健康生活 史帝夫‧布雷克醫生談明智的飲食方式(二集之一)   
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Mr. Steve Blake (m): Seventy-million Americans have inflammatory joint pain, and I think it’s largely dietary-related. I noticed that when people have arthritis, and they change their diet from a standard American diet to a plant-based vegan diet, the arthritis tends to go away.

HOST: Greetings, vibrant viewers, to another episode of Healthy Living. Today we present Part 1 of a two-part interview with vegan naturopath, herbalist, neuromuscular therapist, Doctor of Holistic Health and author from the United States, Dr. Steve Blake, who will provide expert advice on nutritionally sound eating and discuss the benefits of a whole foods, plant-based diet.

Dr. Blake devotes his life to teaching others about achieving optimal health through natural medicine and proper diet. For seven years he served as director of the Maui Holistic Health Center, and recently he and his wife Reverend Catherine Blake, who has an extensive background in herbal medicine, established the College of World Health in Hawaii, USA.

The institution’s goals are to inform others about the most effective approaches to natural nutrition, healing and health from around the world, and to become “the first place to look for understandable,accurate information about natural health.”

Dr. Blake has written a number of outstanding health books including “Vitamins and Minerals Demystified,” “Understanding Dietary Fats and Oils” and “Healing Medicine.”

He has also produced a comprehensive nutrition software program called the “Diet Doctor,” which enables users to analyze their daily nutritional intake, and gives suggestions on improving their diets based on input about their meals.

Another of Dr. Blake’s remarkable programs is “GlobalHerb 2009,” an extensive database that suggests natural remedies for many health conditions.

Dr. Blake says it is one of the largest databases of its kind, and features over 128,000 book and journal references from around the world. 

We begin our discussion with Dr. Blake on the subject of bone health. Osteoporosis, an illness in which the bones become porous and weak, affects an estimated 200-million people worldwide. Respected US nutritional biochemist Dr. T. Colin Campbell has found that the condition is associated with the intake of meat and dairy products.

Books and other media by Dr. Steve Blake are available at

健康生活 威廉哈里斯醫生談健康的純素生活
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健康生活 食物是良藥:智利營養學家妮爾巴.維拉葛倫(二集之一)(西班牙語)
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健康生活 澳洲自然療法醫師羅賓‧丘特爾:未加工植物性食品是最好的(二集之一)
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健康生活 喬爾.傅爾曼醫師:透過植物性飲食改善健康(三集之一)
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健康生活 巴克斯特.蒙特哥利醫師談優良營養促進最佳健康(二集之一)
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健康生活 專訪迦納的卡瓦西.歐菲.艾格耶曼醫師:談純素生食的療癒力(埃維語)
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健康生活 法蘭西斯科.文森特醫師談正確的飲食(西班牙語)
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健康生活 營養學家安妮瑪麗羅伊談健康活力之道(二集之一)(法語)
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