
Welcome, wonderful viewers, to this week’s edition of Planet Earth: Our Loving Home featuring a compassionate vegan environmentalist from Penang, Malaysia,Dr. Joean Oon. She is the principal of the Penang-based Naturopathic Family Care Centre, a lecturer for the International Chinese Cancer Prevention Society, a public speaker on the topics of health and inner peace and a passionate wife and mother of three adorable girls. In 2006, Dr. Oon traveled to Thailand to learn alternative medicine from Dr. Rosukon Poompanvong, a naturopath and organic farmer.

She was recognized in 2003 for her outstanding achievements in organic farming by the Bangkok, Thailand Regional Office for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Dr. Rosukon has been actively involved in enzyme research for more than 30 years. Most notably she is the creator of the garbage enzyme. The garbage enzyme is an organic solution produced by the simple fermentation of fresh vegetable and/or fruit skin waste, brown sugar and water.

Dr. Rosukon says the fermentation creates natural chains of proteins, mineral salts and enzymes. Based upon her research, Dr. Rosukon says the catalytic process during the production of the garbage enzyme generates ozone gas, O3, that reduces carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and  heavy metals in clouds that trap heat, thereby mitigating global warming.

For more details on the garbage enzyme, please visit www.EnzymeSOS.com   

 地球:我們可愛的家 持純素是讓地球降溫最快的方法(四集之一)
 地球:我們可愛的家 訪問帕卓里博士:全球的警訊:肉品生產與肉食對氣候變遷的影響(二集之一)
 地球:我們可愛的家 巴西綠色和平組織的紀錄片:氣候變遷對生活的影響(二集之一)(葡萄牙語)
 地球:我們可愛的家 不殺生的農耕:有機無土栽培(一)
 地球:我們可愛的家 拯救旱地:COP10聯合國抗沙漠化公約,三集之一
 地球:我們可愛的家 川口由一的自然耕種法(二集之一)(日文)
 地球:我們可愛的家 悠樂(越南)無須灌溉的旱作農耕
 地球:我們可愛的家 亞莉.米德布魯克介紹原生植物園的奇妙世界(二集之一)
 Growing Fruits and Vegetables in Sand - One Story From Âu Lạc(Vietnam)
 地球:我們可愛的家 炭火圖:氣候變遷科學家史帝芬.史耐德博士談地球的現況(二集之一)