report that more than 1,000 lakes have vanished in the past 50 years,
with an average of 20 that are now drying up annually. In Hubei
province, once known as the land of 1000 lakes, only 34% of the total
water area remains. In addition, more than 80% of the lakes along lower
Yangtze River are affected by
excessive algae growth, a condition
associated with nitrogen runoff from livestock manure and pesticides
that suffocates aquatic life. Although the government has allocated
funds for clean-up, the researchers are advocating a halt to the
discharge of such pollutants, including livestock production. Our
all Chinese scientists for alerting us to this disturbing change drying and pollution of the Earth's precious water bodies.
us quickly change this picture by switching to sustainable lifestyles
that include the Earth-renewing organic plant-based diet. Supreme
Master Ching Hai has often addressed these planet-wide tolls while
highlighting the effective and necessary solution, as during an August
2009 videoconference in Thailand.
Supreme Master Ching Hai:
Many tens of thousands of rivers and great lakes are dying, dead, gone
or going. And I don’t know how many more we must wait for to die in
order for us to wake up.
The leaders of the nations must do
something. The people of all nations must do something. We have to do
something to avoid the tragedy that is already happening to billions of
other people.
There are one billion people hungry already
because of climate change, and short of water and food. And three
billion people are short of water. Just be veg. Stop the meat, dairy,
fish industry.
Be benevolent. Create a merciful energy that will
envelop our world, that will emit mercy, love, protection for us and
our children on this planet. Please take action now.;to=USD;amt=14500000