A Journey through Aesthetic Realms
A Celebration of Music: The Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra      
Today’s A Journey through Aesthetic Realms will be presented in Hungarian, with subtitles in Arabic, Aulacese (Vietnamese), Aulacese (Vietnamese), Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Indonesian, Hungarian, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish and Thai.

Greetings, music-loving viewers! Today, we invite you to an exciting musical experience on A Journey through Aesthetic Realms. The Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra of Hungary is a very unique musical ensemble. They give sensational performances featuring well-known Hungarian and international Gypsy music from such composers as Vittorio Monti, Grigoraş Dinicu and Elemer Szentirmay. When they tour, halls are instantly filled at the most prestigious venues all throughout Europe and the performers have been welcomed in countries as far away as Japan.

On behalf of our viewers and Supreme Master Television, we welcome with much love and respect, Mr. “Buffó” Rigó Sándor, director of the Gypsy Symphony Orchestra. Greetings.

Good day.

I understand that your orchestra was founded in 1985. Could you tell us a little bit about how it came into existence?

It began with a very interesting event. In 1984 my father-in-law, Járóka Sándor who was one of the most famous Gypsy musicians in the world, passed away. And as it is a Gypsy tradition that musicians are accompanied on their final journey with the sound of music, more than 1,000 musicians came to play at his funeral, which was attended by about 10,000 people from across the world.

So when these 1,000 musicians began to play, the music gave the funeral a breathtaking solemnity. And the effect was heartrending when these countless musical instruments began to play at once. So in fact, the idea was born here, when someone asked why it was that it is only at such occasions that so many of us can get together to play music in such large numbers.


So really this comment was what started… One of us, I can’t actually remember who specifically it was, was thinking about it, and eventually this lead to the formation of the Gypsy Symphony Orchestra.

The purpose of the orchestra is to bring together Hungary’s finest Roma musicians. Some have been famous band leaders, including the late László Berki, head of the National Hungarian State Ensemble. Many members come from families with strong musical traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation. A spirit of brotherhood unites the members and is the foundation of the orchestra’s success in the musical world.

I started playing the violin when I was eight years old. At that time, my father gave me my first violin which he brought back with him from the then Soviet Union where he was touring. After surprising me with the gift of the violin, he immediately taught me my first tune, half of a short little song which I practiced wisely and with great dedication and went around playing this half a song to everyone. I remember when once I dropped my violin and broke a part of it and I was so sad, I cried and cried. But then it turned out that the damage was not so great that I couldn’t play on it. My father was able to fix and I returned to my practice with great joy.

In our family it’s a tradition as we are a musical family, and in a musical family, generally the boys must play some kind of instrument. So this is how it happens and of course they usually choose the father’s instrument, or often the first choice is to try for the leader position as this is the most attractive. The first violin or leader is always in the forefront and most think that his is the position which enjoys the most success. Though in fact, I think that the rest of the orchestra members also have their share of the success.

So in this way the traditions are kept up and our first steps with music are almost always learned from our fathers or other family members.

What do you think is the most important characteristic in a musician?

Most certainly, I believe it is essential that they be sincere.


A musician must be wholehearted. If someone is not truly sincere in spirit, I don’t think they can make really good music. They just can’t convey to the listener what they should. So it is a very great virtue for a musician to be able to convey his music with sincerity and with love. This is an essential quality in a musician: the ability to be sincere and wholehearted.

So these days the word they use for it is charisma; a musician must have this charisma.

Yes, yes.

But I think we can safely say that the quality is really that of love and sincerity.

We’ll have more wonderful music from the Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra after these messages. Please stay tuned to Supreme Master Television.

Music means everything to me and talent really is from God.

It is the meaning of my life, the goal that I set for myself so that the divine talent, that I received from God, could be passed on and I could show that this talent and divine gift is all based on love. I am a man of faith and I know that everything that we get from God is a gift.

The Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra has touched the hearts of audiences worldwide. They are praised enthusiastically for their spirit as well as their technique. Though primarily known for playing famous Hungarian and international Gypsy music, they also perform other genres such as Western classical masterpieces.

Naturally, it is always good for a musician to play something that the audience likes very much. One of those pieces for example is the “Pacsirta.” But apart from that, we also played a very beautiful, wonderful piece that is the Sarazate. This is the work of a Spanish composer, entitled “Gypsy Style,” where he has rewritten Hungarian folksongs, songs played by Gypsies. This too is in the program. And then, music by (Johann) Strauss is very close to Hungary and the Hungarian Gypsy music. And we play with much pleasure the piece entitled “Tales from the Viennese Forest,” alongside with many more pieces.

Not long ago we had an engagement to play some film music, music that was new to people in general, not to mention to an orchestra accustomed to playing traditional music, as we are. For example, we played a piece from “The Pirates of the Caribbean,”

(Yes, yes.)

if I may say so, to great acclaim.

So it was an enriching experience for the members of the orchestra, to rise to the challenge of such a situation.

Most certainly. Another amazing experience was when we played at the Amsterdam Konzert Gebaude, where the greatest symphony orchestras have played and still play. Our concert was totally sold out; they had to add 300 folding chairs. So that in addition to the permanent seating capacity of 3,200, 300 extra places were required. People were even sitting on the stairs.


So that was a truly wonderful experience. It was wonderful to play our music there, which, after all, is a little like symphony music itself.

Yes. On the other hand, you have given charity concerts as well. What`s the goal of these (concerts)?

We are more than happy to play music for purpose that touches everyone. We are also very touched when it comes to children.


There is a foundation called “Our Child Is Our Life,” which organizes one or two galas each year and this is a charity concert. When we participate in this gala, they give different medical equipment,

(Yes, yes.)

which are life saving instruments.

And we are very happy if we can help by that.

“Buffó” Rigó Sándor ultimately sees his orchestra’s music as an expression of love.

Talent is a gift that we have to make good use of and by all means share it with others. So we have to show how much God graced us when He gave us such musical talent, and that love I just talked about before, we can only show truly by our musical talent and musical ability. This love can be reached and grasped by everyone. And this love will be passed on by those who have listened to our show; they will pass it on, and the whole world will be better and love each other.

Would you say a few words of farewell to our viewers?

I really hope that we will soon get to all those places where this interview is seen. I would very much like to play music in person for everyone; please be a little patient, we will get to all places. I thank you very much for being with us and for your attention.

We thank you also.

It`s my pleasure. Good day.

We deeply thank the Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra for performing such splendid, peaceful music which truly enriches our world. Also, our gratitude goes to director “Buffó” Rigó Sándor for speaking to us about the orchestra’s history and the beautiful traditions of the Roma. May many more people across the globe discover the magnificent Roma musical heritage through this ensemble.

For more information on the Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra, please visit

or Thank you for joining us today on A Journey through Aesthetic Realms. Up next is Vegetarianism: The Noble Way of Living, right after Noteworthy News, here on Supreme Master Television. May we all appreciate with loving gratitude our God-given talents and gifts.

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