印心的真義(三集之一)5/1/1993 德國慕尼黑(德語)   
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Germany, known as “the land of poets and thinkers,” is also Europe’s largest economy and most populous nation.  It is a country with many riches. It offers big-city charm, small picture-perfect towns, medieval castles, and a wealth of art and culture.

In classical music the country is second to none. Germany was the birthplace of Bach, Handel, Beethoven, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Wagner, amongst others.

The country proudly possesses one of the world's highest levels of education and technological development. In addition, to help its citizens, Germany has a generous social welfare system that provides universal health care, unemployment compensation, and other social needs. 

Germany’s current chancellor, Angela Merkel, is the country’s first woman, first East German and the first scientist to hold the office.

Although successful in the worldly sense, many Germans thirst for spiritual truths quest for enlightenment.  Due to the sincere longing of these Truth seekers, Supreme Master Ching Hai accepted the invitations to visit this vibrant country a number of times to share her wisdom and insightful understanding of the Kingdom of God. 

We now invite you to listen to the following lecture entitled “The True Meaning of Initiation,”delivered by Supreme Master Ching Hai on May 1, 1993 in Munich, Germany.

誠心與決心是認識上帝的方法(三集之一)3/23/1989 福爾摩沙(台灣)花蓮(中文)
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回歸赤子之心 5/31/1999 瑞典斯德哥爾摩(瑞典語)
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佛與我們內邊甚深的智慧溝通(三集之一)7/9/1989 香港(中文)
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使用神通吸引人違反自然法律(三集之一)4/17/1993 加拿大蒙特婁
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生命的真諦(三集之一)3/24/1999 匈牙利布達佩斯(匈牙利語)
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終止戰爭的方法(二集之一)6/5/1999 蘇格蘭愛丁堡
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如何每天與上帝溝通(三集之一)11/22/1989 哥斯大黎加
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重新認得自己上帝的品質(三集之一)6/2/1998 美國加州爾灣
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