A Journey through Aesthetic Realms
Aulacese (Vietnamese) Puppetry: The Three DropletsAulacese (Vietnamese) Puppetry: The Three Droplets of Magic Water      
Today’s A Journey through Aesthetic Realms will be presented in Aulacese (Vietnamese), with subtitles in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Thai and Spanish.

The art of Aulacese puppetry began around 255 BCE, during the time when the Cổ Loa Citadel was constructed by King An Dương Vương. Like music, puppetry conveys unique cultural characteristics of each nation. It is divided into two main categories: traditional puppetry and water puppetry.

Although performing styles and stage techniques of traditional and water puppetries are different, both have distinctive features, including arrangement of puppets, making of puppets, and methods of handling the puppets to make them lively and real. Today, Aulacese puppetry is a member of the International Union of Puppetry, currently headquartered in France.

The traditional puppetry entitled “The Three Droplets of Magic Water” is based on an Aulacese legend that teaches children to love and care for others, beginning with their family members and gradually extending to all beings. Love is the magic nectar that can save lives and bring happiness to ourselves and everyone. We now invite you to enjoy the traditional puppet show “The Three Droplets of Magic Water,” created by playwright/director Hoàng Duẩn and produced by Trùng Dương Audio & Video Center.

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Tích Chu. His parents passed away when he was very young, so he lived with his grandma. All day long from morning till evening, Tích Chu just roamed from one village to another, neglecting all household chores. One day, his grandma fell ill.

O Tích Chu! The boy is gone again. I wonder where he is now.

I’m going home, friends. See you next time.

Tomorrow then. We’ll play again tomorrow.

O Grandma! Have you cooked dinner yet? I’m so hungry now. Is my meal ready, Grandma?

I’m very tired. I’m sick today, so I couldn’t get up to cook. Tích Chu, how about you go rinse the rice and cook a meal to help me?

O God! Cooking? How can I cook? Well, if you don’t cook, I’ll go play some more. I’m going now.

Tích Chu! The boy likes to play so much. How come I feel so tired? Tích Chu, I feel exhausted. I’m so thirsty. Help get me some water. Tích Chu!

Tích Chu! Tích Chu!

O Grandma! I’m back. Grandma, is dinner ready yet? I’m starving. Strange! Where’s Grandma? O Grandma! I’m so hungry, but I don’t know where Grandma is. O Grandma!

Tích Chu, my child!

You are... (I’m a Fairy.)

You’re a Fairy? Really? O Fairy! Do you know where my grandma is? Please tell me, Fairy. O Fairy!

You liked to play and didn’t take care of your grandma when she was ill. She was very thirsty, but no one helped her, so your grandma unfortunately already turned into a bird.

What did you say? My grandma already turned into a bird? No, I don’t believe it! I do not believe it.

Because she loves you very much, while flying around, she keeps calling your name. That is the Tích Chu Bird.

Tích Chu! O Tích Chu!

Grandma! (Tích Chu!) O Grandma! Is that my grandma? O Fairy, please help. Please help turn my grandma back into a human, O Fairy!

Tích Chu, my child. Your grandma has turned into a bird already. I can’t help you at all.

What to do now? What should I do now? O Fairy! Please, please help me. Please bring her back, O Fairy!

Tích Chu, it’s too late to cry now.

O Fairy, I beg you!

Your tears cannot bring your grandma back to life. Only with three droplets of magic water can you turn her into a human again.

Magic water? Where is it?

On top of the Fairy Mountain, at the end of the horizon.

I’ll get there by all means.

Hold on! The road to the Magic Stream is very dangerous and difficult. Only those with patience and courage can obtain water from the Magic Stream. I’m afraid you can’t make it.

No matter how dangerous or hard it is, I’ll try to overcome. If my grandma becomes human again, I’ll be very happy.

Tích Chu! (Yes.) You only have this one chance. Remember what you just said and carry it out by all means. Only then, can you redeem your mistake. Here, I give you this bottle. (Yes.) Take it. Go to the west, cross 3 rivers and 3 forests, then you will reach the top of Fairy Mountain. There you’ll find the ever-flowing Magic Stream with crystal clear and aromatic water. Bring that water home to your grandma. Remember, you need only 3 drops. Good luck on your journey.

Thank you very much, Sir. I’ll go right now.

Tích Chu! Tích Chu!

O Grandma! Wait for me. I’ll bring back the magic water to save you.

I’m a tiger who has lived very long in an ancient forest. I’m the lord of all the wild animals. No one can escape me. No one can escape me. I’m a tiger who has lived very long in an ancient forest. I’m the lord of all the wild animals. No one can escape me. No one can escape me. I haven’t had any food for a few days. There’s a boy who brings himself here. He’s coming. I’ll hide here.

I’m so tired! I’ve been walking since this morning but no water is seen. Ah! There’s a trail. (Boy!) Who are you?

Need you ask?

Who are you? O Sir, please spare my life! Please, let me go, Sir!

I can’t let you go! I’m the lord of this forest.

Please let me go. Sir, have pity and spare my life.

Spare your life? I will, if you answer my question. Where are you going?

I... I...

Why are you coming to my forest?

I’m looking for the magic water at the Fairy Stream.

What? You? Looking for the magic water? Little brat! (Yes... Sir.) Don’t you lie to me! Even I myself dare not go there, much less a tiny tot like you.

It’s the truth. I’m really here for the magic water. O Sir, please let me go! Please, Sir.

All right, I’ll let you go, but listen to my question. Why are you looking for the magic water?

I’m looking for the magic water to save my grandma.

Why do you have to save your grandma?

My grandma unfortunately turned into a bird. It’s all because of me. O Sir, please have pity and let me go to bring water back to save my grandma.

Saving your grandma?

Yes, honest! I promise you after I find the magic water, I’ll come here to offer my life. I promise! O Grandma! How can I save you? O Sir, if you were me, you’d do the same.

Tích Chu! (Yes.) Tích Chu! (Yes.) I also made a mistake long ago. I was too busy having fun, and my grandma died on me. All this time, I’ve been living alone in this forest. I lacked love so I became meaner and more domineering. I admire your courage to sacrifice yourself to save your grandma. Tích Chu! (Yes.) From now on, you and I are friends, okay?

Oh, really, Sir?

Yes. I’ll help you reach the Magic Stream faster.

Thank you very much, Sir. I’m going now.

Wait! I have this magic staff, a gift for you. It’ll help you when needed. O magic staff! Help Tích Chu on his way to the Magic Stream. Now, I’ll take you out of this forest. Quickly, or you’ll be late! (Yes.)

You’re gonna die!

Mommy, please rescue me!

Be quiet! You’re still crying? Stop wailing, little rabbit! You’re lost in this forest; no one will come to save you. You’ll surely die.

O Mommy!

Hush! Ah, I caught you! You dare fight against me, stubborn rabbit?

O wolf!

Who are you, little rascal?

I’m a friend of the lord of this forest. Let that rabbit go now!

Go away! Otherwise, don’t blame me.

You don’t believe me? Watch this! Magic staff ! (Where?) Help the little rabbit!

Ouch! Ouch!

Thank you, big brother. Who are you? How come you came to save me?

I’m Tích Chu. Don’t be scared anymore.

I’m scared...

Don’t be scared, little one. But why are you here?

I was busy looking for food and lost my way in this forest. If I hadn’t met you...

I understand now. Go home, little one! I have to go now.

Tích Chu, where are you going?

I’m looking for the magic water.

Magic water? You’re looking for magic water?

Why? You know where that stream is? Do you know, Rabbit? Do you know where it is? Where is it?

Yes, I know. It’s over there.

Over there?

Yes, there! But before reaching the Magic Stream, you must put up with a rain that’s cold to the bone. Whoever can overcome that rain can get the magic water. Many people had tried but none ever came back. I’m afraid you can’t bear it.

It’s all right. I must get there by all means. Thank you, little one. I’m going now.

Brother Tích Chu! Be careful! He might die from freezing.

I’m exhausted. Ah! The Magic Stream is over there! It’s the Magic Stream, Grandma! So cold! Oh... why is it so cold? My arms and legs can’t move anymore. It’s freezing cold. I’ll probably die!

Tích Chu! Tích Chu!

Grandma! I can’t collapse here. I must be brave to run quickly over there. I’m exhausted! One, two, three droplets! With this water, I will save my grandma. She’ll become human again.

Tích Chu! Why are you in such a hurry? Come here!

Who... are you?

Don’t be afraid! I’m just the overseer of this stream.

Oh, so this water is...

Correct! This water is mine. Whoever drinks it will become young again. The dead will come back to life. The living will live longer.

It’s real magic water, Grandma!

Right! That is magic water. Drink it to live a thousand years, and you can play all you want. Why bother to bring it back?

No! This water is for my grandma. I must bring it back to save her.

Never mind, just drink it and stay here with me. You’ll be king of the world, don’t you like that?

No, I don’t. I’ll bring this water back to my grandma.

Look here! I’m fine without a mother. I even own this entire Magic Stream. Do you want to be the owner of this stream?

No. I can’t live without my grandma.

In that case, you can’t go anywhere. Return that water to me! (No!) Give it back! (I won’t!) Give it back!

No! Let me go. Let me go! Magic staff, help me!

Oh! You’re the Fairy. Tích Chu, you’re a very good boy. Now, return the magic staff to me.

Ah! So it was you.

Correct! I arranged everything to test you. Tích Chu, in this world, everyone has made mistakes, but the important thing is whether one is willing to change. I advise you to listen to your elders from now on and rise above your shortcomings. Now, bring the water back to your grandma, as it won’t be effective after so long.

Thank you, Fairy.

Tích Chu! Tích Chu!

O Grandma! Please drink this! It’s the magic water.

Tích Chu! Tích Chu!

Grandma, Grandma!

Tích Chu, dear!

O Grandma, please forgive me. I promise to do as you say from now on. I will help you. I won’t loaf around like before. Grandma, please forgive me.

It’s all right. Stand up, my child. Let’s go home before it gets dark. Yes, let’s go home, Grandma.

The playwright and director Hoàng Duẩn of the puppet show “The Three Droplets of Magic Water” has received Supreme Master Ching Hai’s gifts along with her wishes for success and all the best. He has expressed his appreciation for Supreme Master’s caring concern.

Thank you for watching today’s program. We invite you to watch other Aulacese folk arts in future broadcasts. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television. Coming up next is Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living, after Noteworthy News. Farewell for now. T

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