less Heat” food policy recommending a reduction in carbon-intensive meat production was endorsed by the UK government, and discussed by the European Parliament.

From schools in Baltimore, USA and Yunlin County, Formosa (Taiwan), to the cities of Ghent, Belgium and Sao Paulo, Brazil, public examples are emerging of the official adoption of one meat-free day per week.

Others such as the governments of Sweden and Cincinnati, USA have included recommendations to eat less meat as part of their climate-friendly action guidelines.

I am happy and honored to wish a very happy and powerful anniversary to Supreme Master Ching Hai. We are looking with a lot of admiration to the work you are doing everywhere in the world, and most of all, to the support you give to many projects. Here in Ghent, we are happy and proud we can be pioneers or on the way to a more sustainable community.

We try to make clear to as many citizens of Ghent as possible, it is very important – not only for the planet, but also for their own health – to eat less meat. So, this is a message for everyone in the world who’s supporting us on the right road – we all need it – and also, we thank the Supreme Master for the support we can feel. Thank you.

At the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference in December 2009, a rally was held which specifically highlighted the crucial need for the meat-free solution in cooling the planet.

I came here to support global change and my first step was vegetarianism, and I’m here today holding a sign because I believe in this change. Be veg, go green, save the planet!

Encouraged by Supreme Master Ching Hai’s dedicated example, our Association members also actively participated in Copenhagen to raise awareness among the delegates and public alike of this most urgent factor in global warming.

In addition, announcements were published in the main newspaper for the conference with excerpts from interviews and videoconferences with Supreme Master Ching Hai.

We would like to try your vegan food, and in fact it’s been talked of a lot by our colleagues. And also I’d like to greet your Supreme Master and thank her for all these.

Furthermore, to facilitate people’s transition to the Earth-friendly vegan diet, an international family of vegan restaurants, Loving Hut, began with and has been guided by Supreme Master Ching Hai, to the resounding enthusiasm of the public in more than 100 locales across the continents.

The animals are a vital part of the planet, and when we mistreat the animals then we hurt ourselves and we cannot reach enlightenment. For that reason, as Supreme Master Ching Hai says, it is vitally important not to harm the animals, and that of course includes not eating them. She dedicates everything to helping the Earth.

Heaven knows how much Supreme Master Ching Hai does. She has given up so many different things to help, to help the planet, to help the animals. And she is accomplishing so much through her work. It’s an absolutely vital job and she is the only one doing it on her level on the planet today. Thank you so much Supreme Master Ching Hai. Happy Supreme Master Ching Hai Day!

February 22 is Supreme Master Ching Hai Day, a glorious day for everyone. I hope that, on February 22, all the volunteers and friends of Supreme Master Ching Hai will enjoy this bliss together, and spread our ideal of loving and caring for the Earth to the whole world. Supreme Master Ching Hai, I know you have done a lot for the Earth. I am truly grateful to you.

Supreme Master Ching Hai is a pioneer in the global movement of compassion as an integral part of our true citizenship of the planet. In 2006, she founded Supreme Master Television, a global media channel to broadcast constructive solutions for greater peace and understanding among humans, our animal kin, and our home, the Earth.

I’ve known Supreme Master Television For several years already. I love this television very much because it’s a source of inspiration for me and I think for many people in France. It’s difficult to thank her (Supreme Master Ching Hai) for all she does with simple words, because really she sends tremendous love all around the globe.

All these shows, all this sharing, everything that Supreme Master TV creates and awakens in us, all this is marvelous. I think this contributes to the advent of a new world that is being built in our time. So, I would like to thank her sincerely and simply from the depths of my heart for all she does, for all the time she dedicates to the living creatures of all kinds. Thank you, Supreme Master Ching Hai.

Master Ching Hai, I’ve been watching for several years now and the messages that you’re giving out to the world, and especially some of the world leaders. Everything that you’re saying right now is right, in my view, in terms of switching a diet to vegetarian, or essentially vegan, to keep the planet sustainable. But also, for the human beings that are eating the food, it’s a much healthier choice, it’s more harmonious, it’s much better for the animals. All I can say is everything you’re saying is right and more people need to listen to your message, and be vegan.

Congratulations on The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day. What we must care for is our compassion and protection of our animal friends. Because in the light of life, there exists both humans and animals on Earth, and they both have lives with equal value.

Be veg. Go green. Save the planet!

As mayor of Concord, the city which stands for harmony, I truly admire Supreme Master Ching Hai, the astonishing love and heartfelt dedication to save the Earth and its inhabitants. Let’s strive to follow her splendid example and take immediate measures to make this planet a more loving and peaceful place, and encourage the green way of life. Thank you very much. Be veg, go green. Save the planet!

As Supreme Master Ching Hai had highlighted the day she was lauded by the six US state governors: To help others is our privilege, and to elevate our planet so that all may live in peace is a noble duty. Her message still rings true 16 years later, for it is the essence of The Supreme Master Ching Hai Day.

I hope together we can really save this beautiful planet. Beginning with being compassionate, stop killing, choosing a veg diet, helping other in needs, etc., etc. With the organic vegan lifestyle as part of everyone’s heroic mission, our efforts together will surely bring a safe and saved world for both humans and our beloved animal co-inhabitants. Be veg, go green, do good deeds.

We are deeply grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai, for every inspirational example and word of encouragement that has brought us closer to our highest dreams. Rejoicing hearts, now and to come, are indebted to your love and dedication. May the world soon be as the Eden we pray for, prevailing in peace, harmony, and happiness for all.

Gracious viewers, thank you for your kind company. Coming up next is Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living, here on Supreme Master Television. May Heaven bless our beautiful planet.

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