停止虐待動物 范布雷思尼科林諾:《肉品工業的危害》的作者(二集之一)    第1 集
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第2 集 Play with windows media ( 48 MB )

The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However,we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals.

HOST (IN FRENCH): Concerned viewers this is the Stop Animal Cruelty series on Supreme Master Television. In his latest book entitled “The Meat Industry Threatens our World,” Fabrice Nicolino, a French journalist, author and environmental advocate explores the history of the bloody and violent livestock industry.

Mr. Nicolino (m): The people, the public needs to know exactly where meat comes from and how the animals are treated.

Mr. Nicolino (m): We delegate it in fact to men and women who are far removed from us, geographically, socially, and mentally.

We delegate them to treat the animals as objects. We delegate them to take care of killing the animals in slaughterhouses and we don’t want to see that.

Mr Nicolino (m):  “As long as there will be slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields.” I agree 100% with that. I think that there is a deep link, symbolic and mental, between slaughterhouses, this terrible way of treating the animals, and the dreadful way that humans are treated in certain crises, in certain appalling wars.

HOST: The book, published in late 2009, has received great attention in France as it is the first work ever in French that investigates the nation’s factory farms.

In the book Mr. Nicolino also analyzes the production of animal products across the globe and concludes that the entire system is a clear and present danger to the survival of humanity and our planet. 

For more details on Fabrice Nicolino, please visit
Fabrice-Nicolino.com or Bidoche-Lelivre.com
“The Meat Industry Threatens Our World” is available at Amazon.fr

停止虐待動物 《禽流感:我們自己孵育的病毒》:專訪麥可葛萊格爾博士(二集之一)
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停止虐待動物 海灘大屠殺:開普軟毛海豹的殘酷獵殺
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停止虐待動物 訪問《地球眾生》的導演尚恩‧曼森
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停止虐待動物 為無辜的動物發聲:「國際素食者聲援動物之音」創辦人茱麗葉‧格特利
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停止虐待動物 牛奶背後的苦難:乳牛不是產乳的機器
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Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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