WWF calls for action to save Mekong dolphins - 20 Aug 2011  
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In an effort to save the Irrawaddy dolphin, environmental organization World Wildlife Federation in August 2011 calls for the creation of special conservation zones along the Mekong River in countries such as Cambodia and Laos to protect the rare species whose numbers there have dropped below 100.


Israeli officials urge conservation measures as they note in mid-August 2011 that the water level of Lake Kinneret, also known as the Sea of Galilee, which is a major reservoir for Israel's National Water Carrier System and provides about one-third of the country's annual water, has dropped below a red warning line.


A study conducted by Sweden's Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, SMHI, reports on August 16, 2011 that extreme weather events such as rain downpours, which leave damage and require exceptional response from emergency personnel, are on the rise across the country.
