健康生活 唐‧托爾曼:天然食品界的印地安那瓊斯   
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Hallo, gentle viewers, and welcome to Healthy Living.
Our guest today is the remarkable Don Tolman of the United States, a talented public speaker, author and
nutritional researcher, who is widely known as 『the Indiana Jones of whole foods.』 Mr. Tolman also teaches children ancient wisdom and learning principles at his school, the Imagination Academy.

Mr. Tolman, who believes that all humans can enjoy a healthy life through proper diet, clean air, sunshine and plenty of water, has completed three extended fasts, including a watermelon fastthat lasted 90 days.

Also, in 1995, after a 40-day water fast Don drank a liter of fresh-squeezed grape juice and then ran a 42-kilometer marathon, a magnificent feat that was documented on film.

Mr. Tolman promotes healthy living through training courses, lectures, books and radio and TV talk shows.
He has also written the Farmacist Desk Reference,a comprehensive guide to using whole foods as medicine.

Books and DVDs by Don Tolman are available at www.DonTolmanInternational.com

健康生活 巴克斯特.蒙特哥利醫師談優良營養促進最佳健康(二集之一)
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健康生活 訪問威廉葛拉特醫師:談酒品毒害身心
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健康生活 專訪迦納的卡瓦西.歐菲.艾格耶曼醫師:談純素生食的療癒力(埃維語)
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健康生活 柯林坎貝爾博士談全球衛生解決之道
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健康生活 法蘭西斯科.文森特醫師談正確的飲食(西班牙語)
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健康生活 蕭吉娜醫生談純素生食的利益
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健康生活 派屈克.雷諾:《與孩子談遠離菸品》(三集之一)
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健康生活 營養學家安妮瑪麗羅伊談健康活力之道(二集之一)(法語)
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健康生活 食物成良藥:希氏健康中心的布萊恩.克雷孟特博士(二集之一)
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健康生活 奧米茄三脂肪酸和魚:專訪大衛.杰金斯博士
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