停止虐待動物 充滿血腥、暴力而且喪盡天良的動物實驗   
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The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals.

HOST: Enlightened viewers, this is the Stop Animal Cruelty series on Supreme Master Television. Animal experimentation is blood-filled, violent and unconscionable. Every year, governments, universities, multinational pharmaceutical companies, and other institutions spend billions of dollars to conduct a variety of heinous experiments on helpless and innocent animals.

One US-based animal advocacy organization, In Defense of Animals (IDA), works tirelessly to inform the public about the viciousness and senselessness of this practice. This week we are showing excerpts from an episode from the IDA-produced television series 『Undercover TV』 entitled 『Animals in Experimentation.』   Undercover TV is hosted by Mr. Kenneth G. Williams, a vegan professional body builder from the United States and a spokesperson for In Defense of Animals’s veganism campaign.

This superb athlete made sports history in 2004, when he won third place at the prestigious Natural Olympia bodybuilding competition in Las Vegas, USA and became the first vegan bodybuilding champion in the United States.

For more details on In Defense of Animals,
please visit www.IDAUSA.org
The Undercover TV DVD is available at the same website

停止虐待動物 《地球上的生靈》:專訪奧斯卡入圍男演員喬昆‧費尼克斯(六集之一)
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停止虐待動物 「國際動物保護者協會」紀錄片:《拯救靈長類動物》
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