Agave Nectar Tofu and Fruit Breakfast Platter with Avocado Tofu Dip (In French)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)

Agave Nectar Tofu and Fruit Breakfast Platter
Tofu (soft or silkened)
Bananas, sliced
1 fig
Agave nectar

Avocado Tofu Dip
Tofu (soft or silkened)
1 avocado, sliced
1 lemon
assorted vegetables of your choice: carrots, celery, mushrooms
Dijon mustard

Direction (Agave Nectar Tofu and Fruit Breakfast Platter):
1. Cook some tofu in a pan with little bit water
2. Fill a plate with bananas, hazelnuts, dates and fig
3. Pour the cooked tofu onto plate, spread some agave nectar over tofu

Direction (to prepare Avocado Tofu Dip):
1. Put avocado into a blender
2. Add lemon juice, Dijon mustard
3. Blend them all well
4. Pour the dip into cup, add salt and/or pepper to taste
5. Fill a plate with assorted vegetables
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