
Dr. Fuhrman(m): Many people the world over are becoming more overweight. And we’re seeing more diabetes and more heart attacks and more diseases related to obesity and overweightness. And it doesn’t have to be.

HOST: Hallo graceful viewers, and welcome to today’s Healthy Living where we are focusing on the issue of food addictions.

Do you crave to drink high-sugar soft drinks and intensely desire to eat sweets like cookies, candy bars, donuts and cakes loaded with unhealthy refined sugars?
Have you experienced constant yearning for cheese?
Do did you know that eating meat is addictive? Why is it some people cannot stop consuming these foods even if they have decided to quit them?

It may not be simply a lack of willpower as these foods can have an addictive quality, the same as tobacco and alcohol.

Eric Stice, a researcher at the Oregon Research Institute in Oregon, USA used brain imaging to study the physical reactions of people who were about to receive a chocolate shake versus a tasteless solution.
The brain of those about to receive the shake released more dopamine, a neurotransmitter similar to adrenaline, than when they actually were consuming the shake.

In other words, their body was more excited before they tasted the shake than when they actually drank it.
This phenomenon is similar to other addictions in that the brain is conditioned to demand more and more of the craved item to achieve the same effect.

Ms. Robyn Chuter, an experienced vegan Australian naturopath has noted this phenomenon with her clients.

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