素食菁英 世界舉重冠軍威利.奧斯汀:以健身改造生活   
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Greetings, charming viewers!
Today on Vegetarian Elite, we have the privilege of having a remarkable individual with us, Willie Austin. Mr. Austin is a former world class athlete, an internationally recognized strength trainer, and a person who wholeheartedly devotes his time, efforts, and love to the betterment of the community.

In this program, the 1990 World Drug-Free Power lifting Champion and co-founder of the Austin Foundation shares with us his experience as a vegan athlete and his pledge to help others live a healthy lifestyle.

It was at the University of Washington, in one of the top college football programs in the nation at the time, that Willie Austin started his athletic career as the Husky football team cornerback.

He was determined to succeed in both roles of student and athlete, a diligence he still carries forth with everything he does.

素食菁英 邁入純素時尚天地:專訪設計師暨生態企業家董南茜
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素食菁英 「素食資源」公司創辦人尼爾森與紀錄片《加工人》(二集之一)
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素食菁英 保羅.西摩爾:以歌唱與吉他彈奏拯救世界
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素食菁英 萊恩布瑪絲:瑜伽大師暨全球健身大使(二集之一)
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素食菁英 喬安‧羅斯:閃亮的新星與素食先鋒
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素食菁英 善待動物組織的共同創辦人暨理事長:英格麗‧紐寇克:締造改變(二集之一)
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素食菁英 素食菁英:作家兼歷史學家雷恩‧貝瑞:探索素食主義的根源 (二集之一)
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素食菁英 老子:與天道和諧一致(中文)
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素食菁英 黛瑞漢娜:持純素、致力環保的女演員
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Lectures from International Gatherings in 2008 and 2009
Aphorisms scrolls
Peace & Freedom Scrolls
Supreme Master Ching Hai's Aphorisms