
Greetings, virtuous viewers, and welcome to Vegetarian Elite. On today’s program, we are going to introduce the famous Chinese wushu and qigong master, Lee Feng-San. Lee Shifu is a vegetarian and advocates the plant-based diet as beneficial not only for a healthy body, but for sound mind and spirit as well.

Lee Shifu was born in a family with a long history of practicing Chinese traditional wushu. Wushu is the Mandarin Chinese name for Chinese martial arts, otherwise called kung fu, which originated about 4,000 years ago.

He learned from his father and other masters of various schools, and gained his reputation by teaching wushu. Lee Shifu also achieved notoriety for demonstrating the flow of qi in an internationally recognized scientific experiment of qigong.

In 1989, he founded the Meimen Qigong and Cultural Center. He seeks to use the valuable heritage of the Chinese people to help others reach their full potential, physically and mentally, through internal self-cultivation and external exercises. Through these efforts, he hopes to create peace on Earth.

Lee(m): We have several kinds of themes. One is the healthy lifestyle (Yangsheng). The second is the culture. The third is the education. We emphasize tradition in all three.

HOST: Lee Shifu openly shares his ideals and methods of self-cultivation.
He hopes that as more people are connected with this message, the world will be elevated and at peace.

Lee(m): I always share my personal practice method with other people. We keep doing this. If everyone cultivates themselves and improves, then the world will be pacified.

HOST: Chinese martial arts are unique holistic practices that aspire to balance one’s internal and external worlds. They are chiefly peaceful exercises, meant to perfect overall wellbeing, while providing the practitioner a method of self defense.

The emphasis of wushu, however, is not entirely on the physical activities as Lee Shifu will explain today.

Visit www.meimen.org for more information on Master Lee Feng-San and the Meimen Qigong and Cultural Center.

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