全球優秀愛心獎 瑪麗珍妮礬德禮:讓女兒的愛遺留人間(法語)   
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Everywhere in the world we can observe and be touched by acts of kindness. People from all walks of life, faiths, and cultures extend themselves beyond the call of duty to help others unconditionally.

Through their noble deeds humanity as a whole is elevated. To commend virtuous actions and encourage more people to be inspired by their examples, Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly created a series of awards, including the Shining World Leadership Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Hero and Heroine Awards, Shining World Honesty Award and Shining World Invention Award to recognize some of the most exemplary, generous, caring and courageous people who walk amongst us.

For many years now, kind-hearted Ms. Marie Jeanne Frédérique, residing in Galmaarden, Belgium has provided within her own home a safe haven to animals who have been abandoned, mistreated, or saved from factory farms.

Currently some 150 rescued animals peacefully reside with her including tortoises, dogs, peacocks, cats,
and chickens.

This wonderful shelter, which provides rehabilitation and loving care to a diverse array of animals, got its start when Ms. Frédérique and her daughter Fabienne began taking in animal friends who had nowhere else to go.
Sadly, Fabienne passed on at a young age. To assure the continued legacy of the shelter, Ms. Frédérique established a non-profit charity organization and named it ASBL Fabienne in the loving memory of her daughter.

On the ASBL Fabienne website, Marie-Jeanne Frédérique has posted a touching letter to Fabienne.
Here is an excerpt of the heart-felt message:

[Letter from Marie-Jeanne Frédérique to Fabienne]

Fabienne,From now on a non-profit charity organization carries your name.
You gave happiness to all those whom you met. Your generosity and your compassion
in the face of all suffering had transformed our house.
Animals shared our life and brightened our home.

Ms. Frédérique gives us more background on the founding of ASBL Fabienne.


全球優秀英雄獎 虎斑之家:貓的天堂
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全球優秀愛心獎 愛心滿溢的慈音園狗兒之家(中文)
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全球優秀愛心獎 亞曼達‧亞靈頓:為狗兒解開鎖鏈
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全球優秀英雄獎 斯凱博與卡利瑪:勇於救援的英雄犬
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