拯救動物,拯救地球 (1) 5/4/2008 摩納哥 (英語)    第2 集
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第2 集 Play with flash player Play with windows media ( 84 MB )

 SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: We can come sometimes.

It's a nice place. And the people here are open,you see? I could have had you somewhere else,but I just like him. I just like it here. I thought,okay,let's come here and have a picnic together because he's so nice.

He works not for money. He works because he's passionate.

(m): I work also for money.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: Also,of course,of course,we all do that.We all do that.But you can see it's not the…

(m): This is what I sell. say I'm the black sheep of my spirituality.


(m):Between spirituality and between…

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: No,we all do that.

(m): …superficiality.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: No,we all do that. We all do that. But we have to earn our honest living. We all do earn money. All of us work for our money,including myself. I don't take money from anyone. Not for donation,not for any cause I just work for my money and whoever need,and if I can,I help that person. That's our principle.
All of us do that. You see,if you want to know about us,that's the principle. We are like that. So therefore,you can see that he's not money oriented. Otherwise,my God,350 people and he offers free of charge. This is the first time we've ever have such an offer. But we love you for that,but we cannot accept. They are good. They are rich. They can pay. Yes,they are good.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: I told them already it's very cheap. I told them before they came that it's okay. You can come and join here,don't need to bring anything,and just to relax.

(m): We have a birthday party today. Somebody tells me that there is a cake.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: Just a cake! For me?

(m): Oh,it's for you.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: Why is that? It's not too early? They're so nice. They're so nice. I don't know why it's for me. What's special today?

(f): For a special lady.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: Special lady!? Wow. Birthday? It's too early,no? Never mind. Is that okay?

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: No,not really. They just saw me today so they make it. Normally we don't do that. Normally we don't do early.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: No,not today. But they came today,so…

(m): Every day is your birthday.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: Every day is birthday. We reborn anew. We re-vow to improve anew,we re-vow to do better every day,so that's a birthday-also,okay.

(m): Somebody's Supreme Master Ching Haioking?

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: Fire? We don't Supreme Master Ching Haioke. We don't drink. We are vegetarian. No alcohol. No animals. No Supreme Master Ching Haioke. No drugs. Nothing. We're clean. All of them,all of them are vegetarians. No Supreme Master Ching Haioking,no drinking,no drugs. All of them,and they speak the truth and all that stuff. Love thy neighbor.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI:  That's really beautiful. This is a birthday for all of us. Every day we renew our strength to be good person on Earth and to help whoever we can and to improve ourselves. Yes,do you want to blow it? You are the youngest one.Wow.

You cut the cake,because you're the youngest and you're beautiful. Voil? tu fais comme tu veux ch?rie,ca ne fait rien. Here it is,you do what you want,love,no problem.
(m): You speak French,too?

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: Yes,a little bit. Not a big conversation but Supreme Master Ching Haiall things.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: Okay. Let's eat it together.There you are.(Comme exemple,voil?. )

(m): Maybe,you know what we do?


(m): If everybody can come with a little,with a little piece.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: Yes! I don't think 300 people.

(m): No,we do a little.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: Tu veux,tu veux,oui,oui,oui. Tu veux un peu avec papa You want,yes. Do you want some with Papa?

(m2): I'm diabetic.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: Oh,sorry about that.

Girl: R?gime Diet.


(m2): Yes,she's on diet.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: Eric,You are reallyhttp://suprememastertv.tv. Just come,just come. Keep coming. Come in. Share a little bit. Everybody breaks a little bit,okay?

(m): donne moi des assiettes,plein d'assiettes. Give me some plates,plenty of plates.

Girl: d'accord,je vais les chercher. Okay,I go look for it.Here there are some. There are plenty here,love.
SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: You share a little bit each,okay? Even that,understand me?Even that piece you share it,3-4 people so that we have something. Wow,that's fantastic. Wow,this is a vegan cake. - no egg,no milk. So you can eat also. Just a little bit for symbolic.

(m): Just a taste.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: These are vegan. - no milk,no egg. So you are very safe here with us. Vegan cake,right?

(f): Yeah Yes.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: We have fantastic cooks and all kinds of people here. Okay,meanwhile,
I share with you what I've been doing. Okay? I have helped some of the misfortunes as it's the way you do. Last week,I did some 『big thing』 like feeding the pigeons. But I did one more 『bigger thing』. It's like,last week,I have made a staircase into a big pond.

Because the animals,they come in there and they cannot climb out. And they die,drown in there. So nearby in the forest. That was like an agricultural pond before. But because it has been abandoned.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: Il faut partager parce que l'on n'a pas beaucoup. Comme cela tout le monde a quelque chose We have to share because we don't have a lot. Like that everybody has something.

(m): Tu vois elle parle fran?ais. You see she speaks French.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI : Un petit peu,une normale conversation. A little bit,a normal conversation.
You see the pond is made for rain water,which is a good idea to save rain water to do agriculture. If you have a garden and you want to save water for the planet,you can dig a pond or buy some ready-made and put it in your garden to collect the rain water for your garden.

It's a good idea. You can even wash your clothes,flush the toilet,bathe with it. But,you remember,if the pond is deep and the wall is not slanted,then animals cannot come up and come down.
So,if you have a pond like that… I'm telling you,because it's normally made round like this. And the wall is flat
and just stand straight,you know? 90 degrees. So,if you have a pond like that you

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: must make a little staircase using wood or iron so that the animal can climb up and down to drink. And they won't drown in there Because my neighbours have such a pond and his dog drowned there. And he talked to me about that. That's why we went there.

It's not his land,but next to his land,and his dog died in there and he was heartbroken. And after he talked to me about that, he said he found also one fox died in it too,drowning. You know why? Because they can swim but,like in August,the water will recede to half of the pond. And if the pond you buy is like a cement-made,with the wall very straight,then the animal can never climb up.

They need the water,maybe they risk their life to come to drink but they cannot come up. So you have to make like a . . . it's very simple,you can even buy a hard fence.

And put the two iron bars on both sides - The kind of fence that is hard - and then tie both ends of the fence onto these iron bars and drop it very,very slanted. Not too straight so that they cannot climb. Have to slide all the way across the pond to the bottom. So even if the water is low they can always climb down to drink and climb up safely. Understand now?

So sometimes,we do some good things but we forget to consider and it becomes a disaster instead. And one more thing.

If you have any net or anything hanging around,like when you make agriculture for - you want to catch the olives with the net and all that -you have to room the net well. And store it inside the room so the animal will not get caught in it. I saw here in Monaco many pigeons have no toes.

And I had to cut one of the net,out of one of the pigeon. And it takes me many weeks to do that because the pigeon has to get used to me and let me do it. And he let me,but I saw some of others,toe already been cut. You know why? When the nylon wire keeps tightening around their toe,then eventually the toe will be cut off of the circulation of the rest of the body,and then it will drop off. So many pigeons have only two toes left,sometime three toes left,and the rest are just a stump of them. It broke my heart,too. And so sometimes I come and try to feed them,and then so get used to them. Then they come and then I catch them and cut the nylon wire around their feet for them. But it's very difficult.

So if you see something like that,try to help. You don't catch by hand,okay? You let the bird come into your room,or in your yard and you use a big towel. and you throw the towel on him. And tell him quietly,quietly,『I just want to help you,』 talk to him or her.

And then slowly peel the towel,slowly,and just reveal the toe. Don't press too hard,he might gethttp://suprememastertv.tv. pressure too hard,broken something.

But if you don't know how to do it,then you got to get an expert,okay? And do it with love. Try to room all the nets,all the nylon wire,everywhere you can. You understand me? So that the birds don't ever get caught in them.The animals in the wild,they live veryhttp://suprememastertv.tv. just sometimes I wish I could just feed all of them. Because it's very,very hard for me to look at these things when they're hungry and I go to the park,
anywhere,and I have those soft and sliced bread,wholemeal bread,and I break into Supreme Master Ching Haiall pieces and give it to them.

One more thing. I saw some pigeons and seagulls,they normally go near a restaurant where I go sometimes. And they're so understanding. They just stand by and whenever the customer left something,then they go directly there to eat. They never go direct onto the stand where they put all the bread and other things.

They know that. They know they just eat the leftover and that really touched me so much. They're so polite and they know their position. They don't just jump onto the stand where all the bread stands. They just wait until the customer finished and left over something,then they come and eat. Always I observe that.

They really understand their position. They don't push it. Yes. So the restaurant kind of turned a blind eye. And if I'm there,of course,I leave a little food on the table,and they say,『No,no.』 But,you know,I do,『Yes,yes.』 Yes,a little bit sometime. But if the restaurant

says no,you better respect it,okay? And you take your leftover bread or whatever bread you want to give somewhere else.Good idea to have such a cake. Thank you. Malaysian baked it,right? Thank you,thank you,good cake. I just try one piece to know if it's really good.

Wow,it's vegan,my God. Wonderful. Who says we need eggs? You know,they put egg in everything every day now,even in ice cream. I can't believe it. So,I can't even eat ice cream anymore because I don't know which one have eggs or not. 
And they even put some in spaghetti. Some spaghetti have eggs,some spaghetti don't,so you have to know it. But pizza don't have. Pizza,no egg inside,right,no?

(m): Tomato and basil only.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: Yes,that's it. Pizza is always safe. If you can ask them to put tomato sauce and oregano or basil only,

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: then it's the safest way to eat. Spaghetti sometimes has eggs,So you ask the chef whether he knows that the spaghetti or lasagna he serves you have eggs or not.

Then,you can eat the vegetarian one. Okay? And salad is always safe. You know,even lettuce has a lot protein in it. A lot! But you have to eat a lot,a lot! If you eat a little,then it's not good enough. So,are you okay? Or anybody kaput around here? Good? Thanks for this. My birthday,what,it's so early,but the thing is we don't get to see each other like every day,or every week,so they just bring whenever. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thanks a lot.Thank you very much! Thank you very much!

If don't have a room,you can share an apartment together. When you share,it's not expensive. You don't need a big place,as I've told you. You know,right now,my room is about the size of this around here. And I'm happy with it. Because if you have bigger room,you have to spread all your things around. Whenever you want to find the things,you have to go,walk up and down all day like a mile long,many miles!

Did you see the film,『Alexandre le Bienheureux』. or something like that. The guy has been pushed around by his wife all his life,since the marriage. He owns a lot of land; he has a lot of money,but he has no power. His wife runs everything. And then,he could not even have a dog,who loves him so much.

So,one day his wife died,and then he just decided - because he was always sleeping all day long,not sleeping - whenever he had to work,he fell asleep because he was so tired. She pushed him to work all day,and then,at night he had to work with her,you know what I mean,in the bedroom,something.So,
he was always very tired. He slept on the staircase. He slept on the truck. He slept in the field. He slept everywhere - So,one day,his wife had an accident and died. Wow,he was so happy. Sorry,it's not a good thing,but it was like that. And then,he decided that he go to sleep.

He just stayed in bed for 2,3 months like that. And the dog that he loves went shopping for him. The dog brought the basket with the money,went to the shop,and brought back the groceries. And then,all the villagers wanted so much to wake him up because they could not bear it. The guy kept sleeping every day.

They tried all kinds of things. And he always used the gun to shoot them. Don't shoot them,but shoot in the air,so they're scared!

If not,the dog came out and barked at them,and shooed them all out. The dog'sa good protector!So,he slept in the bed,and he got up,and ate all the canned food,and threw the empty cans outside. And then,he continued to sleep,and he got up,and ate,and slept, he and the dog,together like that.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: And he just sleeps in his bed for 2,3 months. And the villagers tried all kinds of things,could not wake him up. And one day,the villagers thought of many tricks. For example,don't sell the grocery to the dog any more. So,the dog went out,dig the potatoes in his farm,and got some carrots,and brought it to him.

And he cooked on the bed also.The dog would go dig potatoes and carrots and all that stuff,and brought it into the bed for the man. And the man got a can of gas,you know,those picnic gas,and he cooked with a pan on the bed. And he lived like that happily together,the two of them. And one day,the mayor decided to invite them to come to the court,to explain his course. Everybody got so frustrated because they were working a lot,and he was just sleeping. Who can bear that!Oh,thank you,this is good! Give me 1 piece please,thank you.
For the pigeons,when they he come.But he doesn't go,he doesn't go to the mayor. He sent his dog with the letter. He said,『Thank you so much for your invitation,and I send my dog with my thank-you letter.』 That's it! They get so frustrated. They hold the dog. They hold the dog  like a captive. So,he could not have the dog. That was terrible! Nobody did shopping. Nothing. And he missed his dog. So,he had to go out.

He got up. He went out to find his dog anywhere. He cannot find it. And later,the farmer said,『If you have a dog,you have to go out with him,you have to walk with him,you have to take him around,you cannot just make him work all day for you,go shopping and it's no good for the dog.

That's why he runs away,maybe.』 So,the sleepy man said,『I promise,if my dog comes back,I will take him out. I will go everywhere with him. I will wake up. I will not sleep in bed all day anymore.』 So,they gave him the dog back. Okay,then the man kept his promise; took his dog around everywhere,and the rest I let you see it. Okay? It's called something 『Alexandre le Bienheureux』 It's a French film.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: 『Alexandre le Bienheureux』

Man : Alexandre le Bienheureux.Alexandre le Bienheureux.

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: Yes,yes. 『Alexandrea de bienheur.』 Means Alexandrea of Happiness. Or well-being,something like that. Anyway,it's a good film,except the fishing part,I don't like,but everything else is good!

SUPREME MASTER CHING HAI: I go to the park sometimes,feed them in the park. because in the hotel they don't allow it. So I take my bread,

the wholemeal bread. And sometimes the seeds,the seeds from the supermarket,for the birds,I go to the park and spread it. So if you have some like left over,even hard bread or something,don't throw it away. Go out into the park and give it to the birds. I give them fresh bread.

I don't give them the 'throw away' one but in case you have,also together. Buy some seeds,it's very cheap. And give them some. Just to share,you know? To prove your love for all beings the way you always talk.Thanks for the cake. But I don't accept it as my birthday because it's not yet.

I think you bring it here so you can eat. That's cool. Does anybody want to say something? Oh baby,where's the bread? Here,sweetheart. In the park they eat from my hand already. They so quickly trust people. And the seagulls and all that,they come and eat at my place. Yes,baby.

Yes,something I want to tell you. about protecting the planet. Even if the whole population of the planet,everybody eats only half vegetarian we can save the planet already. That's the best,the quickest way,because meat is not only about the land. It's about water,medicine,energy,transportation,pollution from transportation,everything…  and conscience - make people sick. So,if you can tell people to be vegetarian
that's the best thing that you can do for them and for the planet. Even we can keep all the airplanes,we can keep all the cars.  We can keep

all the things now. because CO2 is not as bad as the conscience sickness. And not as bad as spending so much water on animal raising and wasting land and deforestation,and transportation. If we eat vegetarian,we still can keep all airplanes,car,train,everything as usual even. Don't even need to rely on the government,because the government cannot always do everything. The government cannot forbid people to eat meat,for example. Maybe they can,but they don't want to do it.

So the best to save the planet is the individual. Just go vegetarian and we save a lot of methane gas and a lot of transportation pollution,a lot of waste on water and land,and those land we can cultivate. You know there is enough food for everybody. And the food we feed the animals we can feed the hungry. We never go hungry. The whole planet can be fed if people go vegetarian. And then we can even keep all the styles that we have now. Like airplane. We can. Of course,

it's best if we don't. But still,even if we still have car,airplane and train and all that,but we are vegetarian -I mean the planet people are vegetarian - then we can save the planet still. But not everybody knows that. Tell whoever you can. to save the planet.But if we cannot,then we cannot.


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