全球優秀愛心獎: 赤足學院:仁慈的步伐邁向更美好的未來(北印度語)   
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Four female singers: In a solar cooker, you can cook food without any wood.
HOST (IN HINDI): The joyful voices and laughter of women and girls can be heard in small villages throughout India’s Rajasthan state and in dozens of other countries including sub-Saharan Africa, South America, and Afghanistan.

 Four female singers: You need neither gas nor a stove.

HOST: A soft glow flickers in the dark night. Youths are gathered together, intently poring over their papers as they are filled with expanding hope. Solar lanterns provide them with light to do their studies. These are the diligent students of Barefoot College’s night schools.

HOST: Founded in 1972 by Mr. Sanjit Bunker Roy, Barefoot College was set up with the ideal of providing impoverished rural residents with practical, sustainable skills to better their own lives and benefit their communities.

The goal is to empower the most vulnerable people in society with the tools to live productive lives in dignity and self-respect. 

Ram Niwas(m): People locally who want to learn from each other, interested in doing something for the community’s best.  These people are barefoot, who are illiterate, semiliterate local people, the rural women

Ram Niwas(m):  can come and learn from each other together in this place. So this place is a college.

HOST: Supported by a group of like-minded professionals, including lawyers, engineers, and doctors, Mr. Roy established the first Barefoot College campus in Tilonia, Rajasthan with a vision that, “…
it will not be the training for training’s sake; it would be the view to place young men and women in positions of responsibility in their villages and mobilize their existing potential.”

Thus, local villagers are provided with information and training on solar power generation, rainwater harvesting, healthcare provision, and education to become self-reliant citizens.
Teja Ram Ji (m): Bunker Roy, the founder member of the Barefoot College, he said that okay, what can the village people do themselves for their life, how can they can change or how can they improve their life themselves? Local persons have experience knowledge, they have their local knowledge and the professional, they have books knowledge.

For more information about Barefoot College,
please visit: www.barefootcollege.org

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