領袖確保我們的未來︰因應氣候變遷的步驟與優先順序(七集之一)11/3/2010 英國   
第1 集 Play with windows media ( 108 MB )
第2 集 Play with windows media ( 93 MB )
第3 集 Play with windows media ( 111 MB )
第4 集 Play with windows media ( 108 MB )
第5 集 Play with windows media ( 115 MB )
第6 集 Play with windows media ( 131 MB )
第7 集 Play with windows media ( 131 MB )

On November 3, the non-profit World Preservation Foundation co-hosted with Dods Parliamentary Services a unique gathering at the historic Central Hall Westminster in London, with speakers from government, science, media and advocacy organizations, to discuss the increasingly evident effects of climate change and explain how the production of food, and in particular livestock raising, is seriously impacting global warming, biodiversity loss, water shortages, and more.

“Leaders Preserving Our Future: Pace & Priorities Climate Change,” was attended by experts and dignitaries such as the Duchess of Norfolk; High Commissioner for Antigua and Barbuda, Dr. Karl Roberts; Dr. Ester van der Voet, a representative from the United Nations Environment Program, and the ambassadors of such countries as Russia, Bolivia, Nepal, and others.

The highlight of the afternoon was the presence of Supreme Master Ching Hai who delivered a message via video on solving the large environmental crises of concern in the meeting, as well as urging leaders and co-citizens alike to make courageous Earth-saving changes.

We now invite you to join us for part 1 of the 7-part rebroadcast of the live conference “Leaders Preserving Our Future: Pace and Priorities on Climate Change” on November 3, 2010, in Westminster, London, in the United Kingdom.

人類躍升進入黃金時代 華盛頓特區氣候變遷會議(十集之一)11/8/2009 美國
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有機純素拯救世界防止氣候變遷並帶來繁榮(八集之一)10/22/2009 印尼
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清海無上師著作《高貴的野生》德文法文版暨《今生有你—我的狗寶貝》波蘭文版新書發表會(五集之一) 10/18/2009 德國
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用愛守護家園:(八集之一)10/11/2009 福爾摩沙台中
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全球暖化解決之道(四集之一)9/12/2009 秘魯利馬
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