A Journey through Aesthetic Realms
For the Love of God’s Creations: Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Poetry on Our Animal Co-inhabitants – “Words of a Piglet,” A Musical      
For the Love of God’s Creations: Supreme Master Ching Hai’s Poetry on Our Animal Co-inhabitants

Respected viewers, since her youth, with a heart of immense compassion, Supreme Master Ching Hai has composed many touching poems about the silent suffering of our beloved animal co-inhabitants. In the past, Supreme Master Television has had the honor of presenting to you these poetic works, along with other creative compositions, such as music, drama, or chèo traditional opera, as adapted from Supreme Master Ching Hai’s verses.

This week, we once again broadcast those selected programs with the special theme about our gentle animal friends. Please join us and feel for the noble animals who are always willing to share their unconditional love.

Today’s A Journey through Aesthetic Realms will be presented in Formosan (Taiwanese), with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Korean, Malay, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Thai.

Today's program features a special musical entitled, “Words of a Piglet.” This musical is an adaptation of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s poems, “Words of a Piglet,” set to music by Ding Yi-Wen and “Words of a Child,” set to music by Jiang Jian-Jun.

“Words of a Piglet” was written by Supreme Master Ching Hai in her 20s, in deep sympathy and sorrow for the animals who are full of intelligence and love for their families, yet having to endure all kinds of hardship and suffering as our co-inhabitants on this Earth. The world premiere of this musical was broadcast live on Supreme Master Television for the “Veg Love for Mother Earth” concert organized by the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association in Taipei, Formosa (Taiwan) on June 29, 2008.

Attending as guests of honor were the President of the Taipei County Distinguished Citizens Association International, Ms. Chang Hsiu-Ya; former Mayor of Shulin City in Taipei County, Ms. Ho Yu-Chih; Director of the Shulin Household Registration Office, Mr. Cheng Chi-Hsiung; leading members of the Republic of China Folk Sports Association and the Taipei County Women’s Association; spouse of the famous film director Chu Yan-Ping; and offering his support by a video greeting, Taipei County Magistrate Mr. Chou Hsi-wei.

Invited as the special guest of honor was Supreme Master Ching Hai, who set aside her precious time to join the evening’s delightful entertainment.

Since her childhood in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), Supreme Master Ching Hai has been vegetarian. She never consumed meat, and often subsisted on the delectable sweet fruits in the family's orchard. Compassionate toward all, throughout her life Supreme Master Ching Hai has always done good deeds and advised humanity to re-discover their inner Divine Nature, to soon realize oneness in all creation, and to recognize that animals also experience fear and love, happiness and sorrow. Animals feel pain when tortured and joy when caressed; they know despair when separated and gladness when united with loved ones.

Regrettably, nowadays many innocent animal friends, especially those in factory farms, have been treated brutally since the day they came into this world until the end of their lives – just to cater to humans’ habits and tastes. According to ADAPTT, a non-profit organization protecting human and animal rights, every year 140 billion animals are killed in the world. In the United States alone, every day 23 million chickens are robbed of their lives. Tears at the dying hour have turned into rivers; red streams of blood have accumulated into seas. Famed Beatles singer-songwriter, Sir Paul McCartney, a vegetarian elite from the United Kingdom, once said, “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.”

The consumption of meat and animal products are not only cruel to our animal friends. According to a United Nations report, the livestock industry is one of the chief causes of the environmental crisis and global warming in the world, which in turn pushes our planet to the brink of destruction.

Anguished for the animals and concerned for the survival of Earth inhabitants in light of the law of cause and retribution, Supreme Master Ching Hai has for years unceasingly promoted through various means a compassionate lifestyle. Today, countless people around the world have subscribed to her noble ideals to become vegetarians.

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s benevolence is not only manifested in her charity work, but also imbued in her artistic creations, especially highlighted in her poetic verses. The poem “Words of a Piglet” by Supreme Master Ching Hai is a small creature’s heartfelt story to share with the world’s citizens.

All life forms are intricately connected. Our next song is a reminder for us to use a tender heart to treat all beings in the world. Life is never in vain, and every life has its value and meaning. We hope that after you watch our musical play, you’ll have the love for all beings through a vegetarian diet.

Our next song’s lyrics were written by Supreme Master Ching Hai and performed by Tsai Yuan Choir and Serina Studio with a solo by Ms. Yu Zhi-Huei.

The following musical is very, very brilliant, and in fact, it is our grand finale today. Let’s give a warm applause to welcome the musical, “Words of a Piglet.”

The day I first met you Was the day of my birth Pink and round, me oh so plump With Mom I gaily frolicked. Lovingly you looked at me Praising, “Oh, so round, what a cutie!” Every day you came by to visit Bringing cool water and delicious veggie treats. Mommy and I were so touched The day I first met you Was the day of my birth Pink and round, me oh so plump With Mom I gaily frolicked. Lovingly you looked at me Praising, “Oh, so round, what a cutie!” Every day you came by to visit Bringing cool water and delicious veggie treats. Mommy and I were so touched

I lived a peaceful life Under your care and protection Growing more plump with each passing day Just eat, rest and play… As clouds were drifting across the sky Cuddling together, Mommy and I Unaware of the befalling tragedy! Two brawny young men Strong like tigers and elephants Squashed my tiny body Flat into a cage of horror! There was no way to escape!

O God, what purgatory was this? I wailed in fear and terror Mom, oh Mom, please save me! Oh caretaker, please come protect me quickly! Rescue my life.

Mom was crying out in sorrow Tears of desperation filling her eyes The immense Heavens cannot contain This horrendous emotional pain!

Oh, how ironic this life Tears flow in my heart Like blood running in rivulets. I thought you loved me For you, it’s just profit and gain!

O God, what purgatory was this? I wailed in fear and terror Mom, oh Mom, please save me! Oh caretaker, I’m still at a tender age!

My caretaker turned away Hands busy counting a stack of money Haplessly I rolled around in the car trunk Breaking heart more painful than bodily misery! The two young men bantered: “This piglet will be so tasty! Tomorrow we’ll slaughter him To celebrate the birth of the wife’s newborn baby!”

Tomorrow my body will be cut to pieces My flesh and bones turned to sheer torture Just so people can laugh in merriment At their happy feast and gathering.

To your children and others’ too I wish them all long lives So the family can stay together Not endure the same fate as mine…

I pray the whole family lives nobly To be human in many lifetimes And never be reborn as pigs

O God, what purgatory was this? I wailed in fear and terror Mom, oh Mom, please save me! Oh caretaker…

O God, what purgatory was this? I wailed in fear and terror Mom, oh Mom, please save me! Oh caretaker…

Alas, good-bye life… I ache for my gentle suffering mother In tears I am overcome… Oh, Mommy! Mom…Mom…

These are the examples of what should be The life of our friends, sweet animals. Be it on land, on air or in the sea. They should be loved, protected and cherished, Just like the life that we so wish.

Dearest Heaven, Dear Lord of Karma Please do love and care for all creatures

For it breaks my heart to see their plight. I cannot bear to see them suffer.

There’re plenty places in Heaven above Take them all up, and give them love. This’s my little prayer for all beings:

Just your little Love and Compassion. May all be well, live and let live. All Love, all care and all forgive.

Just your little Love and Compassion. May all be well, live and let live. All Love, all care and all forgive.

These are the examples of what should be The life of our friends, sweet animals. Be it on land, on air or in the sea. They should be loved, protected and cherished, Just like the life that we so wish.

Dearest Heaven, Dear Lord of Karma Please do love and care for all creatures

For it breaks my heart to see their plight. I cannot bear to see them suffer.

There’re plenty places in Heaven above Take them all up, and give them love. This’s my little prayer for all beings:

Dearest Heaven, Dear Lord of Karma Please do love and care for all creatures For it breaks my heart to see their plight. I cannot bear to see them suffer.

There’re plenty places in Heaven above Take them all up, and give them love. This’s my little prayer for all beings:

Just your little Love and Compassion. May all be well, live and let live. All Love, all care and all forgive.

We thank Love Ocean Choir for bringing us this beautiful song, “Words of a Child,” written by our spiritual teacher, Supreme Master Ching Hai. Let’s thank them again with warm applause. Thank you.

Halo! Master!

Thank you!

I saw that you were crying. This poem “Words of a Piglet” was written by Master when she was around twenty. It is a very touching poem, reminding all of us that we should love and protect the little animals. Every living being has its value.

I always cry over this poem no matter how many times.

Thank you. Thank you all for working so hard. Thank you!

The only words I want to say are: Go home and take good care of yourselves, take good care of others, take good care of the animals, and take good care of the Earth. (Okay.)

Be Veg! Go Green!

Join the group who Be Veg to halt global warming,” all right?

All right!

Let’s say loudly, all right?

All right!

You have to be a saint!

Have to be a saint!

Because you are saints! You are saints. Thank you!

Thank you.

Thank you, Master, for saying that we are saints.

Saintly people. (Yes.) Don’t forget! (Yes, okay!)

We sincerely thank Supreme Master Ching Hai for her deeply moving poems and all the artists for their wholehearted dedication in creating the musical, “Words of a Piglet.” As a voice for our gentle animal co-inhabitants, may these artistic works touch the hearts of humankind to return to our noble and dignified nature. Through a vegan diet, let us walk together on the path of kindness and compassion in harmony with all beings and our planetary home.

Thank you for joining us for today’s A Journey through Aesthetic Realms. Up next on Supreme Master Television is Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living, after Noteworthy News. Wishing you much peace and blessings from Heaven.

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