
Today, let’s meet Chloe Dauwalder from Washington, USA, who not only returned a large sum of money to its grateful owner, but on the very same day, helped save the life of another.

Nineteen-year-old Chloe Dauwalder is a university student who wishes through her career to help others such as in the humanitarian field. Her dream job is to work for the United Nations.

Chloe Dauwalder(f): 
I did this thing with Invisible Children,called The Global Night Commute, and it was to bring awareness to this situation of young children in Sudan, and Uganda. They have to walk miles
where to get to a safe place to sleep so they’re not taken by the rebel group.  So I just wanted to get involved in writing letters to the senators,asking them to stand up and get help in Uganda. We are still working on it. 

Chloe is a full-time student paying her own way through college. When she is not in classes, she works as an employee of the Mercer Island Thrift Shop

Chloe Dauwalder(f): 
I work there 20 hoursa week, so 3 days. That’s a really good job. I love it. It’s a non-profit for Mercer Island Youth and Family Services, and it’s just really fun.

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