喬.迪斯潘玆醫師:如何運用心志的力量(二集之一)    第2 集

Hallo, good friends. This is Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television.
Today we will be interviewing Dr. Joe Dispenza, an American expert on the role and function of the human brain. Dr. Dispenza’s training and education are in the fields of neurology, neuroscience, cellular biology, memory formation, aging and longevity.

He also has a Doctor of Chiropractic degree and is an honorary member of the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners in the United States.

Over the last decade, Dr. Dispenza has traveled all over the world informing people of the power of the mind. Dr. Dispenza says we can re-program and re-wire our brain in order to end bad habits, change our lifestyles, and promote healing of the body.

He has authored the book “Evolve your Brain” and produced several DVDs and CDs featuring his past seminars. He is well known for having appeared in the critically acclaimed 2004 American documentary “What the Bleep Do We Know!?”Dr. Dispenza is a living example of the practice of his philosophy.

Years ago, an accident left him with several broken bones in his back. The grim prognosis by doctors was that he would never be able to walk again. The story of how Dr. Dispenza was able to heal his body without conventional medicine is fascinating.

Let us now join our talk with this amazing gentleman and learn more about his ideas.

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