科學與靈性 艾里‧丹尼許博士談建設性思想帶來改造的力量(二集之一)   
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第2 集 Play with windows media ( 38 MB )

HOST: Welcome, noble viewers, to Science and Spirituality on Supreme Master Television.
The Bhagavad Gita is considered one of Hinduism’s most sacred texts and records the teachings Lord Krishna imparted to his disciple Arjuna on life, spirituality and the Universe.

Regarding the nature of thoughts, Lord Krishna said: 『You are what you think; hence thought is action, being and becoming; what one thinks, one becomes. Such is the power of thought.』

On today’s program we are delighted to share a story of how constructive thinking brought about tremendous change to one man’s life; a transformation which proves anything is possible In 1987, Dr. Ali Danesh,
a psychiatrist originally from Iran who settled in New Zealand, met with a serious road accident that resulted in a major brain injury. He lay in a hospital unconscious for more than four months.

The damage was so severe that doctors said he would not be able to walk or talk again and that he would be blind for life.

Today, Dr. Danesh walks with the help of a cane and is able to see. What’s more, by sheer willpower, he has regained the ability to read, write, and speak.

As a beacon of hope to other patients and all those facing serious challenges in life, Dr. Danesh is living proof of the miraculous power of uplifting thoughts, determination and constructive actions.

In this first of a two-part series, Dr. Danesh shares his remarkable experiences of self-healing and rehabilitation in his journey towards recovery.

科學與靈性 唐.埃斯特:透過振動學激發人類的潛能(二集之一)
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科學與靈性 在腦中尋找上帝:訪問加拿大神經科學家馬利歐.波利加德博士(二集之一)
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科學與靈性 靛藍服務橋樑:泰瑞莎‧伊畢斯博士(二集之一)
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科學與靈性 以心智克服物質障礙:少林鐵頭功神秘的力量
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科學與靈性 瑪赫西效應:共修的力量帶來和平
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科學與靈性 喬.迪斯潘玆醫師:探索心志的力量
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科學與靈性 思考決定我們的觀感:訪問泰勒.舒密茲
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悠樂(越南)傳統蔡劇: 《華慶與朱俊》(三集之三)(悠樂語)
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科學與靈性 生命、遺傳學與量子力學:訪問約翰喬.麥克費登博士(二集之一)
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科學與靈性 布魯斯.立普頓博士談「先天、後天環境與愛的力量」(二集之一)
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Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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