
Benevolent viewers, welcome to today’s Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television, where we’ll explore the link between science and belief in God. Indeed, many of the world’s greatest philosophers and scientists have professed faith in the Divine, with some stating that their belief inspired them to pursue their work so that they could better understand creation.

This connection is examined by sociologist Dr. Elaine Ecklund of Rice University, USA in her newly published book 『Science vs. Religion,』 which documents her survey of 1,700 US research scientists on their religious beliefs, including her interviews with 275 of them. The results revealed that half the respondents are religious and many of the others describe themselves as 『spiritual,』 including one who said that his spirituality came from a 『wonder about the complexity and majesty of existence.』Let us now examine some famous scientists of past and present and their contributions to society in the context of faith.

 科學與靈性 研究通靈的朵洛莉絲.凱能揭示的宇宙奧秘(三集之一)
 科學與靈性 康斯坦丁科羅科夫博士:透過電光子探索看不見的世界(三集之一)
 科學與靈性 裘德.克利凡博士:覺知宇宙的新觀念(三集之一)
 科學與靈性 鮑伯‧狄恩談幽浮的真相(三集之一)
 科學與靈性 沛納.安多夫:麥田圈的訊息,二之一
 科學與靈性 靈能研究員沛納.安多夫:聯繫其他世界(二集之一)
 科學與靈性 全景生命回顧:丹尼爾.布林克利的瀕死經驗(二集之一)
 科學與靈性 彼得卡諾瓦:揭開造化與神聖女性品質的奧秘(二集之一)
 科學與靈性 傑森馬德:來自天外被遺忘的知識(二集之一)
 科學與靈性 傑弗瑞隆博士證明來世的存在(三集之一)