國母傳奇(二集之一)(悠樂語)    第1 集

Host: The classical theatre opera “Legend of a National Mother”was based on a tale
of the Champa people in Âu Lạc about the Mother Goddess Po Nagar (also venerated by
the people as Goddess Ya Na or Lady Jade),a holy mother who taught people to weave
and plant rice, so they could live independently and prosperously. The story also demonstrates that all heavenly arrangements are derived from God’s boundless compassion,so that all souls have the opportunity to advance.

Till this day, every year from the 20th to 23rd days of the third month of the lunar calendar,local people, especially in central Âu Lạc,still celebrate the Po Nagar Festival to express gratitude to a
beloved National Mother.

Host: We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the classical theatre opera “Legend of a National Mother” by playwright Nguyễn Sỹ Chức. This opera will be presented in 2 episodes,with performances by artists Kim Hùng as Prince Lưu Quang,Thu Hà as Fairy Dương Ngọc,Thanh Hoa as Phú Loan,Bạch Én as
Holy Queen Mother,Xuân Hùng as Phú Long,

Như Yến as Chế Phụng,Kim Khiên as Thúy Hồng,Anh Sang as the Jade Emperor,Văn Nghiêm as Southern Sphere Deity,Quang Hưng as Northern Sphere Deity,Hữu Hải as Thunder Deity,
and other artists.

 全球首映《皇帝與百官》第一集" 由清海無上師編導的歷史大劇(九集之一)
 全球優秀愛心獎: 伊恩.克拉克博士:引進健康照護造福烏干達,二集之一
 悠樂(越南)電影 《威虎下山的磨練》(三集之一)悠樂語
 悠樂電影: 《覺醒》(三集之一)(悠樂語)