靛藍服務橋樑:泰瑞莎‧伊畢斯博士(二集之一)    第1 集
第1 集
第2 集

Welcome, gifted viewers, to today’s Science and Spirituality featuring Dr. Theresa Ibis, of the US, a physicist, alchemist, Kabbalist, co-founder of the Universal Kabbalah Network and founder of Indigo Bridge In Service (IBIS). Dr. Ibis is also trained as a Celtic Shaman and Advanced Ritual Master of the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light in the lineage of King Salomon.

Dr. Theresa Ibis (f): My interest in going into science was really driven by a desire to understand this vast Universe that we live in and to know how it works and what’s going on out there beyond our lives here on Planet Earth

HOST: Theresa Ibis hasa Ph.D. in physics and specializes in the fields of sacred geometry, true alchemy and personal growth, among others.

Teresa IBIS(f): So it was really a moment of inspiration that I would say was more of spiritual experience that actually let me into the field of science to really understand how this Universe works.

HOST: In 2004 Dr. Ibis founded Indigo Bridge In Service, which conducts seminars on a variety of topics including personal empowerment and self-mastery, and offers mind-body-spirit self-help products. She also teaches “accelerated learning” techniques to help clients enhance their learning efficiency and expand their potential. Her last name is also an acronym for “Indigo Bridge In Service,” and refers to her work with the spiritual beings known as “Indigo children.”


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