薄伽梵摩哈希:一位偉大聖者對眾生的愛(二集之一)(泰米爾語)    第2 集

“Regulation of diet, restricting it to sattvic food (that is, pure vegetarian food), taken in
moderate quantities, is the best of all rules of conduct and the most conducive to the development of sattvic
(pure) qualities of mind.” “Who Am I?” by Sri Ramana Maharshi

Hallo, peaceful viewers. Thank you for joining us on this week’s Vegetarian Elite. Today, we will pay tribute
to Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, the great sage of the Arunachala.

For more information about Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, please visit www.SriRamanaMaharshi.org

To view additional footages of  Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, DVDs can be obtained through:
www.Arunachala.org for "Guru Ramana - His Living Presence"
or visit:www.arunachala.org/bookstall/videos/

 素食菁英 排毒飲食倡導者卡瑞恩‧卡拉貝絲:歡迎加入我的生食純素世界(二集之一)
 素食菁英 好萊塢女演員伊蓮韓翠絲對動物的愛
 素食菁英 幽默與博愛:喜劇演員暨社運人士 迪克.戈萊格雷,二集之一
 素食菁英 卡麥隆瑜伽大師:從名模歸於沉靜的自我覺醒之路(三集之二)
 素食菁英 善行滿天下:動保人士暨女演員艾麗莎‧羅伯茲的高雅善心(三集之一)
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 素食菁英 專訪《健康加油站》的作者暨健康專家凱西.佛芮斯頓(二集之二)
 素食菁英 好萊塢動作女演員史派絲.威廉斯‧克羅絲比的故事(三集之一)
 素食菁英 蔬食大廚歐米德傑法瑞:純素生食菜餚提升未來意識