音樂與詩歌 《亙古之愛》《憶叢林》(悠樂語)   
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One evening we bid farewell as the sun was setting Twilight arrived,
a purple hue rising within Wishing for space not to dissolve,
clinging on to the feet of time
Please stand still for this moment of adieu to prolong Before our separation,
how we wished the train wouldn’t depart!

Wheels rolling away from my heart into the far distance, where would I find you? Autumn rain fluttered, chilling the heart and soaking tender shoulders Dusk falling slowly, someone still stood quietly as the evening dew descended.

HOST: [Intro “The Twilight Train” st] Dawn and twilight are beautiful moments when Heaven and Earth are in union, yet in a cold train depot on an evening of farewell, shadow of the sunset is like sorrow surrounding the human heart.

Along with the looming loneliness of long months and years of separation, the silhouette of the beloved seems to be disappearing into vastness of space and silence of time.
In the countless twilights that follow, one still longs for the train to bring back the beloved to this place of yore.

My forlorn self blamed the heartless train for leaving How it took affection away, severing our amour! The track had many connecting spans, this love a thousand ties,
looking toward the one and only.

Whenever the sun wanes in the mist, my yearning rises Gazing toward horizon’s end, waiting for the old train to come back Would you ever know, from faraway my tears are falling?
Day and night, anxiously I long for news of your return If you shall arrive tomorrow, it’d also be on the twilight train.
SM: These were my most favorite before.

HOST: Everyone has had a time for dreams; everyone has enjoyed a time of youth. The tender heart had once resonated with love songs; the innocent mind
had once communed with nature, the breeze and moon, clouds and rivers. But time flows like water under the bridge, like river ferns drifting in different directions;
our love from days of yore has now become a distant memory.

音樂與詩歌 寂靜心靈創作的音樂:作曲家武德朝邊(悠樂語)
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音樂與詩歌 《替代》《離開五年》(悠樂語)
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音樂與詩歌 歌頌雨季的結束(悠樂語)
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音樂與詩歌 緬懷德高望重的釋滿覺法師:《夢中醒來》《一朵玫瑰獻給我的摯愛》(悠樂語)
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音樂與詩歌 音樂的靈魂是上天所賜予:禮讚作曲家黎營(二集之一)(悠樂語)
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音樂與詩歌 《小芯與玉兔》:范廷彰編寫的悠樂(越南)音樂劇(悠樂語)
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音樂與詩歌 蓋爾風暴樂團的即興表演以及專訪共同創辦人史蒂芬.魏邁爾
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音樂與詩歌 緬懷知名詩人武煌璋:《秋已回》《癡愛》(悠樂語)
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音樂與詩歌 釋滿覺法師的禪詩:《足印》《禪師》《誦經》《超凡》《瑪立埔》《得悟》悠樂語
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音樂與詩歌 緬懷悠樂(越南)著名詩人丁雄:《鋼琴之音》《草野春情》(悠樂語)
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