健康生活 約翰‧麥道格醫師:享受最理想的健康生活(二集之一)   
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第2 集 Play with windows media ( 35 MB )

Halo, thoughtful viewers, and welcome to today’s Healthy Living. On this edition we’ll meet Dr. John McDougall, a renowned physician and nutrition expert from the USA.

Dr. McDougall has dedicated his life to the study of diet and well-being, and has worked to improve public health for over 30 years. He believes people can enjoy long healthy lives by following a starch-centered diet free of animal products and that this way of eating can help us avoid or reverse chronic medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.

Thus far Dr. McDougall has written 11 best-selling books, including “McDougall's Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion” and “The McDougall Program for a Healthy Heart.” Let us now hear how a sugar plantation in Hawaii, USA vastly changed the good doctor’s entire perspective on medicine.

For more information about Dr. John McDougall, please visit www.DrMcDougall.com Books and DVDs by Dr. McDougall are also available
at the same website

健康生活 喬爾.傅爾曼醫師:透過植物性飲食改善健康(三集之一)
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健康生活 重新思考我們的飲食:專訪法國茹素的傑洛米.博納德佩利特醫生(二集之一)(法語)
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健康生活 弗雷德‧比斯希博士談選擇健康的純素生食法
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健康生活 巴克斯特.蒙特哥利醫師談優良營養促進最佳健康(二集之一)
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健康生活 專訪迦納的卡瓦西.歐菲.艾格耶曼醫師:談純素生食的療癒力(埃維語)
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健康生活 柯林坎貝爾博士談全球衛生解決之道
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健康生活 法蘭西斯科.文森特醫師談正確的飲食(西班牙語)
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健康生活 蕭吉娜醫生談純素生食的利益
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健康生活 營養學家安妮瑪麗羅伊談健康活力之道(二集之一)(法語)
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健康生活 食物成良藥:希氏健康中心的布萊恩.克雷孟特博士(二集之一)
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