
Having a permanent home is a blessing that many of us take for granted, but according to the non-profit group the Los Angeles Homeless Services Coalition, each year the US alone has approximately 3.5 million homeless residents, of which 1.5 million are children.

Hallo, noble viewers, and welcome to Good People, Good Works.
Today we celebrate the non-profit group Everyone Deserves A Roof or EDAR,which provides the homeless with free compact, portable dwelling units of the same name, thus making their lives easier.

Everyone Deserves A Roof believes that its EDAR units offer immediate help to the nearly 77,000 homeless in Los Angeles County, USA, the largest such population in any US county.

Mr. Lindeman (m): I was involved with a project at the Art Center in the Pasadena Art Center College of Design, working on a class called “Homelessness” and studying all about homelessness in Los Angeles, working with one particular homeless individual, (and) developing a very rudimentary shopping cart
that folded out into a bed structure.

At the end of that class we had a final presentation and a gentleman named Peter Samuelson, who founded EDAR (Everyone Deserves A Roof) came and critiqued that class, and from there we’ve gotten funding together to construct and design what you see here today.

For more details on Everyone Deserves A Roof, please visit

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