第1 集
第2 集

Vibrant viewers, on this week’s Healthy Living, in part one of a two-part series, we’ll learn some of the key principles of diet and nutrition from Dr. Jay Sutliffe of Chadron State College, Nebraska, USA.

Dr. Sutliffe is a registered dietician with a background in health education and public health. He is a popular speaker at health expos and conferences and is an advocate of the vegan lifestyle.

Given the seemingly endless array of food choices, some feel it is a challenge to know which are truly the foods that can keep our bodies strong and full of energy.

Dr. Sutliffe first discusses the C Reactive Protein level as an indicator of health status and why this measure shows that always selecting natural, plant-based foods is vital to keeping healthy and active.

Dr. Sutliffe(m): The C Reactive Protein is a protein made in the liver in response to inflammatory conditions in the body. It’s a better indicator than even cholesterol to see the likelihood or the possibility of us having a cardiovascular event, and so the C Reactive Protein is measuring how much inflammation we have actually within the arteries.

And so when we have this check, what we see is if there’s an elevated condition. What we can do is we can change lifestyle factors to actually bring the C Reactive Protein level down and bring our inflammation down.
Now inflammation is also synonymous with cancer, diabetes, and any of the arthritic conditions, because when we become inflamed internally it starts narrowing off the blood flow in the body.

In some of the clinical studies that we’re currently doing with some colleagues of mine, we’re actually looking at using a plant-based lifestyle to lower the C Reactive Protein.

In our preliminary findings right now we’re finding that the plant-based lifestyle is a major benefit in bringing the C Reactive Protein down in the short-term, even as little as two to three weeks.

Dr. Sutliffe(m): When we take in an animal- based protein diet, we’re finding that a lot of the sulfur containing amino acids are causing an inflammatory response in the body.

When you eat foods of plant origin, that have plant proteins, they’re typically very low in sulfur-containing amino acids, and so automatically that’s starting to help reduce the amount of inflammation within the arteries.

For more details on Dr. Sutliffe,
please visit

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