素食菁英 熱愛生命與籃球的約翰‧沙里:專訪持純素的美國職籃冠軍(二集之一)    第1 集
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Welcome veggie hoopsters to today’s Vegetarian Elite! Can you guess the first player in the National Basketball Association’s history to win the championship with three different teams? Well, if you said John Salley, you are right! Towering at 7 feet tall, John was known as a great defensive player and shot-blocker during his 14-year career that was decorated with an incredible four NBA championships.

He won two of them with the Detroit Pistons in 1989 and 1990 playing alongside Hall of Famer Isiah Thomas, another championship was with the legendary Michael Jordan and the record-setting 1996 Chicago Bulls, and the fourth was won in 2000 with the Los Angeles Lakers and All-Stars Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal.

Recently, Supreme Master Television had the opportunity to go “1-on-1” with Mr. John Salley. We learned how the young and determined boy growing up in New York City became one of the foremost advocators of the life-sustaining and Earth-saving organic vegan diet.

To find out more about John Salley’s organic vegan snack food line, please go to: www.JohnSalleyFoods.com

素食菁英 樂活女王龍寬(二集之一)(中文)
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素食菁英 亞力士.阿恩特「以聲示範」:宇宙的搖滾樂
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素食菁英 卡麥隆瑜伽大師:從名模歸於沉靜的自我覺醒之路(三集之二)
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素食菁英 作者暨插畫家露比‧羅斯:彰顯真理與慈悲(二集之一)
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素食菁英 安德魯奈特醫生與終極運動
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素食菁英 專訪《健康加油站》的作者暨健康專家凱西.佛芮斯頓(二集之二)
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素食菁英 黃金女郎貝蒂.卡曼:八十三歲的瑜伽明星
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素食菁英 世界舉重冠軍威利.奧斯汀:以健身改造生活
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