VEGETARIAN ELITE :Taekwondo Champions of Iran, Messengers of Peace and Compassion (In Persian)   
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Taekwondo master Omid Abolghasem trains young Taekwondo practitioners at his Taekwondo Training Club
in Tehran, Iran. Having been in the profession for 25 years, Omid Abolghasem is well-established in terms of rank, and his training club enjoys good reputation.  

Omid(m): In 1992, I received the first dan from International Federation of Taekwando. In 1995, the second dan. In 2001, the third one. Now, I am ready for fourth and fifth dan. I have about 200 students
in Iran. Most of them are champions.

While teaching them Taekwondo, I am trying to teach them that they can have more strength with a vegetarian diet. We’ve experienced this and have achieved many medals, especially in the young age categories.

Omid Abolghasem and his students, like many vegetarian athletes around the world, have proven that
vegetarians tend to have more strength, faster speed, and acute alertness.

Omid(m): My way of teaching is like this: First, I try to tell my students to avoid meat on days of training.
After awhile, they have better breathing, also better health, strength,and reaction time as well.

And gradually, I can bring them into this lifestyle. I try to tell them to eat vegetables, wholesome salads,
sprouts, nuts and beans on the training days.

It is proven that with this kind of nutrition, we can build better muscles. We can also use this
nutrition in other sports such as basketball, soccer, volleyball.

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素食菁英 世界舉重冠軍威利.奧斯汀:以健身改造生活
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素食菁英 邁入純素時尚天地:專訪設計師暨生態企業家董南茜
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素食菁英 「素食資源」公司創辦人尼爾森與紀錄片《加工人》(二集之一)
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素食菁英 萊恩布瑪絲:瑜伽大師暨全球健身大使(二集之一)
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素食菁英 喬安‧羅斯:閃亮的新星與素食先鋒
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素食菁英 善待動物組織的共同創辦人暨理事長:英格麗‧紐寇克:締造改變(二集之一)
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素食菁英 素食菁英:作家兼歷史學家雷恩‧貝瑞:探索素食主義的根源 (二集之一)
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素食菁英 老子:與天道和諧一致(中文)
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Lectures from International Gatherings in 2008 and 2009
Aphorisms scrolls
Peace & Freedom Scrolls
Supreme Master Ching Hai's Aphorisms