Q (f): Greetings, respected viewers. Out of her deep love and concern for the world, Supreme Master Ching Hai is setting aside her invaluable time to make an important and urgent announcement in just a few moments. In a July 16th conference she had graciously granted Supreme Master Television staff,
Q (m): Supreme Master Ching Hai told us of the many perilous sites of leaders and military headquarters around the world that have been negatively affected by hell and lower world portals, sub portals and roads. Never in history have humans been given such crucial, priceless information.
Q (f): Before Supreme Master Ching Hai makes her vital announcement, we would like to go over a summary of the information she has previously shared. On our planet there are places where there is hell or lower world energy, which has made those places into negative areas of hell-like suffering. One such area is the Bermuda Triangle, which is a portal leading to a lower world, where people who are into fighting or harming others will be drawn to while passing near that place, or after they die, and they will stay there until their bad karma or retribution is paid off. Beings live in this lowest astral level in constant anxiety, sorrow, pain, and fear.
Q (m): In addition to portals to lower worlds, there are also hell portals to take spirits that have violated moral principles of the human world or Heaven's standard. There are many negative portals in our world, created by the negative power. Some portals are more powerful than others, with their influence reaching from one group of people to the entire nation, or even the whole world. In addition to portals, there are also connecting roads to the lower worlds and portals. Furthermore, there are sub portals or road junctions where roads meet. They are almost as powerful as the others.
Q (f): Meanwhile there are also portals and roads that lead to Heaven. These can bring blessings and hence there are Spiritual Blessing Portals. Master shared which countries have how many Spiritual Blessing Portals or SBPs. In contrast to heavenly portals, which give blessings, the negative portals and roads can awaken negative hellish qualities in humans. Supreme Master Ching Hai also addressed the reasons why there are so many prolonged wars on our planet.
Q (m): While prolonged war is ended only when the killing karma, or retribution, is finally finished among all sides, or if one side forgives the other's blood debt. But in addition there are the negative portals, sub portals, and lower roads that push the war to last for a long time. These spawned webs of negative influence manipulate leaders subtly without them knowing it, to use their power and bring trouble such as death, injury, pain, and sorrow for people.
Q (m): If the leader of a nation or armed group happens to be in the vicinity of a lower portal, lower world road, hell portal, or hell road, then he or she will be prone to aggressive tendencies, and start a war or participate in war. This is especially the case if this leader does not have a strong moral foundation. But even a morally fit person would feel unwell mentally or physically if near these places.
Q (f): The negative power would use any small seed of violence or greed, bullying or dictatorship within a human's heart to make him or her become an instrument. A leader who is influenced by these negative connection sites will helplessly wage war or continue warring, even if the leader knows that war is no good or wants to stop it, or feels that something is not right. Thus, peace is very hard to achieve.
Q (f): When Supreme Master Ching Hai saw how pitiable the situation was, and why war is always so evident on this planet, she had to endure much discomfort and shed many tears during her research as she vividly saw the flashing images of people's real pain and sorrow.
Q (m): Therefore as Supreme Master Ching Hai has reminded us, any one leader should not be blamed for war, because this world is the domain of the negative power's system, which makes it difficult for human souls to disentangle themselves.
Q (m): Furthermore, an erring leader should be given an exit to repent, recover, and rebuild what they have destroyed.
Q (m): There are several ways that a leader is influenced by negative portals, sub-portals and roads:
Q (m): One, as mentioned, they would be pushed to wage war. The war or aggression may be in or outside the leader's own country.
Two, besides outright war, they may engage in dictatorship and the bullying of citizens or other nations. Three, they would have bad luck for themselves and their own families. For example, they may be killed or injured, or suffer in hell after they die.
Q (f): Supreme Master Ching Hai further described the horrendous untold suffering that people who participate in war must experience, including leaders and soldiers, for eons due to the heavy karmic burden. Supreme Master Ching Hai then read a list she had compiled country by country, of which political and military headquarters are near one or more negative portals, sub-portals and roads. She also stated how much their total negative influence is on a site, in terms of percentages, ranging from the tens to the hundreds.
Q (m): However, there is a solution: It would help tremendously if the leaders move their headquarters or palaces away from the negative portals, sub-portals and roads. No matter how beautiful it may be, they should abandon, destroy or seal off their negatively-influenced headquarters, cutting off their physical, emotional and mental ties with that unlucky place. Then, things would change dramatically and quickly for the better.
Q (m): Once out of the clutch of the negative power after a cleaning period of at least 3 weeks to 3 months the leader will see, think, and react differently.
Q (m): They would win their people's hearts. In sum, peace will be easily in reach.
Q (f): Supreme Master Ching Hai also expressed her loving prayer for the leaders, that they would value their own lives and the lives of their co-citizens more than power and fame and possession, and that they might move out of war and violence - and move at least to another palace.
Our minds cannot comprehend all that she sacrifices, not only physically through her time and energy, but also spiritually, to complete this precious research for the sake of the world's survival and upliftment. We are grateful beyond words to Supreme Master Ching Hai for this momentous occasion as she imparts more vital knowledge to help bring true peace on Earth. We sincerely pray all leaders and citizens worldwide will heed what she will disclose today and quickly proceed toward lasting harmony on this planet.
Q (f): Concerned viewers, thank you for tuning into this live broadcast. In just a few moments Supreme Master Ching Hai will be making an urgent announcement that could greatly benefit the world's leaders and citizens. For the sake of world peace at this critical time for our planet, Supreme Master Ching Hai will be revealing precisely where governments and other leaders can move their headquarters if their current headquarters is near a negative area.
Q (m): She is sharing this precious, never-before-revealed information with the world at a huge cost to herself physically and spiritually, for the sake of helping the leaders and for the sake of world peace.
Q (m): As Supreme Master Ching Hai revealed previously, there are invisible negative portals, roads and sub-portals which are like roundabouts, and these lead to hell and lower worlds full of fear and suffering. Unfortunately many of the current leaders' political and military centers have these negative energy sites nearby, inside or under their buildings.
Q (f): Supreme Master Ching Hai wishes that these leaders will avoid the harmful effects they have, such as inciting and prolonging wars even against the leader's good intentions. Master is now ready to be with us.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: It's okay, please continue.
Q (f): Welcome Master. We're so glad to see you.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you. Please continue. Yes. (applause)
Q (f): Thank you Master.
Q (m): There you are, Master. Beautiful. (Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you, thank you.) You look beautiful today.
Q (f): Thank you so much for being here today, Master. We are so honored.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: I am sorry, the cameraman just let me jump in like that. (all laugh)
Q (f): It's okay. It's okay.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Please continue your wonderful speech.
Q (m): Thank you, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you.
Q (f): Negative effects also include personal
misfortune for the leaders and their loved ones. (Supreme Master Ching Hai: That's right.) In general, leaders simply cannot withstand these negative powerful effects.
Q (f): Going country by country, Supreme Master Ching Hai told us exactly which headquarters of which countries are under negative influences and to what degree. Not only does she urge that the leaders move out, she has gone even further to help by researching the best alternative places for the leaders to move their headquarters. If they move, peace efforts will be greatly facilitated. World peace would be in reach.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Correct.
Q (m): And we're extremely grateful to Supreme Master Ching Hai who willingly sacrificed her precious time, energy and comfort to conduct this research over the past several weeks. This information is not only unprecedented, but it also comes with a high price, and Supreme Master Ching Hai is about to share it freely with all viewers at this time in hopes for a more peaceful world. Thank you.
Q (f): Thank you, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you. Are you done (Q (f): Yes.) with your beautiful speech? Thank you so much, Steve and Debbie.
(Q (m): Thank you, Master.) You are so kind. You're so kind. And I wonder how you understand me so well. [laughs] Okay, we didn't have to pay much in the sense of financial loss. No. Just spiritual loss and some other physical stuff, but I will recover. Don't worry, okay? I will recover, yes, yes.
Q (f): Please take care.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes, I am stronger now than before, yes, even though meditation long hours is good for the world, but it's also good for me in a way, yes? So it's good for both. Thank you for your beautiful introduction. Thank you, thank you for understanding the importance of our discovery and to understand the grace of Heaven that has been bestowed upon humankind through all these revelations, and thanks Heaven that I even have enough time, peace and opportunity to receive all this information.
I'm thanking everyone and every soul on this planet and in Heaven. I cannot thank them enough, that they love us so much, that God blesses us so much, in this time of difficult situation. First of all, my respectful salute to all leaders of different groups, idealistic groups and nations; leaders whose responsibility and well-intentions are to create a peaceful world and happiness, contentment to all citizens and co-citizens - I mean, co-inhabitants. Well, the animals are also citizens of the world, in different forms.
Regardless of ideology and principles, we all want peace so that we can concentrate on our spiritual development, learn to know more about God, the Kingdom of God, the Buddha Nature, meaning our Real Great Self. To discover God, to discover Buddha Nature is our intention before we came to this world, so that we know the great knowledge inside. What I am going to reveal to you is nothing. It's just a speck of dirt compared to the knowledge that you have inside, if you just take the time to discover it. Because each of us is a world in ourselves. We contain so much greatness, so much wisdom, so much beauty, so much intelligence that we never dream that we have, but we do have, okay? Our world will become Heaven on Earth if we have peace, if all live side by side without fearing each other and just protecting each other.
So, we must have peace so we can get on with our lives and get on with our family-loving, protecting, affair, and enjoying the family love and family togetherness. When we have peace, our people will have security to work, to take care of ourselves and loved ones, to develop all their potentials. I salute your courage and goodwill in what you have been doing because I know your intention is to protect the meek, to erase war, erase injustice, in your opinion, so that our world will become a better place. But we don't have to kill, we don't have to fight in order to do that. There are alternatives.
You see, the Buddha did not fight with weapons but he wins millions of hearts. Even after he died 2,000 plus years ago, he's still winning people's hearts. He wins nations without lifting a finger. Jesus Christ, he walked barefoot, he wore just simple clothes, he had no swords, no guns, no artilleries; he wins the whole world. He's still winning. Billions of people still worship him. Even though he has passed away from our physical world 2,000-plus years ago.
You see, Krishna. Mahāvīra, Guru Nanak, they did not have any weapons, and they win all over, and they win again, again and again, and they're timeless victorious heroes, so there are alternative ways to win people's hearts and to make peace on the planet.
I hope to contribute to peace by reporting to you some of the incredible information that has been revealed to me through the grace of Heaven and that I had time to collect through very intense concentration. Well, I wish I had had it much earlier but, you know, sometimes I had other work to do. Sometimes I just couldn't bear it a minute longer while doing this research, so I had to take a break now and then. So all that contributed to the delay. I really am very, very sorry but,
you know, this body sometimes cannot always withstand the powerful force of negative and positive - either of them -sometimes. So we have to sometimes relent for a while.
Now the following are reports of my spiritual research with Heaven's grace and permission, to you, with all Heaven's blessing and love, and my devotion. Now, the details will be read as revealed to me. Please pay attention, please, to details. You can jot it down, your own country's details, the things that concern you. Because it will be a long while until I think Supreme Master TV would broadcast with many subtitles again. This is very simple, straightforward English. Everyone would understand it. Or you could even have your assistant help to understand, if you don't. You see, because sometimes it's not so easy to understand.
For example, when it is said “central west,” meaning right in the middle of west direction according to the compass, a leader's office should be at that position and facing the direction of the rising sun. All offices, all leaders should face the rising sun because you get more information from the sun, you get blessing from the sun and even your psychological, your physical well-being will also be enhanced by the sun's blessing when it just rises from the east, okay? Now, when it's said “southeast,” then it is central of the southeast, according to compass. When it is said “east-south,”
Supreme Master Ching Hai: however, then it's not south-east, because there will be more east than south. For example, if you build your house like three meters long, or three meters wide, then should be two meters in the east and one meter in the south, for example like that, or two and a half meters in the east and a half-meter in the south - I will tell you more in detail after this - not like south-east. So I will detail as how much position in east, how much in south etc., etc., as clear as possible, as exact as possible; and the best is to build exactly where recommended. Any difference will bring different results, regardless of who will be the leader sitting in that office, now or in the future.
Okay, I'm going to read. I hope I will help you somehow to protect yourself, your position, your family and above all, the lives of people and all beings on this planet by contributing to peace. Thank you so much for your attention.
Alright, here we are. Yes, we begin now? You have a pen ready, any of you, anyone who is listening? And we will probably post it on our website again and re-air again with multi-language subtitles, but the sooner you know, the better, so please jot down. It costs you nothing. It costs you nothing to write down and think about it, okay? It might cost a little bit more to build a new palace or a new office, but it will cost more if we have war, and we can't afford to keep having war. The world is going bankrupt already all over.
Also it will cost much more - irreplaceable - in terms of life.
Sorry, sorry. I'm getting a little emotional. I will be there soon, don't worry. Okay, okay.
Also the light makes my eyes hurt, because when I meditate a lot,
the eyes get more sensitive and when I face all the spotlights, it's kind of painful. Okay, now, I will begin it with A-B-C like the way we did last time when I reported to you about the negative portals and roads. It begins with the nation and the old place and then with the new place where you should go, if you will. I wish you will.
Okay, now,
Afghanistan, presidential palace… Remember all this, what I am reading to you, are the leaders of the nations' or groups' headquarters that have been situated on the negative areas, either hell road, hell portal or lower road or lower road portal, or lower roads area, or sub-lower road, sub-lower portal, or sub-hell portal. So these, I'm reading, I am not repeating it again. So when I read presidential palace should move to where, then you know why. Okay, now, if we move to a new place that is more positive and lucky and victorious, you will be a virtuous, caring leader, peaceful leader. Now, Afghanistan presidential palace, should move to central west, 40 kilometers away from the old one.
Now, military headquarters, move to south, but leaning south east, 30 kilometers away. Okay, leaning toward, three quarters of south east. I will explain that now. Okay, here for example … I make it simple. You cannot see well? How about black one? What's wrong? Is it too, too bright or something? The white is too bright? Okay, can you see better with the black one? Okay. Here, okay, we have like here, here, the four corners of the planet. Let's say this one is west, this one is east, this one south, this one is north. Okay? Now, when it says “lean three-quarters to south east,” it means like this: this is south east, this is the central of south east, okay; now three-quarters towards south east, meaning from the central of the south to the central the south east, we divide it into four sections.

And so the military headquarters should be right here, you know, somewhere, right next to the border of the third portion, the three-fourth portion of the far east. Over here, here is the third, here, okay? In the first section between the south and south east central, but leaning on the border of the three-fourth section. Is it clear to you? Yes, I hope it is clear. Are you clear, Steve? Debbie?
Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is south east. Q (m): Yes, okay.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Right? Okay. But between this
and this I have to divide into four portions. Q (m): Yes, yes. (Q (f): Right.) Okay.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: And then we have to lean toward the three-quarters
of the south east. (Q (m): Okay.) You see what I mean?
(Q (m): Yes, yes, we have it.) Yes, we are in the south. Here is the south actually, you know? (Q (m): Yes.) But have to lean towards more south east, you see what I mean?
Q (m): Yes, I understand.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: It's not exactly in the central of the south, (Q (m): Yes.) more toward the south... This is still in the south,
(Q (m): Yes, I understand that.) but not in the central of the south, but lean toward three-quarters of south east. You got me?
Q (f): We understand, Master.
Q (m): We understand, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is south east, right? (Yes.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is east, okay, (Q (f): Right.) this is south, and in between south and east is south east, yes, and then we divide from south to south east center four times, (Q (m): Yes.) and then we take the first part of it and build right at the border of the three-fourth, here. Okay? Yes.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is three-fourth, this is one-fourth, got it?
(Q (f+m): Yes, Master.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: And we build it at the border between the one-fourth and the three-fourth here. Not right there, not right there, not there, but at the border,
Supreme Master Ching Hai: but 30 kilometers away from the old one. The reason why we have to move 30 kilometers away and not 36 or 40, because sometimes if we move further or we move southward or more eastward, then we will run into the spawning web of the negative roads or you know, lower road or lower hell portals
(Q (m): Another portal.) or lower hell portal, hell portal, hell road again. You see what I mean? (Yes.) Q (f):
Q (m): I understand, yes.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: So it has to be exact, 30 kilometers away and at the three-fourth border of, between south and south east. Got it?
Q (m): Yes Master. (Q (f): Got it.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: I hope I make myself clear.
(Q (f): Thanks for the drawing.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes, okay. Alright, thank you.
Q (m): (Thank you.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Alright, now there is another group, idealistic group headquarters. Well, they have their ideal, you understand? All the groups, they have their ideal to fight for. They believe their ideal is good. That's why they sacrifice their lives for it. But sometimes, ideals are not always manageable. It's not always uncostly; it will cost humans' lives - and we can have alternative, more peaceful ways to do it. We can cooperate, we can work together. (Yes.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Put ideals together to make the world a more idealistic place. Okay? (Q (m): Yes.) (Q (f): Yes, Master.) Now, the Taliban is one of these groups, perhaps?
And the headquarters should move to the east, but not in the east central but lean two-thirds to north east. Just similar to here. Okay, where do we have north east? Here is the north east, right?
Q (f): Right.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay, now, now we have to lean two-thirds to north east side. Okay, we divide it into three times first. This is north east. Can you see me well?
Q (m): Yes, we see you.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay. Now we divide it into three times, three portions, like a cake.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay, it's three times. And we have to lean to the... it's not east - okay, they have to be still in the east, but they have to lean to two-thirds of the north east, two-thirds border, here, is two-thirds. Got it? (Q (m+f): Yes.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: And this is one-third. Now have to lean right here, and not in the centre of the east, but lean toward two-thirds toward north east -
Q (f): (I see.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: two-thirds of the north east, got it? Yes.
Q (m): Yes, yes. (Q (f): Yes.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: And that should be 60 kilometers away. This one 30 kilometers, okay? Alright. Presidential palace moves to central west. This, right here, this is central west okay? - but like 40 kilometers away from the old place. So this is Afghanistan.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay?
Supreme Master Ching Hai:This is the presidential palace, should be, not here but only 40 kilometers from the old one, okay? This is for military and this is for the Taliban. If they all move, we can talk better, we can work better together, we can see more opportunity, more logic behind peace talk. Alright? We'll find better solution. Okay, we're done with Afghanistan.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Now we move to
Algeria. I feel like I'm a student again, you know,with blackboard!
Q (m): Back to school.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Instead of blackboard, we have whiteboard
(Q (f): Yes.) and a black pen. Before we have blackboard and white chalk.
(Q (f): Yes.) Okay.
Q (m): Back to Ching Hai School.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Algeria presidential palace should move south,leaning two-thirds south west, 70 kilometers away. Now we do the same stuff again. Okay?
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Now that is west,east... Sorry I didn't divide well - lucky it's not a cake or we'll be fighting for which piece is bigger. Okay,never mind, forgive me. This is south.
This is north,for example. Okay now,the Algerian presidential palace should move south. South is here,but leaning to two-thirds south west, 70 kilometers. First we have to say 70 kilometers. South west,okay, more south than west. Okay now this is south west, get south west and lean two-thirds. Okay,this is south. We divide into 3 pieces again. And it should be here. Got it
Q (m): Yes.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is a one-third and this is two-thirds. So the presidential palace would move in the south but lean toward two-thirds of south west. Got it? (Q (m): Yes. )
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Is it easy? (Q (m): Yes. )
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay,good. Now the police headquarters also had problem with the negative influence, so,we should move west. And this is easy. West is here; here,move central west. Okay? Central west. Yes,somewhere here and 80 kilometers away,from the old place. Suppose it's the old place here, have to move 80 kilometers away,yes. Something like that, got it? Okay,now.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: That's it. This one is simple,right. Just central west, 80 kilometers away from where it is. Look in the compass, where's the central west, just build right there. Is that simple?
Q (m): That is.
Q (f): Yes. Thank you,Master.
Q (f): The drawings really help.
Q (f): The drawings.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: I write it down,Algeria.
Q (m): Algeria.
Q (f): Algeria,yes.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Algeria,okay? Got it,yes? (Q (m+f): Yes. )
Supreme Master Ching Hai: You zoom to the name also, in case they don't see it. Algeria,okay,so that it doesn't get mixed up when people want to look at it. Okay,we're done with Algeria. Now we move to the next country. I'm glad it's done. Icannot wait until after our celebration, I have to tell now. But until the last minute, I proofed all this, in case anything, you know,overlooked. But up to now, it's like this. Okay,now.
Q (f): (Thank you.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Now we move to, this is one,two done.
Argentina. 『Don't cry for me, Argentina. The truth is I never left you. All through my wild days, my mad existence. I kept my promise. Don't keep your distance.』
Okay,Argentina presidential palace should move three-quarters north west center,okay, and move 50 kilometers. Here is west,north,east,south again,okay? It's like this,I might not do it the right direction here,but you look into the compass,it's simple. Now,north. Where's north? Okay, the presidential palace should move to north - north is here - and three-quarters north west. Okay,north west is right in the middle first of all and then we divide this into four pieces. Okay? Then the president should lean on the border of the three-quarters of north west because this is north west.
Q (f): I see.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Understand,yes?
Q (m): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Is it easy?
Q (f) & (m): Yes.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay,he moves north, but not right at the north central, but at the border of the three-quarters toward north west.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Right. That's easy,done. Okay. Argentina doesn't have any other problem, so we're done with Argentina. You got it all? Yes?
Q (f): Yes. (Q (m): Yes.) Thank you,Master.
Q (m): Thank you.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Camera,did you show it? Did you show? Okay,thank you. Now we move to Armenia: presidential palace should move west,lean three-quarters south west. Armenian presidential palace should move to the west but lean three-quarters south west, 30 kilometers away.
It's better we move because sooner or later something might happen in time. You see,sometimes it doesn't happen right away, but it will happen when the fruit is ripe, and we don't want to wait for these haphazard events to happen before we move; move now,move when it's still peaceful. It's easier,yes? Less cost.
Q (f): Yes,Master. (Q (m): Yes.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay now,east,west North,south again. Armenia. I have been there, remember?
Q (f): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Many years ago. I've been to Armenia. They even made a school in my name.
Q (f): That's wonderful.
Q (m): Yes.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes,they're so kind. They're very pure people. West, the presidential palace…
Up to now we have presidential palace, military headquarters, Taliban for Afghanistan, and presidential palace, police headquarters for Algeria. Argentina, only presidential palace. Armenia, presidential palace. Remind me to write it, okay? (Q (m): Okay.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: So that we don't get mixed up. Remember.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay. (Q (m+f): Okay.)
Presidential palace should move west. Where is west? Here. Here is west. And then should lean to… south west. South west. This is south, and this is south west.
He should move to west, but lean toward three-quarters south west. Three-quarters south west is here? Okay,we divide into four first, before we say anything. So south west is this side. And three-quarters is this side. So the presidential palace is here,next to the west center,but leaning toward three-quarters south west. Now we got it,yes?
Q (f): Yes,thank you,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Is it clear? (Q (m): Yes.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Because it says here Armenia, west lean three-fourth, three-quarters of south west, so this is three-quarters of south west. And it's right here at the border. Okay? Good. We're done?
Q (m): Yes. (Q (f): Yes.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Armenia. Yes. Thirty kilometers away,west.
It looks small here, but in the whole planet, it will be bigger. Nevertheless, we have to be exact. Otherwise,we will bump into those negative stuff again, understand?
Q (f): Yes,understand.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Are you alright,guys?
Q (f): Yes,we are fine,Master.
Q (m): Yes,Master. We're okay. Thank you.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thank you for your patience and the audience's patience.
Q (m): You have to do all the work, we're doing the easy part.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: I know. But you are patient listening and all that. Yes,I had all done it here and I forgot. All I have to do is just copy this and it'd be easier. I forgot. You know,I have done some of the work already, when I'm doing that, okay? (Q (m): Yes.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Just to make sure, last minute check already, and all I do is just have to copy it, and I forgot all about it. Okay.
Q (m): Too busy,too busy.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes,
just these things are big, so I'm also kind of overwhelmed a little bit. Now, we go toward
All the problem-influenced countries. Australia has to move two things: Prime Minister palace and military headquarters.
Right. Now we do it again. Same stuff. Here east,west, north,south. Now the Australian Prime Minister palace…
Australia,『down under,』Prime Minister palace of Australia has to move east - central east. That's easy for me.
Right central east. East. Central. No complication anymore. I remember after these first few countries, everything else is more straightforward. You know,like south east,or east south, or north west,or north.
Yes? (Q (m): Yes.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: I asked,『Why is it only the first few ones is like…』 They said
just coincidentally,I mean. Not because these are top of the list.
It's funny. It's all『A』,A,A,A, you know? Algeria,Argentina.
They're all the first four. There are a few more afterwards, but it's not much. Okay? Now. Move more central east. This is here. That is the Prime Minister place.
Prime Minister…
Okay? I write it short. And how many kilometers away? (Q (m): Forty kilometers away. Forty kilometers away from the old place,right?
Q (m+f): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: From old.
And the military… I check out wherever I do, so we don't forget. Military headquarters should move north and central north. Thirty kilometers. Here is north, and 30 kilometers away. Move toward central north. That's it. Right in the middle. This is military
headquarters. It's simple for us?
Q (f): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is the Prime Minister. This is the military. Not right here. Not at the edge of the world. What I mean is right in the center when the compass of north, and 30 kilometers away from the old one. We're done with Australia?
Q (m): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes. Right. Okay,Australia is done. Now we go to Bahrain.
Bahrain has three places to move. Royal palace, military headquarters, and police headquarters. No wonder they have problems? (Q (f): Yes.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: A little bigger.
Q (m): Yes.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Bigger than others. Okay,here we are.
What is this here? South. North. This is Bahrain.
It will take time. Bahrain. The royal palace has to move to north central, 60 kilometers away.
Sixty kilometers away from old,you know, right? From the old place, we should move 60 kilometers. That is the royal palace.
Royal palace. Now, move to north, north right in the center, and 60 kilometers. And now the military headquarters should move west south, not south west. Where is west south? Here it is. It is south west of course, but more west than south. It should move 70 kilometers away. This is military headquarters, should move 70 kilometers away west south,that means more west than south. This is west south, and more west. How much more west? Three-quarters west, one-quarter south.
Okay,west south here, so three-quarters in the west side and one- quarter on the south side. Understand now? ( Q (f): Yes,Master.) It's all written there. You got it,? Steve?
Q(f)&(m): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay,here three-quarters on this side and one-quarter on the south side. Yes? It's not right in the middle, not in the middle of south west but three-quarters on the west, one-quarter on the south.
We're done? Not yet.
Q (f): Police headquarters.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is the royal palace; move to the central.
Central,okay? North central. Okay. Now the military already there. Three-quarters west, one-quarter south. Now police headquarters. Northeast central. Thank God. Where is north east? Here is north east. Central. Easy. Okay? This is police, right in the middle. Okay,got it? And how many kilometers away? 60 kilometers away.
We got it,yes? Bahrain royal palace north central here, police headquarters north east central here, 60 kilometers away. The royal palace and the police headquarters both move 60 kilometers away from the old places. Okay,got it,yes?
Q (m): Yes,Master,we've got it.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Military, three-fourth on the west, one-fourth on the south. Okay?
It's different when you see in the vision and when you write it all down,you know? I had to be quick at that time. Okay now,we're done with Bahrain. All done,check.
Now, Bangladesh only one. Presidential palace north east central 50 kilometers. That's easy. Do I have to write it? No? (Q(m & f): No.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: No?
(Q (m): North east right on the line.) West,south,north, so easy. North east central 50 kilometers. Yes,north east, 50 kilometers away from the old one.
This is Bangladesh,
presidential palace. Easy?
Q (m): Easy.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Good,right,thank you. I think now I can read. I don't have to write it all, do I? If it's not so complicated. (Q (f): Yes,I think from now on, I read it then? I don't have to explain anymore.
Q (f): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay,Bangladesh, we're done. Now,Belarus, presidential palace should move to west; lean three-fourth north west central,again.
Another one.
Okay,I write it as I wrote at home: east,west,south,north,okay.
Belarus presidential palace moves west. West is here but leaning towards north west center. North west is here, three-fourth north west central. This is north west,we divide it into four pieces and it stays…The presidential palace is right there, leaning toward the border of the three-fourth of north west.
I write it down exactly when I wrote it at home. Q(m) : Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is the presidential palace,here.
And how many kilometers? 60 kilometers away
from the old place. Got it,yes? Right.
Q(m&f): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: I got it exactly the same as what I do here. It's easier to copy.
No,because when I do that it was a lot of work already. You see what I mean? I should have just copied it. It's easier than to do it again.
Q (m): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: It's too many things, you know? You have to concentrate well at that time.
Q (f): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: And now military headquarters should move west south that means more west than south. Two-thirds west, one-third south. And 40 kilometers away from the old place. Okay. This is west,this is south. So,he moves west south. Okay,we put in first, here is south west but more west than south. That means two-thirds west… Let's make sure. Yes. Belarus, two-thirds west, it's right here, and one-third south. Understand this,yes?
Q(f)(m): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is two-thirds and this is one-third. One-third in the south, two-thirds in the west.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: That is (Q (m): Yes Master.) west south, 40 kilometers away.
Q (m): Yes.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is the military. Actually by reading it, you can also make it out. Easier than listening, easier than I draw,but I just want to make sure. Headquarters, 40 kilometers away. Got it,yes?
Q(m)(f): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: President (palace) 60 kilometers away, here the west leaning north west, military headquarters south west, but more west than south. Got it? Okay. We're done. (Yes,Master.)
Q (m): Supreme Master Ching Hai: Alright. Thank you. Thank you for being patient. We're only on first page, and only half of the first page yet; we have many pages to go.
We have 9 pages altogether. Nevertheless,everyone should just notice their own,so it doesn't matter. Right,now. Next one is… Belarus is done?
Q (f+m): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes. It's all correct.
Belgium,the Dutch party headquarters should move north east central, 40 kilometers away from the old headquarters. That's easy,right?
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Right. Belgium done.
Bermuda, prime minister palace should move south west, 60 kilometers away from the old one. More south than west. south 2/3,west 1/3. So the line south west, yes? (Q (f): Yes.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: 2/3 from the south side, 1/3 on the west side. So south west,yes. Sometimes south west central but this one is not central. It's more south than west. Has to be exact like that. Okay.
Bhutan Bhutan royal palace should move to west central, 30 kilometers away from the old palace.
I'll say something before I forget: Even before you build the new palace, should find a place there to move first and then somewhere next to it, build the new one. Otherwise it takes too long to build a palace and something might happen in between already. You know what I mean?
Q(m&f): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Before it's too late. Okay. Right. Bermuda done. Bhutan done. Now I'm going next.
Bolivia presidential palace should move south east, 60 kilometers away. More south than east. ¾ in the south, ¼ in the east.
Bosnia-Herzegovina presidential palace should move west north, not north west; it's different from north west,see? West north: this already denotes more west than north - that's why I say west north and not north west - should move west north 70 kilometers away, more west than north. 2/3 on the west side. 1/3 on the north side.
Now,Bosnia done.
Botswana presidential palace should move to central west,right in the middle of west,yes. 40 kilometers away.
Military headquarters should move west north 40 kilometers away, 2/3 on the west side, 1/3 on the north side.
Bouvet Island, supposed to be uninhabited but if any,
you know, government vacation house or campsite or secret hideout should move away from where it was to the south central 6 kilometers away from the old place. That's the Bouvet Island which belongs to, I think,Norway. Norway is a peaceful country but there's something in Bouvet Island, whatever it was there has to move away,
(Q (f&m): Yes,Master.) so it will not affect the prime minister and the government and the people of Norway.
Q (m): Yes,we understand, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Move away 6 kilometers south,central of south. Now,
Brazil presidential palace should move to the north, central north, 40 kilometers away. If anything you don't hear well, like I miss 6 kilometers or you don't hear well the number, please ask me.
Q(m)(f): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: So we don't miss it, okay? Yes. (Q (f): Yes,Master.)
Q (m): Yes,Master, we'll do that.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Because if you hear well, then the audience hears well,yes.
(Q(m&f): Yes,Master.) I'm afraid sometimes, the technological problem...
Burma,you know, Burmese, or we call it
Myanmar also,presidential palace should move west north, 50 kilometers away from the old palace. More west than north. ¾ west, ¼ north.
And Burmese, or Myanmar's military headquarter should move north east,30 kilometer, more north than east. ¾ north, ¼ east. That's Burma, or Myanmar,okay? (Q (m): Yes Master.)
Canada military headquarters should move to the south, central of south, 20 kilometers away from the old one.
Chechnya presidential palace,
Chechnya, C-H-E-C-H-N-Y-A, okay, (Q (m): Yes Master.) should move the presidential palace to west north,30 kilometers away from the old palace, 2/3 west,1/3 north. Check.
Chile: presidential palace should move to the west central, 30 kilometers away from the old palace.
China: presidential palace should move to east, central east, 40 kilometers away from the old one; and prime minister palace should move to east also,central east, 30 kilometers away from the old one. Check. China done.
Colombia, FARC headquarter, F-A-R-C,you know,the FARC group,yes, (Yes,Master.) headquarters,not the government, the anti-government FARC group headquarters should move to south central, 40 kilometers away from the old headquarter. Check.
Côte d'Ivoire, means
Ivory Coast, presidential palace should move west, central west 30 kilometers away from the old one. Check.
Croatia: presidential palace,north central, 40 kilometers, should move to central of the north. North, central north, 40 kilometers away from old one.
Cuba: presidential palace should move to west central, 30 kilometers.
Cyprus: presidential palace should move south west, 20 kilometers away from the old palace but more south than west. ¾ south, ¼ west.
Egypt. Egypt presidential palace should move to south central, 30 kilometers away from the old palace.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Are you alright there? Not too hot where you are?
Q (m): Not inside right now. Outside it's going to be a hot day.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: You have air con there, right? (Q (f): Yes, Master.)
Q (m): Yes, we have air con. Plus we have the lights to help counteract that!
Supreme Master Ching Hai: I don't have air con, yes. I have a little, little fan there, it doesn't work very well because if we put here, it will fly away, everything, so it is… (laughs) we're just to bear it.
Q (f): Thanks so much, Master, for all…
Supreme Master Ching Hai: If you cannot find me anymore, go to the ocean or river something, maybe I flowed there. [laughs]
Q (m): Just melt down.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: I become liquid and flow to the river or ocean somewhere and then I'll become really “Ching Hai.”
Q (m): (Yes, the real true beautiful one.) “Pure Ocean.”
(Q (f): Ocean of Love.) Water, the name, “Pure Water.”
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay now presidential palace, I repeat again. Egypt presidential palace, south central 30 kilometers. (Q (m): Yes.)
Military headquarters, west north 30 kilometers, two-thirds west, one-third north. Good. We're done. Good.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
France lower house parliament should move to north central 30 kilometers away from the old one.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
Gaza Strip, Hamas headquarters should move to south east 20 kilometers away from where it was. There, but more south than east. Three-quarters south, one-quarter east.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Fatah's headquarters south central 20 kilometers away from where it was. Gaza Strip done.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
Georgia presidential palace: east central - should move 30 kilometers away from where it was. Georgia, that's a nation. Country. (Q (f): Yes.) (Q (m): Yes Master.) Right.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Not Georgia state. Georgia, they call it. Georgia, actually, Georgia,
(Q (m): Yes, Master.) next to Russia. Now, Georgia, we're done? Q (m): Yes, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Now on the page 4 - it's too many stuff here. Page 4 we have Greece now,
presidential palace should move to north central 30 kilometers away from where it was.
Haiti presidential palace should move to the south central 40 kilometers away.
Honduras presidential palace should move to south east 30 kilometers away from the old place; south two-thirds, east one-third, more south than east.
Q (f): Master, we skipped Germany.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Hong Kong… (Master, Q (f): we skipped Germany.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: What love?
Q (f): We skipped Germany.
Q (m): Germany.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
Germany, yes, but because that was Hitler, you know? I thought nobody used it any more.
Q (f): Thank you, you're right. Thank you, Master.
(Q (m): Yes, they're not using it, yes, Master.) Yes, but
Supreme Master Ching Hai: since you ask, I tell you. Germany, Hitler's old headquarters, if still using, then should move to south east, south three-quarters, east one-quarter, 30 kilometers away, okay?
Q (m): Yes, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: You're happy now?
(Q (m): Yes.) Thank you.
Hong Kong. (Q (m): Hong Kong. Yes, Master.) The present governor's palace should move to north west, 20 kilometers away from where the old palace is. Governor's place, two-thirds north, one-third west. So, north west, 20 kilometers away; that's Hong Kong governor place.
Hungary's president's palace should move to west central 30 kilometers away from the old presidential palace.
Iceland, prime minister palace, should move to south central 20 kilometers away from the old palace.
India presidential palace should move to west central 30 kilometers away from the old presidential palace. India.
Now Indonesia... I patch in the old stuff so it keeps moving. You know, the old printing paper? - and it has some half not used so I patch them together to use as the scrap paper and it keeps moving. Sometimes it…
(Q (f): I see.) it's like, very flexible stuff, see that? Fun.
Q (m): Soft paper.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes.
Indonesia: presidential palace - east south 30 kilometers; should move, more east than south: east two-thirds, south one-third. Now it's easier because we don't have those leaning toward this and that; that was very confusing for me also. But it was all correctly done, yes, all correctly done. Yes.
Q (m):Thank you, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Now
Iraq, prime minister palace should move to south central, 30 kilometers away from the old prime minister palace. That's Iraq.
Iran: presidential palace should move to east north 40 kilometers away from the old presidential palace.
That is more east than north; two-thirds east, one-third north. Military headquarters of Iran should move to south east 30 kilometers away from the old military Iran headquarters. Now, more south than east; three-quarters south, one-quarter east.
Ireland prime minister palace should move to west central 40 kilometers away from the old prime minister palace. There is a rebels' headquarters in Ireland.
(Q (m): Yes.) Now the present rebels' headquarter should move to south east 30 kilometers away from the old rebels' headquarters but more south than east; two-thirds in the south, one-third in the east 30 kilometers away. Check.
Israel prime minister palace should move to north, central north 30 kilometers away from the old prime minister palace.
Israel military headquarters should move to west north 40 kilometers away from the old place, from the old headquarters and more west than north, west three-quarters, north one-quarter.
Germany, old (Hitler's) headquarters, if… headquarters and residence - that's where he lived and he used as headquarters as well - if still using now should move to south east; south three-quarters, east one-quarter, 30 kilometers away. That's all, that's all for Germany.
Japan. Check. Military headquarters should move to east south 30 kilometers away from the old military headquarters. That is three-quarters east, one-quarter south for Japan military headquarters.
Jordan: prime minister palace should move to west north 40 kilometers away, west two-thirds, north one-third.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay.
Korea, north: the supreme leader's private residence should move to west south, 40 kilometers away from the old private residence of the supreme leader of North Korea, yes?
(Q (f): Yes, Master.) But more west than south. That means two-thirds in the west one-third in the south. That's North Korea, supreme leader's private residence.
Laos president palace should move to north east, 50 kilometers away from the old presidential palace of Laos. North three-quarters, east one-quarter. Pause Latvia, right?
(Q (f&m): Yes, Master.) You say that, yes? (Q (f): Yes, Master.) (Latvia.)
Latvia presidential palace, that is L-A-T-V-I-A, Latvia: presidential palace should move to south central 50 kilometers away from the old palace. Latvia done.
Lebanon prime minister palace should move to west south 40 kilometers away from the old palace, more west than south,: three-quarters west, one-quarter south. Lebanon done.
Liberia presidential palace should move to west south 40 kilometers away from the old palace, more west than south, two-thirds west, one-third south.
It's kind of late. Top leader, Mr. Gaddafi's compound, residence, should move west north 30 kilometers away from the old compound. More west than north. west three-quarters, north one-quarter. Even if there is a new leader who comes to this compound of Mr. Gaddafi should move elsewhere. Should not use this as the headquarters or anything to do with the government or anything to use. Just make it into a park would be best.
Or just for storage or something or museum. Don't ever live there; nobody should, because it results in just bloodshed and sorrow and pain. Personally, family-wise and national-wise.
Now the Libya rebels, rebels' headquarters has also one lower road in. I just discovered it yesterday, because we have forgotten to look into that. In Benghazi, the rebels' headquarters has one lower road in, so they should move to west south 50 kilometers away from where they had headquarters before. More west than south. Two-thirds west, one-third south. Clear? (Q (m+f): Yes, Master.)
Check, rebels.
Malaysia… am I in the list okay? (Q (f): Yes, Master.) Did I skip anything?
Q (m): We've got everything up to this point.
(Q (f): No, Master.) (overlaps) That's everything.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Everything good, yes? (Q (f):Yes, everything's good.) Q (m): Yes, yes, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay. Right. Malaysia, royal palace, should move to west south 30 kilometers away from the old palace: more west than south; two-thirds west, one-third south.
And the Malaysian police headquarters should move to west central, 30 kilometers away from where the old headquarters are. Did I say royal palace move 30 kilometers away, yes? (Q (f): Yes.) Q (m): Yes, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay, good. Malaysia, check.
Mexico presidential palace should move to south central 40 kilometers away from where the old presidential palace Mexico is, done.
Mongolia presidential palace should move to east central, 40 kilometers away from the old palace. That's Mongolia, check.
Morocco: royal palace should move to south central, 40 kilometers away from the old palace.
Nepal: prime minister palace should move to west north, 50 kilometers away from the old prime minister palace, more west than north; three-quarters west, one-quarter north.
Q (f): Excuse me, Master, for Morocco was it, was it south central?
Supreme Master Ching Hai: South central, love.
Q (m): Yes.
Q (f): Okay, I just wanted to make sure I heard it right.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Royal palace should move to south central, 40 kilometers away. Yes, sometimes the reception is not too good, in the air, yes? (Q (f): Yes.) The internet. (Q (f): I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss.) (Q (m): Been pretty good today so far.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay, I will fax you all this, okay? (Great.)
And you'll have it all in black and white, my own handwriting.
Q (f): Thank you, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay? Alright. Nepal, we're done right?
Q (m): Yes, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay,
New Zealand prime minister palace, should move east north 30 kilometers away from the old one; more east than north. Two-thirds east, one-third north. The military headquarters of New Zealand, should move south central 40 kilometers away from the old military headquarters.
Q (m): Could you repeat the prime minister's again? Part of it cut out.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Prime minister palace should move east north 30 kilometers away. More east than north. East two-thirds, north one-third. Clear?
(Q (m): Okay, thank you. Thank you, Master.)
Right. Military headquarters clear, New Zealand?
Q (m): Yes we got that. Thank you, Master. (Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay.) South 40 kilometers?
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes, south central 40 kilometers, yes, for New Zealand military headquarters. (Q (m): Yes, Master.)
Pakistan. Pakistan has three places to move: presidential palace, minister palace, military headquarters. This country has more… needs more blessing.
Presidential palace of Pakistan should move west north, 40 kilometers away from the old palace: more west than north; three-quarters west, one-quarter north. Now, check. Pakistan prime minister palace should move west south 50 kilometers away - more west than south; two-thirds west, one-third south. Check. Pakistan military headquarters should move west north, 40 kilometers away from the old headquarters. More west than north. Two-thirds west, one-third north.
Check. Page 6. Pakistan, continued.
Al-Qaeda group headquarters should move to west south 40 kilometers away from their old Al-Qaeda headquarters, more west than south. Two-thirds west, one-third south, for peace sake.
Q (m): Yes, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Pakistan all done.
Panama presidential palace should move to east central, 40 kilometers away from the old palace of Panama. Done.
Philippines, Muslim rebels' headquarters - they have a rebel group there, they call it Moro, Islamic Moro,
Supreme Master Ching Hai: yes, the Muslim rebels' headquarters should move to south central, 20 kilometers away from the old headquarters.
Poland: presidential palace should move to west north, 70 kilometers away from the old presidential palace of Poland, more west than north; three-quarters west, one-quarter north. Check. Done.
Russia, you know the former Mr. Stalin's residence, if still in use - used to be used as residence and headquarters - if it's still in use should move to east central, 30 kilometers away from the old residence of Mr. Stalin. Russia, check.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
Saudi Arabia royal palace, should move east north 40 kilometers away from the old palace, more east than north; three-quarters east, one-quarter north. The Saudi Arabia military headquarters should move south central, 30 kilometers away from the old headquarters.
Slovenia, presidential palace should move to south east, 30 kilometers away from the old Crystal Palace - more south than east; south two-thirds, east one-third.
Somalia presidential palace should move to west south, 30 kilometers away from the old palace. More west than south. Three-quarters west, one-quarter south.
Somalia presidential palace. Somalia military headquarters should move to west central, 40 kilometers away from the old military headquarters. Somalia pirates, right?
Q (f): Yes, pirates. Q (m): Pirates.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Pirates, people on the sea - yes? - (Supreme Master TV: Yes.) who stop the commercial ship and all that, pirates', headquarters should move to south central, 30 kilometers away from their present headquarters. That's Somalia. Done. Check.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: I think you could … Never mind. I don't care. It's okay… I guess I won't melt away so quick.
I don't think it's so light. I think it's heavy, cannot melt so quick.
Q (f): You still look so beautiful, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Sorry, just one second.
Q (f): That's okay.
Q (m): No problem, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: I'm teary.
Q (m):Thank you for giving us all your time for this today.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Time is nothing, honey. Time is nothing. If I have, I give it all. Nothing compared to what else, but it's all worth it, you know? Yes, I just want this world to have peace and happiness like we humans deserve.
Q (m): It's amazing you can give us this.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay, that was Somalia? Now,
Spain, the Basque Separatists, ETA's - called ETA('s) - headquarters, should move east south, 70 kilometers away from where they are right now. More east than south; two-thirds east, one-third south.
Sri Lanka, presidential palace, should move to north west central, 40 kilometers away from the old palace. Sri Lanka.
Sudan north, presidential palace should move to east south, 30 kilometers away from the old presidential palace. More east than south; two-thirds east, one-third south.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
Syria. S-Y-R-I-A.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay. Presidential palace of Syria should move to east south, more east than south; 40 kilometers away from the old palace; three-quarters east, one-quarter south.
Taiwan, Formosa parliament, parliament palace, they call the Lifa Yuan (The Legislative Yuan): south east; they should move south east central, 40 kilometers away from where the palace used to be. South east central. Lifa Yuan (The Legislative Yuan). [legislators, (In Chinese)] Then they won't fight anymore and they will agree easily, more easily, and Taiwan (Formosa) will develop better, quicker. Yes. You see, that's why I have trouble when I'm asking for all this, also when I'm revealing all this, because the negative power doesn't want people to know all this; we will have peace if they all know this. (Q (m): Yes, Master.) Of course, all this is not all, but we will have more peace. It will influence the whole, the deeper layers of societies as well.
Q (m): Yes, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Will be less drugs, less traffic, human trafficking and all those things as well - will also decrease. It's not just the war, fighting with guns and between humans - there are different kinds of wars. Yes? Economic war, or human violation war, human rights war, human poisoning war... Everything will influence that. And I'm surprised that I'm still alive to tell you all this, truly. ( Q (f): Master, thank you for giving us the keys to peace.) (Q (m): It's amazing, Master. But I'm tough. Tough girl. (Yes.)
Q (m): Tough leader.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: 009. Spy for the planet.
Q (m): Yes, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: International spy. Yes. Everything for the Earth, yes? (Q (m): Yes, Master.)
007, says “Everything, for England.” I say “Everything for the world!”
Q (f+m): Thank you, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Taiwan (Formosa)… What, love? What, Steve?
Q (m): Tibet is next.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thailand next. (Yes!)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: We're done Taiwan (Formosa), now
Thailand. Prime minister palace should move west north, 50 kilometers away from the old prime minister palace. More west than north; three-quarters west, one-quarter north. Okay? And Thailand military headquarters should move south east, to the center - center of south east. 70 kilometers away from the old military headquarters. That is Thailand. Prime Minister of Thailand, military headquarters. Thailand, both. Done. Check.
Tunisia presidential palace should move to south west central, 70 kilometers away from old presidential palace. Tunisia police headquarters should move to west south, 40 kilometers away from the old police headquarters. More west than south; three-quarters west, one-quarter south. Check, all correct.
Turkey: prime minister's palace should move to west central, 40 kilometers away from the old palace. Turkey, done.
United Arab Emirates official top leader's headquarters - they call it presidential palace. Presidential palace of United Arab Emirates should move to northeast central, 60 kilometers away from the present presidential palace.
We're done? United Arab Emirates. Yes. (Q (f): Yes.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: That's done, all done. Now, one more to go. Last one, baby! And you're free.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
United Kingdom prime minister palace should move to west south. You know, they call it 10 Downing Street, right? (Q (m&f): Yes, Master.)
It doesn't look like a palace but we call it.. Okay, prime minister headquarters, office, yes? It's right in the middle of the town, you know, edging with other houses, so looks like a townhouse. Okay, prime minister place, yes, I mean, office, where everybody goes there and works with the prime minister.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: They just say like that, but they never say palace or anything.
(Q (m): I don't know what they call it.) Okay, prime minister office, yes? Yes. (Q (m): Yes, Master.) Where everybody goes there to work with the prime minister, whatever you call that, should move to west south, 60 kilometers away from the old 10 Downing Street. More west than south; three-quarters west; one-quarter south.
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Supreme Master Ching Hai: Now,
United States, where you're standing, your country, “The land of the free” and “Country of the brave.” Now, the White House should move to east south, 70 kilometers away from the yet-standing White House. We should make the second White House and put this White House into museum or something else. Should not use for government or private. East south 70 kilometers. More east than south; east two-thirds, south one-third. Now if you look at the United States' history, it's an ongoing war.
Q (f): Yes, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: If not war within your country, then war with many other countries. Let's take a rest. (Yes.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: For the Americans, poor, working and good-hearted people. Let's move. You know, it won't cost you anything. You don't have to believe me; just move, then you will see how much your country becomes more powerful. All the money you save in war will make your country more rich, more educated, more developed in all sizes, all kinds, all aspects. Your people will be stronger in spirit, not just in weapons. Weapons can be destroyed; people's spirit cannot be destroyed, and people's spirit is what we should cultivate, should make strong. Yes? (Yes Master.) Okay.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Now,Venezuela... I'm sorry,it's not just United States, but many countries. I don't list all here,yes, because what's gone is gone. So I checked into the past history of our planet and different leaders, different nations, and you name it, whatever leaders have started war before, their headquarters or their commanding headquarters or their palace have built on top of these negative influence areas,yes, either hell portal or low portal or low road, hell road etc.
I have checked them. Many of them are like that. No escape. It would happen sooner or later. Yes,it would happen overnight,without you even preparing for it. It's gone, gone without warning. Just overnight, everything turned upside down,inside out and your life's in danger, your family's in jeopardy, your country would be in turmoil, without you even thinking. Blink of an eye, it can happen right away. It might not happen now, but it will happen sooner or later,yes. If it doesn't happen to this president,it will happen to the next one, if continue sitting in that negative place.
Venezuela: presidential palace should move to south west central, 40 kilometers away from the present presidential palace. That's Venezuela,check.
Vietnam,Âu Lạc, the present North military headquarters,maybe they still use the old one but I'm talking about the now,if they're still using it now, the present North military headquarters should move to north west central, 60 kilometers away from the present military headquarters,so that the country will be more peaceful and no more threat of war.
Yemen presidential palace should move to east north, two-thirds east, one-third north, 40 kilometers away from the old presidential palace,and the Yemen military headquarters should move south east central, 40 kilometers away from the old military headquarters.
Zimbabwe presidential palace should move to south west central, 40 kilometers away from the old presidential palace. End of list.
Q (f): Thank you so much. (Q (m): Thank you,Master.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: You want to ask me anything?
Q (f): Just to thank you to… how much work, it's so amazing. All the details that you went into, all the drawings, and we thank you so much the time you took to even draw them on the whiteboard for us, to help us understand. Thank you so much.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes,I'm also sorry for the couple of mistakes, because at home I wrote east west like this, east west like this, and here I wrote east west like this, and I got,you know, habitually writing on the side that I used to write on at home, you know? For when I drafted it,yes, at home when I tried to calculate how much is east west and all that stuff, but we made it all correct now. And I'm going to send all this to you including my old map so that you can see everything is okay.
Q (f): Thank you so much, Master.
Q (m): Master, when a leader leaves one of these negative areas, will they be able to make correct decisions after they've left that area quickly or do they need time to adjust?
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes,it takes some time, maybe several weeks to wear it all off,but they can feel immediate effect. (Yes.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: They think clearer. They're leaning more toward tolerance, understanding and peace and cooperation. They will be more softened inside. Their decision will be more clear,more beneficial to themselves, their families,their parties, their government and the world.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes,but we just hope that they move. I'm going through all this, but it's up to the leaders to move,okay? I cannot do much more for…
I cannot move for them. I cannot do much more than zillions of zillions of zillions already been given. I'm not allowed to give more than I have already given.
Q (f+m): Yes Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: I wish I had a magic wand and then I'll give all my things or whatever, my life,and my Heaven in order to change the world into a peaceful place or Heaven, vegan immediately. But it's not like that, you know? It's like you do homework for your children.
You can guide them, but you cannot do it for them,okay?
Q (f+m): Yes Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Now,if a leader… yes. The thing is,Steve, the question you ask, if a leader officially abandons their headquarter or palace, you know, a group's leaders, idealistic group leaders or national group leaders, if they abandon their headquarters, their office,their palace, be it king,queen, prime minister,president or leader of an idealistic group somehow, if they abandon their headquarters or palace officially and everybody knows it in the world, then it will help them 150%. But of course, they have to cultivate also more moral standards,yes, more righteous living, but the thing is, when they go to that auspicious place, new one,they will be more inclined toward peace and loving kindness and more benevolence in decision,alright? Right now,where they sit, they cannot do much.
Sometimes their inner struggle is so great, the pressure is so big that they cannot even think; and even if they think good now and again, it would be mixed with more negative things after or before or in between,or change their mind because the negative influence on them is too great for one person to withstand.
Q (m): Yes Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes,because whoever is the president or prime minister or king or queen sitting in that place,they don't just sit there pretty, they have work to do. They're busy,day and night- you know? - and they have to think of what to do for the next steps,yes?
And they are so busy to even get more connection with Heaven, and the negative power is just right there - more bad influence than good influence. They don't have time, sometimes, even to pray, and when they pray they don't even have enough concentration to connect with Heaven.
Q (m): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: So it's a very,very poor person who sits there as a leader in this 『negative hole,』 I call it. Alright.
(Q (m): Makes it impossible to make a…) So if a leader…
What love?
Q (m): It makes it impossible to make a correct decision?
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes,yes,it's impossible, because they're busy and tired,you see? Overburdened with the national or their own mission interest or decision and strategy,yes? And the negative just on top of them,like, makes decision for them. They're powerless,okay, for one person to be powerless against the whole negative power that is concentrated there.
Now,if a leader abandons, for peace sake, for okay, just to try, how much it costs? Yes,even to build a new palace,how much it costs,anyway? And even if it doesn't work,you can still use it, you know,the palace won't run away, I won't come and take the palace,it's nothing to do with me. (Q (m): Yes,Master.) So I think they should all move,just to try a new chapter of their lives and the national… in the international interest, in the interest of the world. Now,but if a leader moves officially, openly like that, then the benefit is 150%, at least. (That's great!)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: At least, and if they have more moral standard and more correct living, righteous thinking,then, it'd be more and more blessing,because they can receive more blessing. Before,wherever they stay, it's more like obstructed, you see. They're too near the negative,too far from the positive,that's why. But if a leader- I don't know for what reason- not officially abandons the headquarters, you know, like abandons it, but quietly,secretly, but they remove all their official authority items, like stamps,(Q (m): Yes.) their favorite pens, or their table or whatever belongs to them, moves to the auspicious designated area that we have discussed above, and they work there, they do everything there, and never return to the old palace,you know, the old presidential palace or headquarters, whatever that is,never, then it will still help them 90%. So abandon it officially is the best, when all the whole world knows about it,then all the blessing of the world with them. You see what I mean?
Q (m&f): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Then very strong power, including all the blessing of all the yogis in the world, and all the heavens and all deities and invisible, benevolent beings, you see? (Q (m): Yes,Master.) Then the benefit is multifold: they feel immediately good, their health improves, their head clearer; everything will improve. They will feel lighter, lighter,lighter all the time, more and more light, all the time,lighter inside, yes,lightness. And it's easier for them to make positive decisions. Yes.
Q (m): Wonderful,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Any more,love?
Q (f): That's all the questions we have. Thank you,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay. Well,actually today, even without your question,I was going to report all this, because I was eager to do it,you know? It couldn't be quick enough for me,but sometimes I could not bear it, I had to take a break, that's why it took a little longer than it should be,yes. I wish I had more than 24 hours a day,and more than 30 days a month, more than 7 days a week, but I'm not like... I'm in the world,you see, even though I have retreat, but I'm still doing worldly work,and still see worldly people, and… I'm not like a Himalaya yogi, you know,sitting on top of the glaciers and just connecting with God all day long. So time and the physical body's needs also be taken into account. And I hope…
Q (f): Yes,Master, we appreciate all the sacrifice you make.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: It's okay,love. It's all worth it, it's all worth it,yes. I will recover,I will recover after a while, you know. The effect will manifest, but I will overcome. I am very strong, (Q (f): We know,Master.) I'm stronger now than before,yes. And I hope the leaders will move exactly to where it was that we have mentioned above, because the lower portals, hell portal,or sub portals, they all have fork roads,junction. So,if you don't move to the correct place,then maybe you are here with the hell portal, but if you move a little bit further,then it's a hell road,or if you move more to the left, then also another hell road there, because a fork road, you see what I mean?
Q (m): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Like,so many roads in… With the portal, there are many roads, you know what I mean, right? Like a portal here. For example, hell portal,yes? Okay,they have fork road, you know what I mean? So that they lead people there,so these roads are also very,very influential in a bad way to anybody, but if a leader will be there,then it's bad for the nations and especially for his family as well. If he's not in war, then more disaster or more tragedy comes into his family,one by one, he cannot do anything- or into his nation. War doesn't always mean weapons and killing; war can be in the form of economic sanction,yes, embargo to impoverish your nation's people,and, disable your leadership in the international standard. (Q (f): Yes,Master.)
Yes,you will be pushed down, you'll be oppressed also, and then you might be sick personally,or handicapped,or attacked in one way or another, sooner or later, or your family member, and it's very painful; very painful that you cannot do all the ideals,cannot exercise all the ideals that you have in your heart no matter how good an intention you have. It will crumble you, if you sit there long; something would happen. That's why I hope the leader just moves exactly to where it was unveiled by Heaven,yes. I thank Heaven for telling us all this, for loving us so much, for letting me even disclose this to the world. I was worried I'm not allowed to, but you know, we negotiate and it's okay, we can do that. There's no other way that we keep just praying and negotiating on the table, and then tomorrow, fight again. You can see it. Some leaders were really willing to talk,you know?
Disarmament, denuclearization, everything,and then the next month, something happensto make them change their mind again,and we're on edge again; not that they don't want to, it just too strong the negative influence, just makes them very, very… struggle inside. You know,we have to pray for the leaders to be strong and to change. It's not their fault alone.
Q (f): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: The thing is like this: why does that place exist? Why is it negative in the first place? In the beginning,maybe, the leaders,the first one who came there,winning the war or something,yes, or involved in some war on something, or in some means to get that palace or to build that palace, in that atmosphere of energy,they'd build the palace exactly where it's matching with their energy. Q (m&f): (Yes,Master.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Like attracts like. And then the later generation leaders will inherit that place, and then will go into the same steps again, that is the problem. So we have to start anew- you know? - with peaceful intention, then we'll find a peaceful place, build a peaceful palace, and begin a peaceful, brand new situation again. So that's why.
Q (f&m): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes. So all the old palaces that have trouble, all the countries that have war and conflict should start anew, build a new palace, in the revealed place. It costs nothing much, right? Better than spend all life in war,and money in war and lives, and your families and your reputation and your honor and everything. If you lose the war, even if you are a leader of a nation, you'll become nothing. You'll have to hide, you have to be anxious every day,and see your family members die in front of your eyes. It's very painful.
So move now,yes? Move now. And all the people who are winning in the war, please forgive the leaders, because if you don't forgive this leader, and the other leaders will not surrender, because they're worried if you don't forgive that leader, if they also surrender, they would be in the same position as the beaten leaders, you see? They'll be in jail, be in court, will be in all kinds of tortuous situations,so how would they give in? They would fight to death, because they are pushed into the war, pushed into the corner. Either they die in the battle or they die in jail, so they prefer to die in the battle. That's why war continues. We have to forgive, in order to have peace, long-lasting peace. I tell you one more secret.
Q (f): Thank you,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: The Love Goddess, the Goddess of Love has told me… because we heard so much about love: 『love is everything we need,』 『love is everything,』 love is good and love, 『love thy enemy,』… but why? Why love? And why is it the love of the animals also very important for our planet's survival? Why? Why is love so important? Everybody talks about love,but you don't understand what it is.
Love has a component to dissolve calamities. That is exactly, I quote her,
『Love has the component to dissolve calamity.』
Q(f and m): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay. Just like in our world we have some chemical thing that dissolves something,yes? Like acid will dissolve maybe metal,yes?
Love has a component, invisible component, you see, in our world we have chemical components, which we can prove,yes? - but in the invisible realm, in the abstract realm, something like love is not to be proved by chemical stuff or mathematics stuff, but it has the invisible abstract component. I quote exactly her words: 『Love has the component to dissolve calamity.』 I quote exactly what she told me in the vision.
Q(f & m): Yes Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: And she is gracious enough to allow me to tell you. But I knew it, but of course if without her permission I cannot tell. There are so many things I cannot tell but it's not important to our world,so it's okay. But if,what's,important I would tell you,okay? When I have the permission.
Now, so we should move into this recommended position to avoid running into any of them. Of course it costs some extra,everybody knows, but not much,compared to the war- okay? - and lives that are lost, including yours and your loved ones, in conflict,you see? And also we must be careful about the private residence of the leaders. Sometimes not the palace of the leader, it's the private residence. I found out in history, as well as present, that the private residence of a leader has a very big,important,role to play in the peace of the nation and the world.
For example, the North Korea supreme leader residence, he should move out of the old residence, get a new one the way I told,yes? Even holiday home or secret hide-out. If you're a leader of a country or leader of important idealistic group, the safest is chosen in the same line, in the same direction of these new auspicious areas - the nearer,the better; in the vicinity of one or two square kilometers. < That will bring luck, happiness and peace, not only to yourself, your family,but the nation and the world. Okay?
Q(f): Yes,Master,thank you.
Q(m): Yes,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Also... Yes,love?
Q(f): We… (Q (m): Yes…) I just I just wanted to make sure that we got France correct.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay,tell me.
Q(f): We have north central 30 kilometers
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes. For the Lower House Parliament.
Q(f): Okay.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay. That's correct.
Q(f): Okay. Thank you.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Also,bear in mind, it's very important,that we should move away, the leaders especially, should move away from evil thoughts, deeds and speech , because it will affect how you act and affect the nation and the world, okay?
The leaders should lead in the light of righteousness,benevolence and in Heaven's will. Heaven is benevolent, so whatever we do benevolently, that is according to Heaven's will.
I have something here. I have written something this last minute. You see,as a citizen of the world,like you are, there are only two things that I ask,
Two things that I request from my leaders,yes. They're also my leaders: I am a citizen of the world; I'm not talking as a spiritual master, I am just a citizen of the world. There are only two things that I request from my leaders and those idealistic groups' leaders, who've great intentions to better this world, to do away with injustice and to want to save the nation or the planet. But there are two things I ask only:
First,be vegan. Second,make peace. It's only two things I ask. So,for the safety and happiness of all people, including yourself and your loved ones, for the continuous survival and flourishing planet, our planet, our precious world, I would implore all you mighty heroes to sacrifice two things. First, forego the innocent flesh of the animals - be vegan. Second, move your palace or headquarters to the above auspicious best locations.
That's all I ask. Yes? And with all my love and immense gratitude in advance, I salute your courage and your good ideal,your high,noble aspiration.
May your good will move to new auspicious place be smooth and peaceful. May harmony be the crown of your success. May God bless our world and planet with peace,love and kindness. I sincerely wish you all the best; and in the name of billions co-inhabitants on this planet, I thank you again. And may God bless our world.
Q(f): Thank you,Master.
Q(m): Thank you for your blessing,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: So long.
Q (f): Most caring and beautiful Master, our profound gratitude for all you have shared with us today and for the love and grace you bestow upon us. We are so very honored to hear this never-before-revealed knowledge and insights about the world and the universe,and are forever thankful for all you do and have done, to generously make this information widely available. We know that you had to meditate intense long hours and travel to Heaven and hell to research each country's information one by one.
Q (m): Thank You,Master, for letting us know this unprecedented information. Because of the urgent state of the world right now it is a race against time. May countries' leaders and all people be awakened to bring about a compassionate world through the noble vegan lifestyle and the wise advice Master lovingly offered today.
Q (m): We respectfully wish you excellent health and many tranquil days as global citizens move ever closer to a Heaven on Earth with your immense blessings and unconditional love. Please take care,Master. We all love you very much.
Q(f): Yes,very much. We love you,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: I love you too,guys. I love the world, I love people. By the way,I was going to say goodbye already, but by the way,because you mentioned it, I am not the only one who tried to access to this knowledge, and I am not the only one who wanted peace in the world by imparting this information to people.
There have been some spiritual people in the past who have tried, but failed. Either they have been eliminated, in the beginning,or after they got the knowledge. Before they revealed to the world, they are overwhelmed by the negative power and then either they succumbed so,you know, just left our physical world either
in a normal way,or in some agonizing way. So,it is not easy for any Master to be able to do that. It's not like they did not want to. Okay? We also have to thank for their effort and their sacrifice up till now. And I'm just lucky that I am able to do it. I am just thanking Heaven.
Q(m): We are the lucky ones, Master.
Q(f): The world is lucky, Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Thanking Heaven. Thanking all of Heaven and humans immensely. Okay? So long.
Q(f): So long.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: All the best to you.
Q(m): Thank you for your work, Master. (Q (f): Bye.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: God bless our world.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Hallo. (Q (m): Hallo.)
Q(f): Hi,Master. Yes Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay. I have a note I forgot to read. You know the residence of the leaders are also very important.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: It's good that they know also.
Sorry about that, I forgot there are so many things.
Q(m): We are live again.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: We're alive again? Q(m): laughter Yes.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay,look. Q(m): Our second life!
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Excuse me. Okay so many things I have forgotten the note I wrote,because so many things to remember, you know? So sometimes I wrote but I forgot. Okay,look, important thing is that even the private residence of the group leaders or nation leaders is very crucial to their success and to peace in the world. So we have to also choose the residence carefully,yes? - and in an exact place. If I can find out exactly where is the best place for these leaders to take up as a private residence, then I will tell you next time. (Q(m): Wow,Master.) I will meditate on it and find out, because it's just as long as the list just now, it takes some time.
Q(m): (Yes.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Okay? But this time will be quicker,because we already have all the background information so I just find out exactly where the private residence for the president or the leaders of group or nation should be. I suggest that,you know, nations,apart from the presidential palace or leader's palace, we should build,another private residency nearby, yes. Or somewhere else; the good place, so that any new leader comes will take up that residency, not just the old residence, not just the old president or incumbent presidents or prime minister, but anyone who takes office after him or her, will inherit also that private residency to ensure that the leader has enough well-being of a spiritual,mental and physical in order to take care of the nation and hence contribute to the peaceful planet,yes; not just having built a place for him and then just him and then later… I cannot keep continue looking for new residence, residency for leaders forever!
So apart from the new palace, they should build a new residence. But in the beginning, the leader should move to the new place,you know, exactly that position more or less and stay there until the new palace is born, and then meanwhile, I do research into an auspicious place for the private residence of the leaders of the group or the nations and then I will announce it again and then they build another one, but that will become national properties, you know,just like presidential palace. It's to be passed on, from one to the next, not to be used only one time,leader,alone. Then it would be, for sure,secure, our peaceful planet will be good good - will be good future.
(Q (f): Thank you,Master for caring so much and doing so much!)
(Q (m): Wonderful,Master.) Okay,that's all. I had forgotten that note. Thanks a lot.
Q (f): Thank you,Master.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: Bye for now. (Bye-bye.)
Supreme Master Ching Hai: I love you!
Q (m): See you again.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: I love you.
Q (m): We love you,too,Master.
As an internationally
renowned spiritual teacher,
poet and artist,
Supreme Master Ching Hai
has also been an advocate
for peace and
the environment, as well as
an animal lover.
Caring deeply
for the Earth and all
its inhabitants,
Supreme Master Ching Hai
has been urgently raising
on the stark reality
of climate change, with
a steadfast determination
to preserve
our beautiful planet.
Tirelessly accepting
numerous invitations
to conferences,
media interviews
and other events,
Supreme Master Ching Hai
has helped
to clarify and prioritize
the vegan solution
for humankind,
grounded in both extensive
scientific research
as well as profound inner
spiritual knowledge.
Supreme Master Ching Hai
also sends a message
of encouragement
for government leaders
and citizens
throughout the world,
which is to act nobly
for the survival and
happiness of all beings
now and
for generations to come.
with a deep yearning
for the world's conflicts
to subside,
Supreme Master Ching Hai
courageously revealed
which leaders' headquarters
are situated near or on
roads and sub-portals
leading to
the lower worlds and hell,
along with the resulting
negative effects on both
leaders and their nations.
In an urgent
announcement made on
August 24, 2011,
Supreme Master
Ching Hai
addressed the world's
peace-seeking leaders and
concerned fellow citizens
to inform them
of alternative places to
re-locate their headquarters,
to avoid negative sites
that over time
have fueled conflicts
and other troubles
in human society,
particularly by gripping
individuals and groups
in power.
Supreme Master Ching Hai
shared this
information freely
at the cost of her physical
and spiritual welfare,
in hopes that leaders
may quickly move away
from these dangerous
places at this critical
time for our planet.
Providing detailed
explanations and
visual graphs,
she described
specific locations where
leaders can move their
headquarters that will be
more conducive
to the righteousness,
clarity and benevolence
that they deserve,
to more easily sow
the seeds of world peace.
We now invite you
to listen to
the re-broadcast
of the live conference
with Supreme Master
Ching Hai, entitled
“Auspicious Locations
for Leaders'
New Headquarters,
a Boon for World Peace”
on August 24, 2011.
This is an extra note
from Supreme Master
Ching Hai:
“Though most auspicious,
some locations might not
be easily accessible,
but that's the way
it is revealed
(to be completely
out of bad influence and
maximize positiveness).
At least move
as far as possible
from the old place
in the indicated direction
to have more
but the result
is not guaranteed.
The best is to move
to the exact location,
even if having to work
on a ship or building
on top of a mountain
or on a space station.”