
Wonderful and caring friends, welcome to Healthy Living on Supreme Master Television.
Reflexology is a healing science which is based on the principle that there are areas on the foot known as “reflex points” that are connected through the central nervous system to all the glands, organs and other parts of the human body.

By the application of pressure to these points, illnesses and physical issues can be alleviated or cured. Reflexology can also include applying pressure to the hands or ears to gain similar results.
It is believed that reflexology was first practiced by the Egyptians.
Evidence for this comes from ancient hieroglyphic inscript-xions, dating back to 2330 BCE, that were found on a pyramid in Saqqara, Egypt.

These writings describe this healing system. It is thought the method was spread throughout the Western world by the Roman Empire.

On our show today, we will be learning specifically about a reflexology technique developed by Father Josef Eugster.Father Josef was born in Switzerland in 1940, and is credited with reviving the practice of reflexology throughout Asia.

He is a Catholic priest who was sent to the beautiful island of Formosa (Taiwan) by the Missionary Society of Bethlehem. He has remained on the island for more than 30 years and healed the sick there with his touch while at the same time carrying out his priesthood duties.

He has taught his system of reflexology, called the Rwo Shur Healing Method,or the Father Josef’s Method of Reflexology, to students in Taiwan, China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Zambia and Bolivia. Over the years he has trained over 10,000 people in this art of healing. Father Josef graciously agreed to speak with Supreme Master Television about his important work.

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