美好人,美好事 「異中求同」組織:為人們帶來和平(二集之一)   
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第2 集 Play with windows media ( 44 MB )

There is hope in the air That is the strength of us all There is a song awakening From the time of our grandparents When the people are calling for peace Give the peace the people want Move your body, move your body Dance very well this way People are calling for peace In Angola…
People are calling for peace People are calling for peace.

Susan Marks(f): The longing that we all have in us as human beings for a peaceful existence, to live in harmony with each other and with our world, this starts with each one of us.

When we take on in our lives that peace begins with me, that I am peace, then we begin to bring into our immediate life that peace.

HOST: Hallo, friendly viewers, and welcome to Good People, Good Works on Supreme Master Television. Today’s show features a leading international peace-building organization Search for Common Ground, which has headquarters in Brussels, Belgium and Washington, DC, USA.

Founded in 1982 by former US diplomat John Marks, the non-profit organization initially focused on improving relations between the US and the former Soviet Union.

Today Common Ground works to create constructive change for peace in 17 countries across the globe in Africa, the Middle East,South and Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe and North America.

Common Ground has 18 offices and 350 staff members worldwide. The organization has initiatives in Angola, Belgium, Burundi, Côte d'Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Guinea, Indonesia, and Iran, to name just a few of the nations where it has implemented peace programs.

美好人,美好事 提昇巴勒斯坦:愛德華薩義德國家音樂學院(阿拉伯語)
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美好人,美好事 慈善機構「睡衣計劃」:帶給貧困孩童甜美的夢
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美好人,美好事 紙變珍珠:改造烏干達婦女的生活
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美好人,美好事 蓮花兒童之家:迪迪.阿南達.卡莉卡愛心照顧蒙古孩童(蒙古語)
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美好人,美好事 「巴勒斯坦遊樂園」:把愛付諸行動(阿拉伯語)
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美好人,美好事 「錫克慈善」組織:散播愛與仁慈(旁遮普語)
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美好人,美好事 服務大眾:喀麥隆的「國際助人」組織(巴薩語)
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美好人,美好事 提供「維他命G」:格里‧韋斯‧科布里女士及好新聞網站
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GOOD PEOPLE, GOOD WORKS 美好人,美好事安大略素食糧食銀行:展望一個無飢餓的世界
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