美好人,美好事 羅倫特‧英鮑爾特與良善電視台:旨在提昇世界(二集之一)   
第1 集 Play with windows media ( 37 MB )
第2 集 Play with windows media ( 36 MB )

Laruent (m): In this world there are thousands and thousands of people working to make a difference, working to help other people regardless of creed, religion, or political affiliation. And it is of those people that Goodness TV wants to talk about.

HOST: Halo, kind viewers, and welcome to today’s Good People, Good Works featuring the first in a two-part series on Internet television station GoodnessTV which airs inspirational programs on noble individuals and groups who are uplifting our world through their sincere efforts to better humanity. The station’s founder is Laurent Imbault, a noted Canadian actor and comedian.

Mr. Imbault starred in the Canadian television drama 『Watatatow,』 a long-running series that addressed important social issues faced by youth. He has also appeared in films produced both in Canada and the USA.
What inspired Mr. Imbault to create GoodnessTV? Surprisingly, he realized the need for such a station after speaking with his elderly mother.

Laurent Imbault (m): My mother, she’s now 95 and three years ago she broke her hip and I spent a lot of time at the hospital with her. We talked a lot. At some point she said, 『You know, I’m happy I am going to die soon, and I am not going to see all of this anymore.』 And I asked, "What are you talking about, Mama?

What is all of ‘this’?" And she said 『You know, all of this violence and all the bad news in the world.』
She said, 『I am tired of seeing this; I don’t see that there is hope.』 And I thought, "Wait a second, Mama.』 I said, "There’s hope." And then I realized that we live in a world where we’re lacking positive input.

There is no place where I can just relax and see good news, and think that maybe we’re going to make it as a human race! So I came back and I told my wife, 『Why don’t we do something? Why don’t we start a television station of good news, only good news?』And it turned out that it was easier to do it on the Internet.

So I met some young programmers and I talked to them about the project, and everybody was really enthusiastic, so we started Goodness TV.

For more details on GoodnessTV, please visit:

美好人,美好事 香黛爾.庫克與「熱愛地球」廣播電台(二集之一)
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美好人,美好事 碧昂卡與麥可亞立山大:引領媒體邁向覺醒的星球(二集之一)
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美好人,美好事 藝術分享:培養青年天生的創造力
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美好人,美好事 擁護女權的尼泊爾母親之家(尼泊爾語)
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Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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