
Dr. Steven Hairfield (m) :
If you are an angry person and you’re always putting forth anger, what you are going to find around you all the time is angry people, angry situations, situations that magnify the anger that you already have, alright?

Halo, brilliant viewers, welcome to Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television. Today we are delighted to present the first in a three-part series featuring an interview with our esteemed guest,
Dr. Steven Hairfield from the USA who is a Zen priest and an author of six books on various spiritual subjects.
As a young man, Dr. Hairfield was in the military and was sent to Âu Lạc (Vietnam). His yearning for inner peace and wisdom guided him to a Zen Buddhist monastery in one of the southern provinces, where he studied the purpose of life.
After returning to the United States, Dr. Hairfield enrolled in a university and earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology. With an urge to expand his search for the Truth and Divine Self, he embarked on a journey to India, Nepal and Tibet. There, he lived as a Buddhist monk and discovered through his research that Jesus Christ spent a portion of his life in South Asia.Coming home to the US once again, he completed a master’s degree in religion and theology and a doctorate in metaphysics. 
Dr. Hairfield now lectures about spiritual topics such as the power of thought and the benefits of meditation as well as writes books and is dedicated to helping those who are in search of their original Self- Nature.
Our Supreme Master Television correspondent had the opportunity to conduct an enlightening interview with Dr. Hairfield on his latest book: The Twelve Sacred Principles of Karma, which addresses the different aspects of this universal law.We began by asking what motivated him to write this text on karma.

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