
Welcome innovative viewers to today’s episode of Science and Spirituality.
Does mood or state of mind affect how our brain perceives the world?  
Does having a constructive or negative attitude really make a difference and what do scientists have to say about this? A research team from the department of psychology at the University of Toronto, Canada recently published their findings in the prestigious Journal of Neuroscience on how our emotional states affect our brain’s ability, specifically the visual cortex or the part of the brain responsible for detecting simple visual stimuli, to perceive the world.

The principal investigator of the study is Adam K. Anderson, Professor of Psychology and the Canada Research Chair in Affective Neuroscience at the university. The lead author of the study is Taylor Schmitz, a PhD student at the university and our guest on today’s program. He will be discussing the study’s fascinating conclusions.

For more about Taylor Schmitz, pleasse visit

For more details on this study,please visit

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