China plans to reduce dioxin emissions - 12 Nov 2010  
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China plans to reduce dioxin emissions.
In a report published last week, China's Ministry of Environmental Protection found that in 2009,one third of 113 cities surveyed did not meet national air standards. In an effort to improve air quality, the government has pledged to reduce dioxin emissions’ intensity 10% across key industries by 2015.

More than 10,000 enterprises, most involved in the manufacture of chemicals, steel and paper-making as well as garbage incineration, must install efficient filters on their exhaust systems by mid-2011. Dioxin-emitting facilities must also conduct annual inspections with published environmental reports and updated online statistics.

Dioxin is highly poisonous; it affects the immune system and is known to cause cancer. According to the World Health Organization, only small amounts of dioxin are directly absorbed by humans through the air. As a fat-soluble substance, over 90% of dioxin exposure comes through food, with meat, dairy products, fish
and shellfish containing the highest amounts.

China, we appreciate your efforts to improve citizens’ health and restore the environment. Wishing you your eco-endeavors success and that all nations similarly strive to renew the ecosphere for the benefit of all beings. Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently encouraged governments and individuals alike to tread more lightly in preserving the balance of life on Earth, as during a May 2008 videoconference in South Korea.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : In many places there are already bans on the use of plastic bags and many convenience stores, for example, in America, they are already trying to limit the use of harmful packages. So, I think that’s a very good start, and maybe we should impose a little more stricter ban on these harmful substances. And then we have to change.

Even if the government doesn’t impose any ban, we as individuals should pay attention. We should use something less toxic, and we should use our own shopping bags wherever we go, to minimize whatever we can the effect, the harmful effect to the planet.

And instead of polluting our planet, the air, we have to turn to friendly energy and sustainable energy. Just reverse our actions. Vegetarian diet - number one.Green energy - number two. Everybody work together to be frugal, and protect the environment and the animals.

Pacific nations gather in concern for climate change.
The leaders of 15 countries came together on the small Pacific Island nation of Kiribati for the Tarawa Climate Change Conference, seeking solutions for their increasing dire situation ahead of the upcoming UN conference in Mexico. Rising seas due to global warming effects have already devastated areas of some of the islands, and Kiribati President Anote Tong stated, “The message we are trying to make here very clearly is that we are running out of time, and as long as the global community continues to debate, it may be too late for some of our communities. We are suffering already, we are feeling the effects. We ... don't have the next five years to negotiate, so some very firm decision is needed for funding to be accessible and available.”

President Anote Tong: This represents the single biggest moral challenge to humankind. And if it doesn't respond to this, then there is no credibility to anything!

At the meeting’s conclusion, participants signed a joint declaration calling for the immediate release of funds that have been promised by wealthier countries to assist these vulnerable nations in adapting to climate change.  Thank you, Pacific Island nation leaders, for your gathering to safeguard the welfare of fellow citizens.

We pray for your support and for the adoption of fast-acting solutions that ensure the survival of all cherished islands and communities at risk of rising seas.

Extra Mews
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Pakistan Coordinator Mr. Nasir Panhwar states that the nation’s recent epic flooding was an example of the extreme weather patterns reflecting climate change and that more are likely in the future.

Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the USA are developing a process that they hope will result in the affordable and indefinite storage of solar energy for future use.