International organizations help mitigate climate change related risks in Tajikistan - 24 Oct 2011  
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A project in the mountainous regions of Tajikistan is launched in October 2011 thanks to donations totaling nearly US$1 million each from the Swiss and British governments, together with support from the Aga Khan Development Network and German non-governmental aid agency Help World Hunger, to reduce the risk of glacial lake outburst floods due to accelerated glacial melt resulting from climate change.

On October 15, 2011, Governor Jorge Herrera Caldera of Durango state in Mexico issued a hunger alert, with a collection drive to assist 60,000 rural residents facing food shortages due to prolonged drought in the region.

Published in the October 2011 peer-reviewed journal Nature Climate Change, a new study by researchers in Singapore warns that rising global temperatures are shrinking the body size of many animal and plant species over multiple generations.