健康生活 愛喜有機護膚品:純素之美   
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HOST: Halo, glorious viewers, welcome to today’s Healthy Living.

On this edition we’ll learn about vegan organic skincare from Mr. Trevor Steyn, the vegan founder and owner of Esse Organic Skincare and African Organics in South Africa.

Trevor (m): I chose to be vegan very much from a scientific -backing. I would really like to be very productive in the years between 60 and 90. I feel that eating animal products will impair that.

I think it impairs your thinking and it certainly makes you more prone to cancer and to heart disease.
So that’s why I have chosen veganism, yes.

HOST: Esse was founded in 2001 and remains a small family business. Their Fair Trade products are made only with certified organic ingredients. The cosmetics and personal care items are free of artificial fragrances, colorings, preservatives and animal-derived ingredients.

There is never animal-testing of the products or of their source materials. Glass, a recyclable material, is used for packaging. The company initially offered three simple moisturizers and then moved on to marketing cleansers and toners, among other items. Let us now learn about the benefits of using vegan organic skincare products and hear some useful tips on keeping skin healthy Lynelle Harrison, National Training Manager for Esse and African Organics.

For more details on Esse Organic Skincare, please visit www.Esse.co.za

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